Catalog A-Z Index
- About Marshall University
- About Marshall University
- Academic Information
- Academic Information and Resources
- Academic Requirements and Regulations
- Accessibility Awareness, Graduate Certificate
- Accountancy (ACC)
- Accountancy (ACC)
- Accountancy, M.S.
- Accounting, Area of Emphasis in D.B.A.
- Accounting, B.B.A.
- Accounting, Minor
- Addiction Studies, Minor
- Admissions
- Admissions
- Adult and Continuing Education (ACE)
- Adult and Continuing Education, M.S.
- Adult & Continuing Education (ACE)
- Adult Education and Evaluation
- Advanced Standing Behavioral Health Administration, Emphasis
- Advertising, Minor
- Advertising/Public Relations, Major
- Aerospace Engineering, Emphasis
- African and African American Studies, Minor
- Aging in Appalachia, Graduate Certificate
- Anatomy & Cell Biology (ACB)
- Anesthesia (ANS)
- Anthropology (ANT)
- Anthropology (ANT)
- Anthropology, B.A.
- Anthropology, Emphasis (Regents Bachelor of Arts)
- Anthropology, Minor
- Anthropology, Minor
- Appalachian Studies, Graduate Certificate
- Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA)
- Applied Behavior Analysis, M.A.
- Applied Music Performance
- Art (ART)
- Art (ART)
- Art, B.A.
- Art, B.F.A.
- Art Education PreK-Adult, B.A.
- Art History, Minor
- Arts and Media (AM)
- Arts & Society-Humanities (A&S)
- Asian Studies, Minor
- Athletic Training (3+2)
- Athletic Training (Professional), M.S.
- Aviation Maintenance Technology, A.A.S.
- Aviation Maintenance Technology (AMT)
- Aviation Management, B.B.A.
- Aviation Sciences (AVSC)
- Behavioral Health Practice, Emphasis
- Behavioral Statistics, Graduate Certificate
- Biochemistry (BIC)
- Biochemistry, B.S.
- Biological Science (BSC)
- Biological Science Education 9-Adult, B.A.
- Biological Sciences, B.S.
- Biological Sciences (BSC)
- Biological Sciences B.S. to Pharm.D., Accelerated Graduate Degree
- Biological Sciences, M.A.
- Biological Sciences M.A., Accelerated Graduate Degree
- Biological Sciences M.A., Accelerated Graduate Degree
- Biological Sciences, Minor
- Biological Sciences, M.S.
- Biological Sciences M.S., Accelerated Graduate Degree
- Biological Sciences M.S., Accelerated Graduate Degree
- Biomechanics, B.S.
- Biomechanics, M.S.
- Biomedical Engineering (BME)
- Biomedical Engineering, B.S. (B.S.B.M.E.)
- Biomedical Research (BMR)
- Biomedical Research, M.D./Ph.D.
- Biomedical Research, M.S.
- Biomedical Research, Ph.D.
- Biomedical Science (BMS)
- B.S. in Pharmaceutical Sciences
- Business Administration, D.B.A.
- Business Administration, M.B.A.
- Business Analysis and Reporting, Emphasis
- Business Communication, Minor
- Business-LCOB (BUSN)
- Cardiometabolic Rehabilitation, Area of Emphasis
- Cardiovascular Disease
- Cardiovascular Services (CVS)
- Career and Technical Center Teaching
- Catalog Archives
- Catalog A-Z Index
- Catalog Contents
- Cell Biology
- Chemical Sciences, B.S.
- Chemical Sciences B.S. to Pharm.D., Accelerated Graduate Degree
- Chemistry, B.S. ACS Certified
- Chemistry (CHM)
- Chemistry (CHM)
- Chemistry Education 9-Adult, B.A.
- Chemistry, Minor
- Chemistry, M.S.
- Civil and Environmental Engineering, Accelerated Graduate Degree
- Civil and Environmental Engineering, Accelerated Graduate Degree
- Civil and Environmental Engineering, M.S.E.
