Adult & Continuing Education (ACE)
Designed to acquaint the student with the field of adult education and its underpinnings and the various adult learning theories and/or approaches.
Unit and lesson planning; cooperative education as a method of instruction, project plan of instruction, classroom management and control, demonstration techniques, evaluation methods, field experience in Marketing Education classroom.
Correlating Lab instruction with classroom instruction; individual and group instruction sheets and materials; the four teaching steps in career and technical education; and physical factors relating to classroom and lab.
Conduct library research, review selling content, select content objectives, identify content appropriate for the target group, prepare teaching outlines, and design evaluation instruments.
Designed as a follow-up to Teaching Methods in Career and Technical Education and intetnded to provide the new teacher guidance and supervision in developing teacher competence.
Analysis procedures for determining career and technical curriculum content; determination of program goals and objectives; involvement of advisory committees; factors, principles, and techniques of developing a course of study.
Responsibilities as a manager; methods of handling tools, equipment and supplies; project instructional resourse needs and reporting; improvement of facilities, filing system, and career and technical laboratory.
Principles for planning, implementing, and evaluating the cooperative design within the various service areas of technical education; analysis of factors which must be considered in selection of the cooperative design.
Assist the instructor in analyzing an occupation; goals and objectives to form a basis for curriculum; classifying and describing occupations; analysis procedures; course content, and technical skills and knowledge.
Administering cooperative education programs, recruiting, and selecting students; selecting training agencies and placing students; conducting public relations activities for the program; and advising the student organization.
Responsibilities of the teacher in providing a safe learning working environment: Effective approaches to accident prevention: Laws and regulatory agencies regarding safety management in the classroom and laboratory.
Study of computer applications and software for Business and Marketing Education.
Develop written and performance evaluation instruments: develop and use progress charts; determine appropriate grading procedures. Develop rating scales, objectives tests, classroom tests, manipulative tests, introduction to statistics.
Background of Coordination; methods and techniques for evaluating and selecting work stations, student selection, placement and follow-up; role of advisory committees; method of evaluating cooperative work experience.
Conduct library research, review merchandising and sales promotion content, objectives, identify content appropriate for the target group, prepare teaching outlines, and design evaluation instruments.
Study of the prevocational exploration delivery system and develop instructional units which include goals, objectives, and criteria for evaluation of students.
Designed to introduce modern instructional technology in today's classrooms and labs; introduction to disk operating systems, application software for instruction and instructional management, student evaluation, record keeping, and work processing.
Methods, techniques, and strategies for incorporating basic skills in career and technical instruction; emphasis on reading, writing, math, oral communication, and critical thinking skills; job seeking and job keeping skills.
Analyzing an occupation to identify knowledge and skill; use of the analysis to develop problem solving objectives and instructional plans; emphasis on approach to facilitate student achievement of objectives.
Course is designed to provide opportunities to learn in preparation for career success with supervisors, co-workers, clients, and customers. Human relations skills are examined and related to business success.
Historical influences in the development of workforce education in America and Europe; motivating influences and the implications of philosophy in modern career and technical education.
Organize and develop a co-curricular student organization; defining the purpose of the organization; plan appication and integration into the career and technical program; competencies in leadership and team building.
Exploring principles and techniques for career planning and job search. An overview of strategies for gaining a competitive edge in the labor market and experiencing a successful career beginning.
Survey of materials and methods for developing competencies in teaching business education and/or occupational training programs.
Individually designed field experience under supervision of the faculty; such experience related to the student's future professional role. (GRADING: CR/NC)
An overview of the historical evolution of technical education legislation; analysis of Technical Education Acts as they relate to state and local planning of technical education programs.
Overview of the training and development profession and theories that support the profession; emphasis on the variety of solutions used by HRD professionals to help improve individual and organizational performance.
Overview of the historical origins of technical education and their relationship to educational philosophies; foundations of areas of technical education; analysis of questions fundamental to a philosophy of technical education.
Designing to acquaint the student with the field of adult and continuing education, its foundations and development in this country and future trends
Application of philosophy and principles of business and marketing education to the objectives, curriculum, guidance, and teacher preparation, emphasizing the techniques for coordination of federally aided programs.
Analysis of factors in developing local plans for business and industry; emphasis on implications of federal guidelines; factors which impinge upon programs during implementation; developing evaluation procedures.
Individual and group analysis of current issues in business and marketing; identification of issues significant to the direction of sound business and marketing education programs.
Study of the sources of data on employment needs; relationship to planning techniques for conducting a community survey; organizing data for analysis and applying the findings to the planning process.
