Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA)

ABA 600 Basic Princ of Behavior3 Credit hours   

The course focuses on the principles and concepts of operant and respondent conditioning. The content prepares students to take the BCBA exam.

Grade Mode: Normal Grading Mode
ABA 610 Theory Phil Behavioral Anyls3 Credit hours   

This course will provide the student with the underlying theoretical and philosophical foundations of behavior analysis. The content prepares students to take the BCBA exam.

Grade Mode: Normal Grading Mode
ABA 620 Research Meth Beh Analy3 Credit hours   

Course content includes measurement, data display, and interpretation, single-case designs, and research ethics. The content prepares students to take the BCBA exam.

Grade Mode: Normal Grading Mode
ABA 630 Beh Assess Intervention I3 Credit hours   

Students will learn to select and implement behavior assessment and intervention strategies. The content prepares students to take the BCBA exam.

Pre-req: ABA 600 with a minimum grade of C.

Grade Mode: Normal Grading Mode
ABA 640 Beh Assess Interv II3 Credit hours   

This course is a continuation of ABA 630. Students will apply behavioral principles in multiple areas of practice. The content prepares students to take the BCBA exam.

Pre-req: ABA 600 with a minimum grade of C and ABA 630 with a minimum grade of C.

Grade Mode: Normal Grading Mode
ABA 650 Beh Change in Systems3 Credit hours   

This course focuses on behavior change and collaboration at the system's level. The content prepares students to take the BCBA exam.

Grade Mode: Normal Grading Mode
ABA 660 Ethics in App Beh Analy3 Credit hours   

A review of ethical principles related to research and practice in Applied Behavior Analysis. The content prepares students to take the BCBA exam.

Grade Mode: Normal Grading Mode
ABA 670 Sup Fieldwork in ABA3 Credit hours   

Concentrated fieldwork at approved site in accordance with BACB requirements. Students must take 3 credit hours per semester for a total of 9 hours. Requires instructor approval and an application.

Pre-req: ABA 600 with a minimum grade of C.

Grade Mode: Pass/Fail Grading Mode
ABA 680 Special Topics1-4 Credit hours   
Grade Mode: Normal Grading Mode
ABA 685 Independent Study1-4 Credit hours   
Grade Mode: Normal Grading Mode
ABA 690 Research in App Beh Analy3 Credit hours   

Students will investigate a research problem of theoretical interest and practical value. May only be taken with permission.

Grade Mode: Normal Grading Mode