- Civil Engineering, B.S.C.E.
- Civil Engineering (CE)
- Civil Engineering (CE)
- Classics (CL)
- Classics (CL)
- Classics, Minor
- Clinical and Translational Science, M.S.
- Clinical Informatics
- Clinical Laboratory Sciences
- Clinical Lab Sciences (CLS)
- Clinical Mental Health Counseling
- Clinical Psychology
- Clinical Research
- Clinical Translational Science (CTS)
- Clinical Trials
- College of Arts and Media
- College of Arts and Media
- College of Education and Professional Development
- College of Education and Professional Development
- College of Engineering and Computer Sciences
- College of Engineering and Computer Sciences
- College of Health Professions
- College of Health Professions
- College of Liberal Arts
- College of Liberal Arts
- College of Science
- College of Science
- College Programs
- Combined College and Professional Degrees
- Commercial Music, B.A.
- Communication Disorders
- Communication Disorders, B.S.
- Communication Disorders (CD)
- Communication Disorders (CD)
- Communication Disorders, Early Assurance
- Communication Disorders, Minor
- Communication Disorders, M.S.
- Communication Studies, B.A.
- Communication Studies (CMM)
- Communication Studies (CMM)
- Communication Studies, Emphasis (Regents Bachelor of Arts)
- Communication Studies, M.A.
- Communication Studies, Minor
- Composition Emphasis
- Computer and Information Security, B.S.
- Computer and Information Security, Minor
- Computer and Information Technology, B.S.
- Computer Information Tech (CIT)
- Computer & Info Security (CYBR)
- Computer & Info Security (CYBR)
- Computer Science, Accelerated Graduate Degree
- Computer Science, Accelerated Graduate Degree
- Computer Science, B.S.
- Computer Science (CS)
- Computer Science (CS)
- Computer Science, Minor
- Computer Science, M.S.
- Constitutional Democracy, Minor
- Contact Directory
- Contact Directory
- Core Curriculum (General Education)
- Counseling, Accelerated Graduate Degree
- Counseling (COUN)
- Counseling (COUN)
- Counseling, M.A.
- Courses A-Z
- Courses A-Z
- Creative Writing, B.A.
- Creative Writing in English, Emphasis (Regents Bachelor of Arts)
- Creative Writing, Minor
- Crime Scene Investigation, Emphasis
- Criminal Justice, Accelerated Graduate Degree
- Criminal Justice, Accelerated Graduate Degree
- Criminal Justice, B.A.
- Criminal Justice (CJ)
- Criminal Justice (CJ)
- Criminal Justice, Emphasis (Regents Bachelor of Arts)
- Criminal Justice, Minor
- Criminal Justice, Minor
- Criminal Justice, M.S.
- Cultural Studies-Humanities (CULS)
- Curriculum and Instruction, Ed.D.
- Curriculum and Instruction, Ed.S.
- Curriculum & Instruction (CI)
- Curr & Inst (CI)
- Curr & Inst - Deaf And Hard Of Hearing (CIDH)
- Curr & Inst - Educa Computing (CIEC)
- Curr & Inst - Literacy Educa (CIRG)
- Curr & Inst - Math Educa (CIME)
- Curr & Inst Science Educa (CISE)
- Curr & Inst Second Lang (CISL)
- Curr Inst Special Ed (CISP)
- Curr Inst Special Ed (CISP)
- Curr & Inst - Visually Impaired (CIVI)
- Cyber Forensics and Security, B.S.
- Cyber Forensics and Security (CFS)
- Cyber Forensics and Security (CFS)
- Cyber Forensics and Security, Minor
- Cyber Forensics, Emphasis (Regents Bachelor of Arts)
- Cybersecurity, Accelerated Graduate Degree
- Cybersecurity, Accelerated Graduate Degree
- Cybersecurity and Policy, Emphasis
- Cybersecurity, M.S.