A study of various facets of existing state/national student organizations. Special emphasis is placed upon the organizations of student career organizations and parliamentary procedures. (PR: ACE 542 or equivalent)
Study of community organizations and the relationship of adult and continuing education; consideration of models for analyzing employment opportunities and occupational training needs and the process in securing community commitment.
A program of readings and reports on specific areas in adult education or particular problems within an area of adult and continuing education. Readings to be selected cooperatively with advisor.
The course examines both environmental and personal factors which may impact on the adult learning process and is designed to foster awareness, which will be translated into appropriate intervention strategies.
An introductory course for persons who want to become familiar with the application of computers in the business/industrial fields represented by adult and technical education.
An advanced course for persons who want to further their knowledge of the application of computers in the business and industrial fields, which are represented by adult and continuing education.
Individually designed learning activities that involve the application of previously learned theories, processes, operations, techniques, or systems. The applications are studied, analyzed, and evaluated. (PR: ATE 631, Equivalent or appropriate experience, CR/NC Grading).
Pre-req: ACE 631 or ATE 631.
Designed to explore the educational history of teaching a foreign language in different countries.
Instructional unit is developed to assist children and youth to achieve academic, general, or technical education and also career education goals; includes goals, objectives, procedures, student activities, resources, and evaluation.
Conduct library research, review marketing content, select content objectives, identify content appropriate for the target group, prepare teaching outlines, and design evaluation instruments.
Field study of job analysis, curriculum, course and program design.
Conduct library research, review management content, select content objectives, identify content appropriate for the target group, prepare teaching outlines, and design evaluation instruments.
Conduct library research, review personnel content, select content objectives, identify content appropriate for the target group, prepare teaching outlines, and design evaluation instruments.
An examination and application of the process involved in the development, operation, and evaluation of adult programs in the community, business, and industry.
Designed to provide students with the latest methodologies associated with teaching English as a Foreign Language (EFL) to the adult learner. (PR: ACE 643)
Individually designed to provide field experience under the supervision of the faculty, such experience to be related to the student's project role in adult and continuing education.
Students are assisted in making revisions in instructional units, organizing an advisory committee, and organizing Career Exploration Club as an integral part of the classroom function. (PR ACE 542)
Designed to engage the student in hands-on teaching in a classroom setting. (PR ACE 659)
Individually designed to provide field experience under the supervision of the faculty, such experience to be related to the student's profession. (CR/NC Grading) (PR: At least 8 of the following courses and permission of instructor: ACE 601, 609, 614, 646, 648, EDA 500, 600, 640, 740)
Alternating or parallel periods of study and paid employment for experiential learning related to student's academic and/or professional goals (Min 50 hours paid work experienc3e per credit hour) (CR/NC GRADING)
An examination of the design and evaluation processes used in adult learning areas with emphasis on the T&D and technical fields as well as the general field.
Evaluation procedures in adult/technical education including principles of test construction; survey of standardized and published tests; utilization in the classroom or training department; review of statistical methods.
Program of readings and reports on specific areas of adult/continuing education or particular problems within an area of adult and continuing education; reading selected cooperatively with advisor.
Study of methodology, application, analysis, and synthesis of research; a review of current studies with attention to statistical techniques, data collecting, data handling, and the impact of particular research.
This course is designed for students in technical and social fields who are interested in workforce development. It has three components: education and training, collaborative research, and technical assistance.
This course provides training and assessment experiences for students seeking Master of Science degrees in Adult and Technical Education. The student's degree portfolio and capstone assessment will be completed within this course.
This course involves the development of a grant proposal and includes the steps required to produce a final document.
Identification and analysis of current issues in community technical college teaching with application of procedures for investigation, accompanied by a critical examination of findings and their application to local programs.
Students will learn how to choose the appropriate statistics, interpret the outputs, and develop skills in writing about the meaning of the results.
Selected topics in programs and institutional aassessment related to community and technical colleges.
Selected topics in thesis proposal, overview of grantsmanship, and funding sources. Discussion of the effects of new technologies and the Internet on the proposal process.
Provides students an opportunity to sythesize prior course experience and to prepare and present a draft thesis prospectus.
Presentation of assessment principles that clearly and specifically relate to instruction, current research and new directions in the assessment field, and practical and realistic examples and suggestions.
The needs of diverse/special needs population, including youth and adults with disabilities, disadvantaged, limited English proficient, displaced workers, minorities, incarcerated, and single teen parents. Specific attention to federal legislation.
Teaching/learning process and consideration of teaching methods employed to encourage, guide, and evaluate community and technical college students' learning.
Governance and administration of the contemporary community and technical college in the United States with a focus on planning, funding, and selected administrative issues.
Individual research in a selected field of community and technical college teaching under the direction of a graduate faculty member of the department.