Department of Communication Studies


 Bison image - General Education Course

CMM 103 Bison image  Fund Speech-Communication3 Credit hours   

Study and application of the principles of effectively analyzing, evaluating, organizing and conveying information, evidence and diverse perspectives through spoken communication as well as listening actively and providing constructive feedback.

Attributes: Core II Communication Studies
Grade Mode: Normal Grading Mode
CMM 104H Bison image  Honors in Speech Comm3 Credit hours   

Honors-level study of the principles of effectively analyzing, evaluating, organizing, developing and conveying information, evidence and diverse perspectives through spoke communication as well as listening actively and providing constructive feedback.

Pre-req: Admitted Honors College with a score of 1.

Attributes: Core II Communication Studies
Grade Mode: Normal Grading Mode
CMM 205 Bison image  Pop Culture Rhetoric3 Credit hours   

An introduction to the study and criticism of popular culture and their rhetorical influences on human behavior and society.

Attributes: Critical Thinking, Core II Humanities
Grade Mode: Normal Grading Mode
CMM 207 Bison image  Business Communication3 Credit hours   

Study of the communication demands and skills needed to communicate effectively in business and professional contexts, including informing target audiences, selling and pitching ideas and preparing for job interviews.

Attributes: Core II Communication Studies
Grade Mode: Normal Grading Mode
CMM 213 Bison image  Communication in Relationships3 Credit hours   

An overview of theories and research surrounding interpersonal communication, with an emphasis on developing competencies to manage personal and professional relationships effectively.

Attributes: Core II Social Sciences
Grade Mode: Normal Grading Mode
CMM 239 Bison image  Communication and Film3 Credit hours   

An examination of film as a communicative expression of the performers, producers, directors, writers and technicians, as well as the social, economic, and cultural factors that have influenced the medium.

Attributes: Core II Humanities
Grade Mode: Normal Grading Mode
CMM 270 Intercollegiate Debate1 Credit hour   

(PR: Permission of instructor). May be repeated 3 times for credit.

Grade Mode: Normal Grading Mode
CMM 271 Intercollegiate Debate1 Credit hour   

(PR: Permission of instructor). May be repeated 3 times for credit.

Grade Mode: Normal Grading Mode
CMM 280 Special Topics1-4 Credit hours   
Grade Mode: Normal Grading Mode
CMM 281 Special Topics1-4 Credit hours   
Grade Mode: Normal Grading Mode
CMM 282 Special Topics1-4 Credit hours   
Grade Mode: Normal Grading Mode
CMM 283 Special Topics1-4 Credit hours   
Grade Mode: Normal Grading Mode
CMM 302 Professional Presentations3 Credit hours   

Study of the communication skills necessary for effective presentations in professional contexts. Students will learn to compose audience-specific content, employ engaging delivery techniques and utilize visual presentation aids.

Pre-req: CMM 103 with a minimum grade of D or CMM 104H with a minimum grade of D or CMM 207 with a minimum grade of D or YGS 161 with a minimum grade of D or IST 101 with a minimum grade of D.

Grade Mode: Normal Grading Mode
CMM 303 Communication Theories3 Credit hours   

An introduction to a range of communication theories related to interpersonal, group, public, intercultural, media, gender and organizational communication and the ability of these theories to enhance the communication process.

Pre-req: CMM 103 or CMM 104H or CMM 207 or CMM 305 or YGS 161 or IST 101.

Grade Mode: Normal Grading Mode
CMM 308 Persuasive Communication3 Credit hours   

Study of communication designed to shape beliefs, attitudes, values and behaviors with a focus on the construction and critical analysis of persuasive messages.

Pre-req: CMM 103 with a minimum grade of D or CMM 104H with a minimum grade of D or CMM 207 with a minimum grade of D or YGS 161 with a minimum grade of D or IST 101 with a minimum grade of D.

Grade Mode: Normal Grading Mode
CMM 310 Argument and Debate3 Credit hours   

Study of building, critiquing, adapting and responding to arguments with a focus on gathering evidence, evaluating reasoning and improving spoken and written arguments.

Pre-req: CMM 103 or CMM 104H or CMM 207 or CMM 305 or YGS 161 or IST 101.

Grade Mode: Normal Grading Mode
CMM 315 Communication in Groups3 Credit hours   

This course explores small group dynamics, emphasizing communication's role in the structural, functional, and social aspects of groups including decision-making, leadership, diversity and presentations within professional, civic and other contexts.

Pre-req: CMM 103 with a minimum grade of D or CMM 104H with a minimum grade of D or CMM 207 with a minimum grade of D or YGS 161 with a minimum grade of D or IST 101 with a minimum grade of D.

Grade Mode: Normal Grading Mode
CMM 316 Legal Communication3 Credit hours   

The theory and practice of legal communication techniques including interviewing, deposition, examination, cross-examination, opening statements and closing arguments. Recommended for pre-law students.

Pre-req: CMM 103 or CMM 104H or CMM 207 or YGS 161 or IST 101.

Grade Mode: Normal Grading Mode
CMM 319 Leadership Dynamics3 Credit hours   

An examination of communication within organizational settings including role definition, performance feedback, relationship-building, conflict resolution, leadership and navigating power dynamics within the workplace.