- Dance (DAN)
- Dance, Minor
- Data Analytics in Health Care, Graduate Certificate
- Data Science, Accelerated Graduate Degree
- Data Science, Accelerated Graduate Degree
- Data Science, M.S.
- Deaf and Hard of Hearing
- Degree Programs by College
- Department of Accountancy and Legal Environment
- Department of Biological Sciences
- Department of Biomedical Engineering
- Department of Chemistry
- Department of Civil Engineering
- Department of Communication Studies
- Department of Computer Sciences and Electrical Engineering
- Department of Criminal Justice, Criminology and Forensic Sciences
- Department of English
- Department of Finance, Economics and International Business
- Department of Geography
- Department of Geology
- Department of History
- Department of Management and Health Care Administration
- Department of Marketing, Management Information Systems (MIS) and Entrepreneurship
- Department of Mathematics and Physics
- Department of Mathematics and Physics
- Department of Military Science
- Department of Modern Languages
- Department of Natural Resources and Earth Sciences
- Department of Political Science
- Department of Psychology
- Department of Sociology and Anthropology
- Dermatology (DERM)
- Dietetics
- Dietetics, B.S.
- Dietetics (DTS)
- Dietetics (DTS)
- Dietetics, M.S.
- Digital Forensics, Emphasis
- Digital Forensics, Graduate Certificate
- Digital Humanities (DH)
- Digital Humanities, Minor
- Division of Aviation
- DNA Analysis, Emphasis
- Doctor-Business Administration (DBA)
- Early Childhood Education (ECE)
- Early Childhood Education (ECE)
- Early Childhood Education, Emphasis in M.A.
- Early Childhood Education, Graduate Certificate
- Economics, B.B.A.
- Economics (ECN)
- Economics (ECN)
- Economics, Minor
- Educational Foundations (EDF)
- Educational Foundations (EDF)
- Educational Leadership, Emphasis
- Educational Leadership, Post Masters Certificate
- Education, M.A.
- Electrical and Computer Engineering, Accelerated Graduate Degree
- Electrical and Computer Engineering, B.S.E.E.
- Electrical and Computer Engineering M.S.E.E.
- Electrical Engineering (EE)
- Electrical Engineering (EE)
- Elementary Education, B.A.
- Elementary Mathematics Specialist, Emphasis in M.A.
- Elementary Mathematics Specialist, Graduate Certificate
- Emergency Medical Services (EMS)
- Engineering, B.S.E.
- Engineering Management, B.S.C.E. Accelerated Graduate Degree
- Engineering Management, B.S.C.E. Accelerated Graduate Degree
- Engineering Management, B.S.E.E. Accelerated Graduate Degree
- Engineering Management (EM)
- Engineering Management, M.S.E.
- Engineering, Ph.D.
- Engineering & Science (ENGR)
- Engineering & Science (ENGR)
- Engineering Science, Minor
- Engineering Transfer Program
- English Education 5-9, B.A. (Second Specialization only)
- English Education 5-Adult, B.A.
- English Education 5-Adult Teaching Specialization
- English (ENG)
- English (ENG)
- English (Generalist), B.A.
- English, M.A.
- English, Minor
- Entrepreneurship, B.B.A.
- Entrepreneurship (ENT)
- Entrepreneurship (ENT)
- Entrepreneurship, Minor
- Environmental Chemistry, B.S.
- Environmental Engineering (ENVE)
- Environmental Safety and Health, Accelerated Graduate Degree
- Environmental, Safety and Health, M.S.
- Environmental Science, B.S.
- Environmental Science (ES)
- Environmental Science (ES)
- Environmental Science, Minor
- Environmental Science, Minor
- Esports Business, Minor
- European History, Minor
- Exercise Physiology and Human Performance, Area of Emphasis
- Exercise Science and Sport (ESS)
- Exercise Science and Sport (ESS)
- Exercise Science, B.S.
