Political Science (PSC)
This course studies Latin American politics by sectors, such as landed elites, the military, the church, etc. Various styles of governance are considered. Case examples illustrate concetps discussed.
A study of political leaders who have shaped and defined the American constitutional tradition.
This course examines the principles and applied practices of nonprofit administration including theories of nonprofit formation, fundraising appeals, executive leadership, marketing, budgeting, and strategic management.
An examination of alternative theoretical approaches to the study of policy and administration and their implications for the use of policy to shape administrative practice.
A comparative course examing the political institutional methods states use to assist citizens who are poor, primarily women and children. It also addresses behavioral concerns that shape welfare policy.
An investigation of the strengths of democracies relative to dictatorships with regard to such dimensions as economic growth, income equality, health and welfare of citizens and war reduction.
This course examines multiple perspectives on the relationship between humans and nature, focusing on how particular interpretations of this relationship determine how we translate environmental concerns into political problems.
A study of the basic legal framework of administrative organization, including the problems of administrative discretion, rule making and adjudication, regulatory agencies, and administrative responsibility in the democratic state.
Survey of Public Personnel Administration with particular attention on various facets of the merit system concept. Psychological and human relations aspects of the work situation and supervisor-subordinate interaction emphasized.
Study of organization, administration, and accountability in the management of public funds, with emphasis on the political decision-making processes of budget formulation, rpesentation, and execution.
A study of the contributions of the behavioral sciences to the study of organizations with stress on such concepts as leadership, motivation, power conflict, organizational design and decision making.
Study of policy problems of metropolitan areas in terms of structures, alternatives, and outcomes.
To offer a course on some special topic which is not adequately treated in the regular course offerings.
To offer a course on some special topic which is not adequately treated in the regular course offerings.
To offer a course on some special topic which is not adequately treated in the regular course offerings.
To offer a course on some special topic which is not adequately treated in the regular course offerings.
These numbers are reserved for tutorials, directed and independent research, problem reports, etc.
These numbers are reserved for tutorials, directed and independent research, problem reports, etc.
These numbers are reserved for tutorials, directed and independent research, problem reports, etc.
These numbers are reserved for tutorials, directed and independent research, problem reports, etc.
Readings to meet the needs and interests of individual students.
A study of quantitative methods used in empirical research with an emphasis upon applied statistical analysis; writing and critiquing research reports.
Orientation to the field of Public Administration, ethics, professional standards and skills. Review of foundations, theories, and scope. Study of public management heritage and current trends and issues.
This course will serve as an introduction to the comparative study of public administration. Students will be introduced to several key areas of comparative administration research, including different methods used for analysis.
Principles and methods of urban administration in the U.S.
West Virginia government and political problems will receive special attention although other states may be considered.
Development of theoretical and methodological skills in the analysis of public problems and the use of policy in problem solving.
Intensive work experience in the West Virginia legislative processes coupled with a seminar involving directed reading and the preparation of a paper. This is a cooperative program with West Virginia University and the Office of Legislative Services with only selected students participating.
Supervised internship / practicum where students apply public administration principles in an approved field setting.