Orthopaedics (ORT)
A fourth year elective in non-operative musculoskeletal care is offered, providing experience in multidisciplinary management of diseases of the musculoskeletal system. Rotations may include inpatient medical management of orthopaedic patients, non-operative sports medicine, general clinical orthopaedics, rheumatology, osteoporosis and physical therapy. This course is Pass/Fail. There is no call requirement.
The intent is the creation of opportunities to medical students through an elective rotation to get some clinical exposure and learning from a wide variety of cases in an outpatient setting, treating conditions in the field of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation from early subacute to disability and long term chronic medical conditions.
A research elective offered in the field of orthopaedics, primarily to 4th year medical students. Students interested in enrolling must first contact the course directors to discuss research opportunities that are available or may be accommodated by the department. Students will be expected to complete their project in the time allotted. Clinical work is proscribed unless it is germane to the project.
A fourth year subinternship in orthopaedic surgery is offered, providing experience in office and hospital management of diseases of the musculoskeletal system. Preference is given to those considering matching in orthopaedic surgery.
Clinical course to allow students to complete clinical training at approved sites within the State of West Virginia that is no a MUSOM site.