- Exercise Science, Minor
- Exercise Science, M.S.
- Faculty
- Faculty
- Family Community Health (FCH)
- Family Nurse Practitioner
- Family Nurse Practitioner Program, Post Master’s Certificate
- Filmmaking, B.F.A.
- Film Studies, Minor
- Finance, B.B.A.
- Finance (FIN)
- Finance (FIN)
- Finance, Minor
- Financial Information: Fees, Assistance, and Scholarships
- Financial Information: Tuition, Fees, and Financial Assistance
- First-Year Seminar (FYS)
- Forensic Chemistry, B.S.
- Forensic Chemistry, Emphasis
- Forensic Science (FSC)
- Forensic Science (FSC)
- Forensic Science, M.S.
- French, B.A.
- French (FRN)
- French (FRN)
- French, Minor
- Game Development, Emphasis (Regents Bachelor of Arts)
- General Business, B.A.
- General Business, Minor
- General Engineering (EG)
- General Humanities, Minor
- General Science Education 5-9, B.A. (Second Specialization only)
- General Science Education 5-Adult, B.A.
- Geobiophysical Science, Minor
- Geography, B.A.
- Geography, B.S.
- Geography, Emphasis (Regents Bachelor of Arts)
- Geography (GEO)
- Geography (GEO)
- Geography - GIScience, Emphasis (Regents Bachelor of Arts)
- Geography - Human, Emphasis (Regents Bachelor of Arts)
- Geography, M.A.
- Geography M.A., Accelerated Graduate Degree
- Geography M.A., Accelerated Graduate Degree
- Geography, Minor
- Geography, Minor
- Geography, M.S.
- Geography M.S., Accelerated Graduate Degree
- Geography M.S., Accelerated Graduate Degree
- Geography - Physical, Emphasis (Regents Bachelor of Arts)
- Geology, B.S.
- Geology (GLY)
- Geology (GLY)
- Geology, Minor
- Geospatial Information Science, Certificate
- Geospatial Information Science, Graduate Certificate
- Geospatial Information Science, Minor
- German (GER)
- German, Minor
- Gerontology Social Work, Graduate Certificate
- Government Relations, Emphasis
- Graduate
- Graduate A-Z Index
- Graduate Programs A-Z
- Graduate Student Resources
- Graduate Studies
- Graduate Studies
- Greek (GRK)
- Greek, Minor
- Health and Wellness, Minor
- Health Care Administration (HCA)
- Health Care Administration, M.S.
- Health Care Management, Area of Emphasis in D.B.A.
- Health Care Management, B.B.A.
- Health Care Management, Minor
- Health Education (HE)
- Health Education (HE)
- Health Informatics (HIN)
- Health Informatics, M.S.
- Health Professions (HP)
- Health Professions (HP)
- Health Science (HS)
- Health Science (HS)
- Health Sciences
- Health Sciences, B.S.
- Health Sciences B.S. to Pharm.D., Accelerated Graduate Degree
- Health Sciences to M.P.H. Public Health, Accelerated Graduate Degree
- Historical Studies-Humanities (HIST)
- History, B.A.
- History (HST)
- History (HST)
- History, M.A.
- History, Minor
- History, Minor
- Honors College
- Honors (HON)
- Hospitality and Tourism Marketing, Minor
- html
- Human Geography, Graduate Certificate
- Humanities
- Humanities, B.A.
- Humanities (HUMN)
- Humanities, M.A.
- Human Resource Management (HRM)
- Human Resource Management, Minor
- Human Resource Management, M.S.
- Individualized Plan of Study, Emphasis in M.A.
- Industrial Engineering (IE)
- Information Assurance, Certificate
- Information Assurance, Emphasis (Regents Bachelor of Arts)
- Information Systems, Accelerated Graduate Degree
- Information Systems and Controls, Emphasis
- Information Systems, M.S.
