


 Bison image - General Education Course

DTS 202 Introductory Foods4 Credit hours   

Provides basic understanding of the science of food and food substances. Instruction on nutrients will be integrated with preparation of foods to form the laboratory experience.

Pre-req: DTS 210 with a minimum grade of C.

Grade Mode: Normal Grading Mode
DTS 210 Nutrition3 Credit hours   

Principles of human nutrition and their application in planning and evaluating dietaries for individuals and families.

Grade Mode: Normal Grading Mode
DTS 215 Assess and Ed Strat in DTS3 Credit hours   

Establish a foundation for effective nutrition assessment and education of individuals and groups.

Pre-req: DTS 202 with a minimum grade of C.

Grade Mode: Normal Grading Mode
DTS 280 Special Topics1-4 Credit hours   
Grade Mode: Normal Grading Mode
DTS 301 FS Safety & Systems Mgt I4 Credit hours   

A study of foodservice management and an in-depth look at food safety in foodservice establishments. Laboratory/field experiences provide students a better perspective of foodservice management in various institutions.

Pre-req: DTS 202 with a minimum grade of C and BSC 250 with a minimum grade of C.

Grade Mode: Normal Grading Mode
DTS 302 FS Safety & Sys Mgt II4 Credit hours   

A continued study of foodservice management principles. The course emphasizes quantity production, distribution, and service of foods as well as facility planning and design.

Pre-req: DTS 301 with a minimum grade of C.

Grade Mode: Normal Grading Mode
DTS 310 Life Span Nutrition3 Credit hours   

An exploration of the scientific principles of human nutrition and nutrient needs for stages of the life cycle, which include prenatal, gestational, infancy, toddler, child, preadolescent, adult, and elderly.

Pre-req: DTS 210 with a minimum grade of C.

Grade Mode: Normal Grading Mode
DTS 320 Intermediate Nutrition3 Credit hours   

Builds on knowledge acquired in introductory nutrition, and prepares students for advanced nutrition courses. Development of therapeutic diets, analysis of vitamin and mineral needs, and digestive processes discussed in detail.

Pre-req: DTS 210 with a minimum grade of C and BSC 227 with a minimum grade of C.

Grade Mode: Normal Grading Mode
DTS 403 Advanced Nutrition3 Credit hours   

An in-depth study of digestion, absorption, and metabolism of macronutrients; maintaining homepstasis in the body is also discussed in relationship to fluid, electrolyte, and acid-base balance.

Pre-req: DTS 320 with a minimum grade of C and BSC 228 with a minimum grade of C.

Grade Mode: Normal Grading Mode
DTS 409 Nutrition in Community3 Credit hours   

Nutritional needs of communities and the dietician's role in addressing them are identified, and community nutrition programs are closely examined.

Pre-req: DTS 210 with a minimum grade of C and DTS 202 with a minimum grade of C.

Grade Mode: Normal Grading Mode
DTS 410 Cross Cultural Foods3 Credit hours   

Explores the relationship between food, nutrition, history, geography, culture, traditions, religion, communication, and acculturation. Studies cultural parameters and current issues that have shaped and continue to influence foodways.

Grade Mode: Normal Grading Mode
DTS 460 Research in Dietetics3 Credit hours   

An introduction to quantitative and qualitative research methodologies with application in the field of dietetics.

Grade Mode: Normal Grading Mode
DTS 468 Chemistry of Food3 Credit hours   

Experimental study of chemical and physical factors affecting food preparation.

Pre-req: DTS 202 with a minimum grade of C.

Grade Mode: Normal Grading Mode
DTS 469 Medical Nutr Therapy I3 Credit hours   

A study of medical diseases and conditions in relation to medical nutrition therapy and the nutrition care process.

Pre-req: DTS 320 (may be taken concurrently) with a minimum grade of C and BSC 228 with a minimum grade of C.

Concurrent PR: DTS 320
Grade Mode: Normal Grading Mode
DTS 470 Medical Nutrition Therapy II3 Credit hours   

A continued study of medical diseases and conditions in relation to medical nutrition therapy and the nutrition care process. Case study presentations access critical thinking skills.

Pre-req: DTS 469 with a minimum grade of C.

Grade Mode: Normal Grading Mode
DTS 476 Bison image  Senior Seminar in DTS3 Credit hours   

As a synthesis of dietetics program content, students will use food and nutrition knowledge to plan, implement, and evaluate a nutrition education program and prepare for supervised practice.

Attributes: Capstone Course
Grade Mode: Normal Grading Mode
DTS 480 Special Topics1-4 Credit hours   
Grade Mode: Normal Grading Mode
DTS 485 Independent Study1-4 Credit hours   
Grade Mode: Normal Grading Mode


Gould, Williams

Associate Professor
Bender, Gannon, Mount