Chemistry (CHM)
This course investigates the theory and functional aspects of modern analytical instrumentation. Emphasis is placed on the components of instruments and the applicability of various techniques to specific analytical problems.
Pre-req: CHM 307 with a minimum grade of C or CHM 357 with a minimum grade of C.
An introduction to chemical thermodynamics and statistical mechanics. 3 lec.
An introductory course in quantum mechanics. 3 lec.
A detailed consideration of bonding, structure, reaction rates and equilibrium involving inorganic materials. 3 lec.
This course investigates the theory and applications of mass spectrometry. It includes a laboratory component in which you will learn to run the mass spectrometers and interpret mass spectral results.
Studies of the dynamics of organic reactions with emphasis on mechanisms and stereo chemistry. 3 lec.
A continuation of Chemistry 565 with emphasis on synthetic methods. 3 lec.
Pre-req: CHM 565.
A survey course including introduction to basic biochemical concepts, bioenergetics, and information transfer.
Pre-req: CHM 365 with a minimum grade of C or BSC 365 with a minimum grade of C.
Offered on demand.
Pre-req: CHM 556.
The application of quantitative methods to problems in structure and dynamics. 2 lec.
Pre-req: CHM 565.
An advanced study of reaction rates and mechanisms.
Offered on demand.
Offered on demand.
Offered on demand.
A combined lecture/lab/self-motivated research course that results in a microscopy based project to be presented by each student at an open forum (can augment thesis project).
Preparation of a comprehensive written report on a topic in Chemistry of current importance. Registration only by permission of Department.
Credit in the course is earned by pursuing a directed original investigation in a field of chemistry. Twelve semester hours credit in research are applied toward the M.S. degree. Students may sign for one or more credit hurs per semester depending upon the time to be spent on research. A grade of PR may be reported at the close of each term or semester.
Individual study of topics not offered in regularly scheduled classes.
Individual study of topics not offered in regularly scheduled classes.
Individual study of topics not offered in regularly scheduled classes.
Individual studt of topics not offered in regularly scheduled classes.
Scientific prinicples and clinical application of properties of matter, gas laws, vaporization, fluid dynamics, explosion hazards, electrical safety, acid-base balance, blood gas analysis, biochemistry in anesthesia, mechanisms of narcosis. Analyze the molecular basis for molecular bonding, stereochemistry, protein confirmation, enzyme-substrate reactions.