- Instructional Processes and Strategies, Emphasis in M.A.
- Instructional Technology and Learning, Emphasis in M.A.
- Instructional Technology and Learning, Graduate Certificate
- Instructional Technology and Library Science, Emphasis (Regents Bachelor of Arts)
- Instruct Tech-Library Science (ITL)
- Instruct Tech-Library Science (ITL)
- Integrated Studies, B.A.S.
- Interdisciplinary
- Interdisciplinary Medicine (IDM)
- Interdisciplinary Programs
- International Affairs
- International Affairs, B.A.
- International Affairs (INT)
- International Affairs, Minor
- International Business, B.B.A.
- International Business, Minor
- Lab Management, Graduate Certificate
- Latin American Studies, Minor
- Latin, Graduate Certificate
- Latin (LAT)
- Latin (LAT)
- Latin, Minor
- Leadership Specialist, Emphasis
- Leadership Studies, Ed.D.
- Leadership Studies (LS)
- Leadership Studies, M.A.
- Learning Opportunities and Resources
- Legal Environment (LE)
- Legal Environment (LE)
- Legal Environment, Minor
- Lewis College of Business
- Lewis College of Business
- Literacy Education, Graduate Certificate
- Literacy Education, M.A.
- Literary Studies, B.A.
- Literary Studies-Humanities (LITS)
- Literature in English, Emphasis (Regents Bachelor of Arts)
- Management and Entrepreneurship, Area of Emphasis in D.B.A.
- Management, B.B.A.
- Management Information Systems, B.B.A.
- Management Information Systems, Minor
- Management Information Systems (MIS)
- Management Information Systems (MIS)
- Management Information Systems to M.S. Information Systems, Accelerated Graduate Degree
- Management (MGT)
- Management (MGT)
- Management, Minor
- Marketing, B.B.A.
- Marketing, Minor
- Marketing (MKT)
- Marketing (MKT)
- Mathematics, B.S.
- Mathematics Education 5-9, B.A. (Second Specialization only)
- Mathematics Education 5-Adult, B.A.
- Mathematics, M.A.
- Mathematics, Minor
- Mathematics, Minor
- Mathematics (MTH)
- Mathematics (MTH)
- Mathematics, Teacher Certification
- Mathematics through Algebra I, Emphasis in M.A.
- Mathematics through Algebra I, Graduate Certificate
- Mechanical Engineering, Accelerated Master's Degree
- Mechanical Engineering, B.S.M.E.
- Mechanical Engineering (ME)
- Mechanical Engineering (ME)
- Mechanical Engineering, M.S.M.E.
- Media Production, Major
- Media Studies, Minor
- Medical Curriculum (MDC)
- Medical Imaging
- Medical Imaging (MI)
- Medical Imaging Radiography, B.S.
- Medical Laboratory Science, B.S.
- Medical Laboratory Technician, A.A.S.
- Medicine (MED)
- Meteorology, Certificate
- Meteorology, Graduate Certificate
- Meteorology, Minor
- Mgt Prac Nurse Anesthesia (MPNA)
- Microbiology (MCB)
- Military Science and Leadership, Minor
- Military Science, Emphasis (Regents Bachelor of Arts)
- Military Science (MS)
- Mine Safety Emphasis
- Mine Safety (MSF)
- Mine Safety (MSF)
- Modern Languages (MDL)
- Multi-Categorical Special Ed
- Musical Theatre, B.F.A.
- Music, B.A.
- Music, B.F.A.
- Music Education
- Music Education PreK-Adult, B.A.
- Music Entrepreneurship, Minor
- Music History and Literature
- Music, M.A.
- Music, Minor
- Music (MUS)
- Music (MUS)
- Nat Resources & Environment (NRE)
- Nat Resources & Environment (NRE)
- Natural Resources and Recreation Management, B.S.
