Physical Therapy (PT)

PT 700 Gross Anatomy for PT5 Credit hours   

Lecture and laboratory focusing on anatomical structure and function of the human body. Cadaveric dissection provides practical experiences allowing students to develop working images of the body and its function.

Grade Mode: Normal Grading Mode
PT 701 Neuroanatomy4 Credit hours   

Normal and abnormal structure and function of central, peripheral and autonomic systems, neurodevelopment, and neural mechanisms mediating motor control and pain with emphasis on clinical relevance to physical therapy.

Grade Mode: Normal Grading Mode
PT 702 Neuro Evaluation1 Credit hour   

Comprehensive screening, exam and evaluation of patients with neurological dysfunction with focus on selection and interpretation of examination components in order to discern underlying pathophysiology reflective of neurological dysfunction.

Grade Mode: Normal Grading Mode
PT 704 Neurorehabilitation4 Credit hours   

Theoretical basis and clinical application of neurophysiological approaches to treatment utilizing motor control, sensorimotor development and integration principles, including discussion and practice of current methods of evaluation and intervention.

Grade Mode: Normal Grading Mode
PT 710 Clinical Skills I3 Credit hours   

Lecture and laboratory introducing students to basic histology of connective, nervous, epithelial and muscle tissue utilized in human movement, palpation, goniometry, and manual muscle testing.

Grade Mode: Normal Grading Mode
PT 711 Kinesiology & Biomechs in PT3 Credit hours   

Biomechanical terminology and principles, muscle actions, joint mechanics, joint segments and whole-body movement pattern analysis, and mastery of human movement observational analysis skills necessary for differential diagnosis of movement dysfunction.

Grade Mode: Normal Grading Mode
PT 712 Motor Control & Develop in PT3 Credit hours   

Reviews maturation of movement systems, lifespan motor skills development, and contemporary theories of motor control and learning to build evidence-based foundations for evaluation and management of movement dysfunction.

Grade Mode: Normal Grading Mode
PT 713 Outcome Measures in PT2 Credit hours   

Assessment of constraints to normal movement, application of standardized tools for assessment of movement dysfunction, examination of statistical data (population specific reliability, validity, sensitivity, specificity, odds ratios) of said tools.

Grade Mode: Normal Grading Mode
PT 714 Movement Integration1 Credit hour   

This course prepares students to integrate knowledge of the movement system with synthesis of pathology and patient specific movement patterns. Identification and treatment of movement impairments will be emphasized.

Grade Mode: Normal Grading Mode
PT 720 Advanced Clinical Physiology3 Credit hours   

Reviews normal human cellular- and organ-level physiology, histology, and function and introduces related topics of pathophysiology including: clinical signs and symptoms, clinical laboratory science, medical management and pharmacological issues.

Grade Mode: Normal Grading Mode
PT 721 Applied Ex Phys3 Credit hours   

Physiological effects of exercise and training in heathy individuals and individuals with pathological dysfunction.

Grade Mode: Normal Grading Mode
PT 731 Clinical Skills II3 Credit hours   

Theory/practice of essential physical therapy skills, including clinical decision making, interview, postural and functional assessment, safe patient handling techniques of positioning, bed mobility, transfers, and use of assistive devices.

Grade Mode: Normal Grading Mode
PT 732 Therapeutic Exercise3 Credit hours   

Lecture and laboratory introducing students to the science, principles, and techniques of therapeutic exercise including range of motion, flexibility, motor control, strength, coordination, and balance for the treatment of patients across the life-span.

Grade Mode: Normal Grading Mode
PT 733 Therapeutic Modalities1 Credit hour   

Physiological effects and the clinical application of therapeutic modalities (biophysical agents) in physical therapy practice.

Pre-req: PT 732 with a minimum grade of C.

Grade Mode: Normal Grading Mode
PT 734 Clinical Skills III1 Credit hour   

Comprehensive patient/client management approach for conditions in acute care involving clinical decision-making, effective communication, safety, patient management, discharge planning, and introduction to equipment, lines and tubes, lab values, and medications.