Pre-req: CMM 103 with a minimum grade of D or CMM 104H with a minimum grade of D or CMM 207 with a minimum grade of D or YGS 161 with a minimum grade of D or IST 101 with a minimum grade of D.

Grade Mode: Normal Grading Mode
CMM 322 Bison image  Intercultural Communication3 Credit hours   

An examination of how culture impacts verbal/nonverbal communication, identity, relationships and other communicative practices. Students will apply theory and research, reflect on their perspectives and develop intercultural communication competence.

Pre-req: CMM 103 with a minimum grade of D or CMM 104H with a minimum grade of D or CMM 207 with a minimum grade of D or CMM 213 with a minimum grade of D or YGS 161 with a minimum grade of D or IST 101 with a minimum grade of D.

Attributes: Multicultural
Grade Mode: Normal Grading Mode
CMM 370 Intercollegiate Debate1 Credit hour   

(PR: Permission of instructor). May be repeated 3 times for credit.

Grade Mode: Normal Grading Mode
CMM 371 Intercollegiate Debate1 Credit hour   

(PR: Permission of instructor). May be repeated 3 times for credit.

Grade Mode: Normal Grading Mode
CMM 374 Health Communication3 Credit hours   

Surveys interpersonal, public, and organizational health communication theories and findings; explores the communication demands of health care and promotion, communication issues in health systems, and strategies to resolve problems.

Grade Mode: Normal Grading Mode
CMM 403 Bison image  Nonverbal Communication3 Credit hours   

This course will explore the areas and significance of nonverbal communication as they relate to the quality and effectiveness of human interaction in personal, social, and professional relationships.

Pre-req: CMM 103 with a minimum grade of D or CMM 207 with a minimum grade of D or CMM 104H with a minimum grade of D.

Attributes: Multicultural
Grade Mode: Normal Grading Mode
CMM 406 Interviewing3 Credit hours   

Skill development in the question-answer-response process as it applies to a variety of interviewing situations.

Grade Mode: Normal Grading Mode
CMM 410 Crisis & Risk Communication3 Credit hours   

This application-based course introduces communication theories of crisis and risk management.

Grade Mode: Normal Grading Mode
CMM 411 Communication Research3 Credit hours   

An exploration of communication research paradigms and methods. Students learn to work with scholarly resources, use recognized research formats and write research proposals.

Pre-req: CMM 303 (may be taken concurrently).

Concurrent PR: CMM 303
Grade Mode: Normal Grading Mode
CMM 420 Conflict Communication3 Credit hours   

A study on the causes and consequences of conflict in personal and professional contexts with a focus on the role of communication in initiating, managing and resolving conflict.

Grade Mode: Normal Grading Mode
CMM 421 Gender and Communication3 Credit hours   

An exploration of gender as an organizing principle for communication.

Grade Mode: Normal Grading Mode
CMM 456 Digital Communication3 Credit hours   

An exploration of the impact of digital communication on interaction in personal, professional and/or civic contexts and in relation to social and cultural influences.

Attributes: Digital Humanities
Grade Mode: Normal Grading Mode
CMM 474 Interpersonal Health Comm3 Credit hours   

Investigates communication in establishing effective interactions between health providers, patients, and families. Explores theories and findings in relationship development, decision making, intercultural communication, social support, advocacy, and family relationships.

Grade Mode: Normal Grading Mode
CMM 478 Bison image  Communication Capstone3 Credit hours   

Students synthesize what they have learned in the communication studies major by developing, organizing, revising and presenting a comprehensive project that demonstrates their competence in the discipline.

Pre-req: CMM 411 with a minimum grade of D.

Attributes: Capstone Course
Grade Mode: Normal Grading Mode
CMM 479 Public Health Communication3 Credit hours   

Examines communication processes that influence human behavior and public policy through health promotion campaigns, including theories and practices of health behavior change and designing, implementing, and evaluating health communication interventions.

Grade Mode: Normal Grading Mode
CMM 480 Special Topics1-4 Credit hours   
Grade Mode: Normal Grading Mode
CMM 481 Special Topics1-4 Credit hours   
Grade Mode: Normal Grading Mode
CMM 482 Special Topics1-4 Credit hours   
Grade Mode: Normal Grading Mode
CMM 483 Special Topics1-4 Credit hours   
Grade Mode: Normal Grading Mode
CMM 485 Independent Study1-4 Credit hours   
Attributes: No Textbook Required
Grade Mode: Normal Grading Mode
CMM 486 Independent Study1-4 Credit hours   
Grade Mode: Normal Grading Mode
CMM 487 Independent Study1-4 Credit hours   
Grade Mode: Normal Grading Mode
CMM 488 Independent Study1-4 Credit hours   
Grade Mode: Normal Grading Mode
CMM 490 Internship1-4 Credit hours   
Attributes: No Textbook Required
Grade Mode: Normal Grading Mode


Bookwalter, Jones, Tarter, J. Underhill, S. Underhill

Associate Professors

Assistant Professor
Brown, Mao 

Adkins, Jackson, Taylor, True