- Natural Resources and Recreation Management, Minor
- Natural Resources and the Environment, M.S.
- Natural Res Rec Mgt (NRRM)
- Natural Res Rec Mgt (NRRM)
- Neurobiology and Addiction
- Neurology (NEU)
- Nonprofit Leadership, Emphasis
- Nonprofit Management, Graduate Certificate
- Nurse Anesthesia Practice, D.N.A.P.
- Nurse Midwifery
- Nursing Administration
- Nursing Administration Program, Post Master’s Certificate
- Nursing - Associate Degree
- Nursing, B.A./B.S. to B.S.N.
- Nursing - Bachelor's Degrees
- Nursing Education
- Nursing Education Program, Post Master’s Certificate
- Nursing, M.S.N.
- Nursing (NUR)
- Nursing (NUR)
- Nursing Practice, D.N.P.
- Nursing, Pre-Licensure, B.S.N.
- Nursing, RN to B.S.N. Online Program
- Pathology (PTH)
- Pediatrics (PED)
- Pharmaceutical Sciences, B.S.
- Pharmaceutical Sciences, B.S. to Pharm.D. (3+4 Accelerated Program)
- Pharmaceutical Sciences, B.S. to Pharm.D. (3+4 accelerated program)
- Pharmaceutical Sciences, M.A. (Non-Thesis Option)
- Pharmaceutical Sciences, Minor
- Pharmaceutical Sciences, M.S.
- Pharmaceutical Sciences (MSPS)
- Pharmacology (PMC)
- Pharmacy, Dual Degree: Pharm.D. and M.B.A.
- Pharmacy (PHAR)
- Pharmacy, Pharm.D.
- Philosophy, Minor
- Philosophy, Minor
- Philosophy (PHL)
- Philosophy (PHL)
- Phys Ed Lifetime Activities (PEL)
- Physical and Applied Sciences, Geology Emphasis
- Physical and Applied Sciences, M.S.
- Physical Science (PS)
- Physical Science (PS)
- Physical Therapy, D.P.T.
- Physical Therapy, Dual Degree: D.P.T. and M.B.A.
- Physical Therapy (PT)
- Physician Assistant
- Physician Assistant, M.M.S.
- Physics, Accelerated Graduate Degree
- Physics, Accelerated Graduate Degree
- Physics, B.S.
- Physics Education 9-Adult Comprehensive, B.A.
- Physics for Teachers, Emphasis
- Physics, Minor
- Physics, M.S.
- Physics (PHY)
- Physics (PHY)
- Physiology (PHS)
- Planning and Economic Development, Emphasis
- Political Psychology, Minor
- Political Science, B.A.
- Political Science, B.S.
- Political Science, Emphasis (Regents Bachelor of Arts)
- Political Science, Minor
- Political Science (PSC)
- Political Science (PSC)
- Pop Culture Studies, Minor
- Post-Baccalaureate Teacher Certificate
- Pre-Computer Science
- Pre-Engineering
- Pre-Health, Major
- Pre-Professional Health Care Studies, Interdisciplinary Minor
- Preschool Development, Emphasis (Regents Bachelor of Arts)
- Preschool Special Education
- Professional Pilot
- Professional Writing, B.A.
- Professional Writing, Minor
- Psychiatric Mental Health Nurse Practitioner
- Psychiatry (PSI)
- Psychology, Accelerated Graduate Degree
- Psychology, Accelerated Graduate Degree
- Psychology, B.A.
- Psychology, B.S.
- Psychology (Clinical), Post-Master’s Certificate
- Psychology (Clinical), Psy.D.
- Psychology, Emphasis (Regents Bachelor of Arts)
- Psychology, M.A.
- Psychology, Minor
- Psychology, Minor
- Psychology (PSY)
- Psychology (PSY)
- Psychology to M.A. Counseling, Accelerated Graduate Degree
- Public Administration, Accelerated Graduate Degree
- Public Administration, Accelerated Graduate Degree
- Public Administration and Policy, B.A.