Grade Mode: Normal Grading Mode
PT 741 Medical Pathology in PT I2 Credit hours   

Pathological conditions, and medical and surgical considerations for treatment of genetic, gastrointestinal renal, endocrine and metabolic, immune, hematologic, and infectious disorders in patients treated by physical therapists.

Grade Mode: Normal Grading Mode
PT 742 Medical Pathology in PT II2 Credit hours   

Pathological conditions, and medical and surgical considerations for treatment of musculoskeletal disorders in patients treated by physical therapists.

Grade Mode: Normal Grading Mode
PT 744 Med Pathology in PT III Neuro3 Credit hours   

This course reviews the functional neuroanatomy and neuropathlogy correlated with select neuropathlogical conditions or injury, focusing on etiology, epidemiology, medical/surgical considerations, neural substrates of cognitive, perceptual, and sensorimotor function in patients treated by physical therapists.

Grade Mode: Normal Grading Mode
PT 745 Imaging in Physical Therapy1 Credit hour   

Students will gain understanding of the use of medical imaging by physical therapists. Plain film and advanced imaging modalities are covered. Clinical decision making is emphasized.

Pre-req: PT 700 with a minimum grade of C and PT 701 with a minimum grade of C.

Grade Mode: Normal Grading Mode
PT 746 Medical Tests and Measurements1 Credit hour   

Basic principles of medical diagnostic tests, such as laboratory tests, medical imaging, sonography and EKG, commonly encountered in physical therapy.

Grade Mode: Normal Grading Mode
PT 747 Pharmacology in PT2 Credit hours   

Examination of the effects of commonly used prescription, over the counter and homeopathic drugs. Focus on method of action, indications, contraindications, side effects and impact on physical therapy patients.

Grade Mode: Normal Grading Mode
PT 748 Pain Science1 Credit hour   

A study of the multidimensional nature of pain using a biopsychosocial approach that includes contemporary pain science theories, concepts and principles, and the holistic assessment and management of pain in physical therapy practice.

Grade Mode: Normal Grading Mode
PT 750 Foundations of Phys Ther2 Credit hours   

Introduces students to medical terminology, historical foundations, and contemporary practice of physical therapy, traditional and emerging roles and responsibilities and professional behaviors of the physical therapist and issues of self-awareness and communications.

Grade Mode: Normal Grading Mode
PT 751 Legal & Ethical Issues in PT2 Credit hours   

Development of cultural competence, analysis and practice of communications skills including documentation, professionalism, group dynamics and leadership to assume roles of practitioner, instructor, supervisor, and leader.

Grade Mode: Normal Grading Mode
PT 752 Professional Practice II2 Credit hours   

Introduction to legislative process, liability, and legal and ethical issues, including considerations of task delegation and supervision of patients/clients, physical therapist assistants, staff, and students.

Grade Mode: Normal Grading Mode
PT 753 Professional Practice II2 Credit hours   

Teaching and learning principles, practitioner and clincial instructor roles, clinical education program, facility, faculty, and student responsibilities, clinical and program evaluative instruments, patient advocacy and preparation for community service opportunities.

Grade Mode: Normal Grading Mode
PT 754 Health Care Delivery Systems1 Credit hour   

Micro and macro principles of healthcare delivery systems, sites, and organizations and pro bono services. Legalities of appropriate documentation for third party payers and federal insurance programs are addressed.

Grade Mode: Normal Grading Mode
PT 755 Service Learning Practicum1 Credit hour   

Allows participation in service learning programs emphasizing advocacy for the health needs of the region, as well as coordination with community agencies.

Grade Mode: Pass/Fail Grading Mode
PT 756 Administration in PT3 Credit hours   

Emphasis on administration of clinical practice in multiple settings. Information about licensure, attainment and retention of employment, professional organization membership, residency and fellowship programs, and specialization.

Grade Mode: Normal Grading Mode
PT 758 PM&BC in PT Practice1 Credit hour   

Introduction to patient motivation and behavioral change in physical therapy practice. Emphasis on practical strategies to promote healthy patient/client change leading to improved human movement and overall health

Grade Mode: Normal Grading Mode
PT 761 EBP I2 Credit hours   

Decision making, diagnosis, and hypothesis development, utilization of information sources, and principles, concepts, and skills required to critically analyze and conduct clinical research in physical therapy.

