Respiratory Care
Introduces the student to basic pharmacology of medicines used in respiratory care and physiological implications on the human body.
Pre-req: BSC 227 (may be taken concurrently) with a minimum grade of C and BSC 228 with a minimum grade of C and BSC 250 with a minimum grade of C and RSP 101 with a minimum grade of C and RSP 102 with a minimum grade of C and RSP 102L with a minimum grade of C.
Administration of medical gases, humidity and aerosol therapy with emphasis on the handling of medical gases and safety in administration. Techniques of therapeutic procedures used in respiratory care are included.
Pre-req: BSC 227 with a minimum grade of C and BSC 228 with a minimum grade of C.
Administration of medical gases, humidity and aerosol therapy with emphasis on the handling of medical gases and safety in administration. Techniques of therapeutic procedures used in respiratory care are included.
Pre-req: BSC 227 with a minimum grade of C and BSC 228 with a minimum grade of C.
Designed for the board certified and state licensed CRT to enter into advanced respiratory practice. Emphasis is on concepts and principles for professional practice as an RRT.
Emphasis is placed on the etiology, signs and symptoms, pathology, clinical manifestations, sequellae, and treatment. The respiratory therapist's role in the recognition and treatment of pulmonary diseases is highlighted.
Pre-req: BSC 227 with a minimum grade of C and BSC 228 with a minimum grade of C and BSC 250 with a minimum grade of C and RSP 101 with a minimum grade of C and RSP 102 with a minimum grade of C and RSP 102L with a minimum grade of C.
An introduction to the fundamentals of mechanical ventilation techniques and terminology. Monitoring and the ability to solve clinical problems relating to mechanical ventilation are emphasized. Lab included.
Pre-req: BSC 227 with a minimum grade of C and BSC 228 with a minimum grade of C and BSC 250 with a minimum grade of C and RSP 101 with a minimum grade of C and RSP 102 with a minimum grade of C and RSP 102L with a minimum grade of C.
Emphasis is on information gathering from the patient record, physical evaluation of the patient and basic respiratory interventions.
Pre-req: BSC 227 with a minimum grade of C and BSC 228 with a minimum grade of C and BSC 250 with a minimum grade of C and RSP 101 with a minimum grade of C and RSP 102 with a minimum grade of C and RSP 102L with a minimum grade of C.
Emphasis on the care of the patient with long term pulmonary disability requiring home care. Psychosocial and physical needs are addressed with emphasis of quality of life and cardiopulmonary reserve.
Pre-req: RSP 203 with a minimum grade of C.
Emphasis on advanced techniques of pulmonary function testing. Topics include lung volume determination, diffusion/distribution of ventilation, invasive and non invasive methods of arterial blood gas sampling, analysis, and interpretation.
Pre-req: RSP 203 with a minimum grade of C.
Provide knowledge of neonatal/pediatric patients; fetal cardiopulmonary development and changes at birth, care methods used and evaluation of neonatal and pediatric patients are covered.
Pre-req: RSP 100 with a minimum grade of C and RSP 201 with a minimum grade of C and RSP 202 with a minimum grade of C and RSP 203 with a minimum grade of C.
Designed to provide the student with knowledge of airway management, transtrachael oxygen therapy and aspiration, broncholscopy, thoracentisis, pleural chest tubes, arterial lines, ABG interpretation and analysis, transports, and electrocardiogram interpretation.
Pre-req: RSP 100 with a minimum grade of C and RSP 201 with a minimum grade of C and RSP 202 with a minimum grade of C and RSP 203 with a minimum grade of C.
Introduces the student to NBRC exam taking skills, mock examinations of the NBRC matrix, realistic clinical problems and situations with emphasis on critical thinking and problem solving.
Pre-req: RSP 100 with a minimum grade of C and RSP 201 with a minimum grade of C and RSP 202 with a minimum grade of C and RSP 203 with a minimum grade of C.
Emphasis is on supervised practice of humidity and aerosol therapy, aerosol drug therapy, lung inflation therapy and techniques used in electrocardiography.
Pre-req: RSP 100 with a minimum grade of C and RSP 201 with a minimum grade of C and RSP 202 with a minimum grade of C and RSP 203 with a minimum grade of C.
Emphasis is on supervised practice of arterial blood gas sampling and analysis, arterial line management, chest tube management, ECGs observation of hemodynamic measurement and monitoring, IABP management.
Pre-req: RSP 100 with a minimum grade of C and RSP 201 with a minimum grade of C and RSP 202 with a minimum grade of C and RSP 203 with a minimum grade of C and RSP 209 with a minimum grade of C.
This is a 3 hour couse with emphasis placed on pulmonary function testing/interpretation and care of a patient with long term pulmonary disability requiring home care and rehabilitation.
Pre-req: RSP 100 with a minimum grade of C and RSP 201 with a minimum grade of C and RSP 202 with a minimum grade of C and RSP 203 with a minimum grade of C.
Introduces the student to the basic principles of management in the respiratory care department. Includes theory, scope of management, quality issues, budgeting, personnel issues, evaluation and application of management concept.
Emphasis is on cardiopulmonary assessment and treatment of trauma, post-surgical, cardiac, renal, neonatal and pediatric patients with refinement of monitoring procedures and interpretation of data.