- Public Administration, M.P.A.
- Public Administration (PADM)
- Public Health, Accelerated Graduate Degree
- Public Health, M.P.H.
- Public Health (PH)
- Public Health (PH)
- Public History, Graduate Certificate
- Public Relations, Minor
- Safety, Minor
- Safety, M.S.
- Safety Technology (SFT)
- Safety Technology (SFT)
- School Counseling, Emphasis
- School Library Media Specialist, Emphasis in M.A.
- School Library Media Specialist, Graduate Certificate
- School of Art and Design
- School of Journalism and Mass Communications
- School of Medicine
- School of Music
- School of Pharmacy
- School of Pharmacy
- School of Theatre & Dance
- School Psychology
- School Psychology, Ed.S.
- School Psychology (SPSY)
- School Social Work, Graduate Certificate
- School Superintendent, Licensure
- Search Courses
- Secondary Education, B.A.
- Sexuality Studies, Minor
- Social Service and Attendance, Certificate/Licensure
- Social Studies Education 5-9, B.A. (Second Specialization only)
- Social Studies Education 5-Adult, B.A.
- Social Studies (SOS)
- Social Studies (SOS)
- Social Work
- Social Work, Accelerated Graduate Degree
- Social Work, Accelerated Graduate Degree
- Social Work, B.S.W.
- Social Work, Minor
- Social Work, M.S.W.
- Social Work (SWK)
- Social Work (SWK)
- Sociology, Accelerated Graduate Degree
- Sociology, Accelerated Graduate Degree
- Sociology, B.A.
- Sociology, Emphasis (Regents Bachelor of Arts)
- Sociology, M.A.
- Sociology, Minor
- Sociology, Minor
- Sociology (SOC)
- Sociology (SOC)
- Spanish, B.A.
- Spanish, Minor
- Spanish (SPN)
- Spanish Studies, Minor
- Special Education, M.A.
- Special Education Multi-Categorical 5-Adult, B.A. (Second Specialization only)
- Special Education Multi-Categorical K-6, B.A. (Second Specialization only)
- Specialty Agriculture, B.S.
- Speech Language Pathology Assistant, Certificate Program
- Sport Administration, Accelerated Graduate Degree
- Sport Administration, M.S.
- Sports Business, B.B.A.
- Sports Business, Minor
- Sports Business to M.S. Sports Administration, Accelerated Graduate Degree
- Sports Science Area of Emphasis
- Sport Tourism Hospitality Mgt (STHM)
- Sport Tourism Hospitality Mgt (STHM)
- Statistics, B.S.
- Statistics, Emphasis
- Statistics, Minor
- Statistics (STA)
- Statistics (STA)
- Student Financial Assistance
- Student Financial Assistance
- Studies Abroad (SA)
- Studio Art, Emphasis (Regents Bachelor of Arts)
- Studio Art, Minor
- Supervisor of Instruction, Licensure
- Supply Chain Management, Minor
- Surgery (SUR)
- Sustainability, Interdisciplinary Minor
- Sustainability Management and Technology, B.B.A.
- Sustainability Management and Technology, Minor
- Tax Compliance and Planning, Emphasis
- Teaching English as a Second Language - Licensure, Emphasis in M.A.
- Teaching English as a Second Language (Licensure), Graduate Certificate
- Teaching English as a Second Language, Non-Licensure, Emphasis in M.A.
- Teaching English as a Second Language (Non-Licensure), Graduate Certificate
- Teaching, M.A.T.
- Teaching, M.A.T.
- Technology and Engineering (TE)
- Technology Management, Graduate Certificate
- Technology Management (TM)
- Theatre, B.A.
- Theatre, B.F.A.
- Theatre, Minor
- Theatre (THE)
- Theatre (THE)
- Toxicology and Environmental Health Sciences