Grade Mode: Normal Grading Mode
PT 762 EBP II1 Credit hour   

Principles, concepts, and basic skills required to conduct clinical research in physical therapy. Topics include research design, sampling, bias, sensitivity and specificity, questionnaire design, statistical computing, conceptual review of literature.

Grade Mode: Normal Grading Mode
PT 763 EBP II2 Credit hours   

Students are guided through the process of a Systematic Literature Review development on a topic selected by the student and their Faculty Research Advisor and learn to apply principles of research to the clinical decision making process and to make recommendations for practice.

Grade Mode: Normal Grading Mode
PT 764 EBP III1 Credit hour   

Continuation of Evidence Based Practice III where students receive continued guidance in the completion of the faculty led capstone project begun in EBP III. Presentation of capstone required before graduation.

Grade Mode: Normal Grading Mode
PT 765 EBP IV1 Credit hour   

Continuation of Evidence Based Practice IV where students receive continued guidance in the completion of the faculty led capstone project begun in EBP III. Presentation of capstone required before graduation.

Attributes: No Textbook Required
Grade Mode: Normal Grading Mode
PT 766 EBP V1 Credit hour   

Continuation of Evidence Based Practice V where students receive continued guidance in the completion of the faculty led capstone project begun in EBP III. Presentation of capstone required before graduation.

Grade Mode: Normal Grading Mode
PT 767 EBP VI1 Credit hour   

Continuation of Evidence Based Practice VI where students receive continued guidance in the completion of the faculty led capstone project begun in EBP III culminating with presentation of completed capstone.

Attributes: No Textbook Required
Grade Mode: Normal Grading Mode
PT 771 Clin Application Seminar I1 Credit hour   

Application of knowledge and skills through small group discussion and simulation, focusing on non-ambulatory settings, basic orthopaedic conditions in ambulatory setting, telehealth, and integration of outcome measures.

Grade Mode: Pass/Fail Grading Mode
PT 772 Clin Application Seminar II1 Credit hour   

Application of information and clinical skills learned in concurrent and prior DPT coursework in a small group discussion and pseudo-clinical setting. Focus on management of moderately complex neuromusculoskeletal dysfunction in a variety of settings.

Attributes: No Textbook Required
Grade Mode: Pass/Fail Grading Mode
PT 773 Clin Application Seminar III1 Credit hour   

Application of knowledge and skills learned in the curriculum through small group discussion, simulation, and intra-interprofessional collaboration with a focus on cardiopulmonary and neurologic dysfunctions.

Grade Mode: Pass/Fail Grading Mode
PT 774 Clin Application Seminar IV1 Credit hour   

Continued application of information and clinical skills learned in concurrent and prior DPT coursework in a small group discussion and pseudo-clinical setting. Focus on spinal pathology and neuromuscular dysfunction.

Grade Mode: Pass/Fail Grading Mode
PT 775 Clin Application Seminar V1 Credit hour   

Continued application of information and clinical skills learned in concurrent and prior DPT coursework in a small group discussion and pseudo-clinical setting. Focus on cardiopulmonary and complex neuromuscular dysfunction.

Grade Mode: Pass/Fail Grading Mode
PT 776 Clin Application Seminar VI1 Credit hour   

Continued application of information and clinical skills learned in concurrent and prior DPT coursework in a small group discussion and pseudo-clinical setting. Interdisciplinary management of patients with complex concerns.

Grade Mode: Pass/Fail Grading Mode
PT 777 Clin Application Seminar VII1 Credit hour   

Continued application of information and clinical skills learned in concurrent and prior DPT coursework in a small group discussion and pseudo-clinical setting. Focus on health promotion and chronic disease prevention.

Grade Mode: Pass/Fail Grading Mode
PT 781 Orthopedics in PT I3 Credit hours   

The basic principles of orthopedic medicine including an overview of etiology, diagnosis, and surgical management will be covered. Physical Therapy examination, evaluation, diagnosis, and treatment of extremities and spine will be emphasized.

