Anesthesia (ANS)

ANS 800 Anesthesiology1-18 Credit hours   

You will learn the ability to: obtain pre-operative patient histories including system review, lab tests, and plan of anesthesia; discuss cardiopulmonary evaluations in patients undergoing anesthesia; develop plans for pre-operative, operative and postoperative care and management. You will learn to: describe the pharmacology of the drugs used by anesthesiologists and common techniques in general and regional anesthesia, including but not limited to; standard and invasive anesthesia monitoring; post-operative analgesia regimen; drugs for sedation and analgesia; post-operative PACU standard of care; be familiar with the anatomic and physiologic variable to anesthetic practice; be familiar with perioperative evaluation for patients scheduled for surgery; be familiar with the monitoring devices and pharmacology of anesthesia drugs (sedation and analgesia). *Available to a limited number. Must be arranged at least a month in advance.

Grade Mode: Pass/Fail Grading Mode
ANS 827 Anesthesia Sub-Internship1-18 Credit hours   

This course will familiarize the student with the anatomic and physiologic variables in anesthetic practice. Will also learn to evaluate patients scheduled for surgery. Students will be introduced to monitoring devices, airway management, and the pharmacology of anesthetic drugs used for general anesthesia and regional anesthesia.

Pre-req: SUR 806.

Grade Mode: Pass/Fail Grading Mode
ANS 858 In-State Externship in Anesthe1-18 Credit hours   

Clinical course to allow students to complete clinical training at approved sites within the State of West Virginia that is not an MUSOM site.

Grade Mode: Pass/Fail Grading Mode
ANS 868 Out-of-State Extern in Anesthe1-18 Credit hours   

Clinical course to allow students to complete clinical training at approved sites outside the State of West Virginia that is not an MUSOM site.

Grade Mode: Pass/Fail Grading Mode