Pre-req: RSP 206 with a minimum grade of C and RSP 207 with a minimum grade of C and RSP 208 with a minimum grade of C and RSP 209 with a minimum grade of C and RSP 211 with a minimum grade of C and RSP 212 with a minimum grade of C.
Designed as an introduction to clinical teaching in a respiratory care program. Emphasis is on instructional and evaluation strategies and development of performance objectives.
Pre-req: RSP 206 with a minimum grade of C and RSP 207 with a minimum grade of C and RSP 208 with a minimum grade of C and RSP 209 with a minimum grade of C and RSP 211 with a minimum grade of C and RSP 212 with a minimum grade of C.
Advanced study of neonatal/pediatric pathophysiology including parenchymal disease, obstructive airway disease, lesions of the lungs and airways, congenital abnormalities, respiratory distress syndrome, apnea disorders, neurological disorders and trauma. (PR: RSP 206)
Pre-req: RSP 303 with a minimum grade of C and RSP 308 with a minimum grade of C.
Introduces the student to cost solutions for respiratory departments. Topics include annual budgets, purchasing decisions, effective staffing, inventory and supply controls and cost-containment methods.
Provides basic principles associated with Total Quality Management (TQM) and Continuous Quality Improvement (CQI) to aid in problem identification and quality problem-solving for respiratory care departments.
This course introduces the student to basic management principles of a respiratory department. Discussion includes, scope of management, quality issues, budgeting, personnel issues, and evaluation and application of management concepts.
Pre-req: RSP 206 with a minimum grade of C and RSP 207 with a minimum grade of C and RSP 208 with a minimum grade of C and RSP 209 with a minimum grade of C and RSP 211 with a minimum grade of C and RSP 212 with a minimum grade of C.
Advanced theory and application of mechanical ventilation. Study of various mechanical ventilators and artificial airways, with major emphasis placed on all aspects of the management of the patient-ventilator system.
Pre-req: RSP 202 with a minimum grade of C.
Designed to teach how a polysomnogram is performed, the major categories of sleep disorders, the presenting symptoms of sleep apnea, narcolepsy, psycholphysiological insomnia and sleep disturbance due to depression.
Pre-req: RSP 303 with a minimum grade of C and RSP 308 with a minimum grade of C.
Designed to examine respiratory care in rual America. This course will address the key issues confronting rural respiratory healthcare today, examine the causes and develop solutions to the issues.
Pre-req: RSP 302 with a minimum grade of C and RSP 303 with a minimum grade of C and RSP 304 with a minimum grade of C and RSP 307 with a minimum grade of C and RSP 308 with a minimum grade of C.
Designed to provide the student knowledge about survey of research problems, methods, and designs utilized in respiratory care, with emphasis on data presentation and analysis.
Pre-req: RSP 302 with a minimum grade of C and RSP 303 with a minimum grade of C and RSP 304 with a minimum grade of C and RSP 307 with a minimum grade of C and RSP 308 with a minimum grade of C and (STA 225 with a minimum grade of C or MGT 218 with a minimum grade of C or PSY 223 with a minimum grade of C or EDF 417 with a minimum grade of C or BSC 417 with a minimum grade of C).
Advanced respiratory techniques and management for clients across the life-span.
Pre-req: RSP 302 with a minimum grade of C and RSP 303 with a minimum grade of C and RSP 304 with a minimum grade of C and RSP 307 with a minimum grade of C and RSP 308 with a minimum grade of C and (STA 225 with a minimum grade of C or MGT 218 with a minimum grade of C or PSY 223 with a minimum grade of C or EDF 417 with a minimum grade of C or BSC 417 with a minimum grade of C).
Advanced respiratory techniques related to physiologic stressors impacting patient care due to atmospheric impact and pressure gradients and unique hazards in these environments to patients and staff.
Designed for the student to provide care in a variety of settings including clinics, schools and other settings utilizing principles of public health and client and family teaching.
The course focuses on gathering appropriate clinical information to make evidence-based decisions in the treatment for respiratory care diseases.
Pre-req: RSP 201 with a minimum grade of C.

Role synthesis practicum incorporating provider of care, coordinator of care, member of profession and leadership roles.
Pre-req: RSP 302 with a minimum grade of C and RSP 303 with a minimum grade of C and RSP 307 with a minimum grade of C and RSP 308 with a minimum grade of C and (STA 225 with a minimum grade of C or MGT 218 with a minimum grade of C or PSY 223 with a minimum grade of C or EDF 417 with a minimum grade of C or BSC 417 with a minimum grade of C).
Study of topics not available in other courses.
Study of topics not available in other courses.
Study of topics not available in other courses.
Study of topics not available in other courses.
Course will consist of directed and independent readings, directed and independent research, problem reports, or tutorials. Will allow students to complete individualized learning in respiratory care.
Course will consist of directed and independent readings, directed and independent research, problem reports, or tutorials. Will allow students to complete individualized learning in respiratory care.
Course will consist of directed and independent readings, directed and independent research, problem reports, or tutorials. Will allow students to complete individualized learning in respiratory care.
Course will consist of directed and independent readings, directed and independent research, problem reports, or tutorials. Will allow students to complete individualized learning in respiratory care.