Grade Mode: Normal Grading Mode
PT 782 Orthopaedics in PT II4 Credit hours   

Advanced concepts of musculoskeletal examination, evaluation, diagnosis and treatment of the extremities and spine will be covered. An evidence-informed/clinical reasoning-based manual therapy approach will be used including mobilization and manipulation.

Grade Mode: Normal Grading Mode
PT 783 Cardiopulmonary in PT4 Credit hours   

An overview of cardiovascular and pulmonary systems pathologies, medical diagnosis and management and physical therapy diagnosis, examination, assessment and management of related physiological and movement dysfunctions.

Grade Mode: Normal Grading Mode
PT 784 Integumentary2 Credit hours   

Review of structure, function, and applied pathophysiology of the integumentary and lymphatic systems. Includes examination and management of common integumentary and lymphatic impairments focusing on prevention, restoration, and optimizing independence.

Grade Mode: Normal Grading Mode
PT 785 Health Promo and Nutrition2 Credit hours   

Development and maintenance of healthy lifestyles for patients and clients. Focus on disease prevention, nutritional needs, and the benefits of exercise as well as managing individuals with injury or disease.

Grade Mode: Normal Grading Mode
PT 786 Pediatrics & Geriatrics in PT3 Credit hours   

Principles of evaluation and treatment in the areas of pediatrics and geriatrics. Emphasis placed on biopsychosocial aspects of developmental disabilities, coordination of care and complexities of multi-system and multi-organ disease.

Grade Mode: Normal Grading Mode
PT 787 Prosthetics & Orthotics2 Credit hours   

Principles of evaluation and management of patients with amputation and/or neuromuscular disorders to maximize functional independence. Focus on prosthetic and orthotic prescription, components, fabrication, fit, and use during functional activities.

Grade Mode: Normal Grading Mode
PT 788 Special Topics in PT1 Credit hour   

Principles of physical therapy management of select patient populations including bariatrics, women's health, oncology, and selected progressive and chronic diseases.

Grade Mode: Normal Grading Mode
PT 789 Ortho III (Primary Care PT)2 Credit hours   

The course will prepare students to collaboratively function as a human movement system expert within the primary care delivery model. Screening, triage, decision making, consulting, and education will be emphasized.

Grade Mode: Normal Grading Mode
PT 790 ICEs in Physical Therapy I1 Credit hour   

Supervised clinical experiences and seminar sessions designed to provide exposure to the clinical practice of physical therapy, focused on psychomotor skills and affective behaviors, while applying previously acquired didactic information.

Grade Mode: Normal Grading Mode
PT 791 Clinical Internship I4 Credit hours   

Supervised clinical education experience emphasizing continued development and reinforcement of clinical skills in clinical settings. Competence is expected in areas of the material presented to date in the curriculum.

Grade Mode: Pass/Fail Grading Mode
PT 792 Clinical Internship II6 Credit hours   

Supervised clinical education experience emphasizing continued development and reinforcement of clinical skills in various clinical settings. Competence is expected in areas of the material presented to date in the curriculum.

Grade Mode: Pass/Fail Grading Mode
PT 793 Clinical Internship III6 Credit hours   

Supervised clinical education experience emphasizing continued development and reinforcement of clinical skills in various clinical settings. Competence is expected in areas of the material presented to date in the curriculum.

Attributes: No Textbook Required
Grade Mode: Pass/Fail Grading Mode
PT 794 ICEs in PT II1 Credit hour   

Faculty supervised clinical experiences in a student-directed pro bono physical therapy clinic with complementary activities related to clinical practice, serving the community, and strengthening clinical partnerships.

Grade Mode: Credit/No Credit Grade Only
PT 798 Independent Study1-4 Credit hours   

Independent study of a specific nature under the supervision of a qualified faculty member. Hours of credit are determined by the magnitude of the project. (PR: permission of Chair of School of Physical Therapy)

Grade Mode: Normal Grading Mode
PT 799 Integration & Review1 Credit hour   

Integration and review of clinical physical therapy principles and concepts in preparation for the National Physical Therapy Board Examination.

Grade Mode: Credit/No Credit Grade Only