Department of Management and Health Care Administration
Health Care Management
This course is designed to provide managers with in-depth knowledge of the current health care system, covering the structure and delivery of care, the providers and payers, and the various players in the system. The internal and external forces impacting the system are discussed. Problems in the health care system are explored and evaluated with respect to the issues of access, cost, and effectiveness. (PR: GSM admission of permission of GSM academic advisor)
Course provides an overview of health care financial management, with special emphasis upon the aspects of financial systems in hospitals that differ from typical financial systems. It includes analysis of capital formation cash flow management and determination of working capital requirements. (PR: HCA 600)
Pre-req: HCA 600 with a minimum grade of C.
The health care industry is unique. Unlike in other markets, the consumer finds it difficult to evaluate quantity, quality, and pricing. Traditional market forces are modified by government, third-party payers, and professional interests. This course applies economic principles to this unique environment.
Pre-req: HCA 600 with a minimum grade of C.
Emphasis in this course is on the way managers in health care settings incorporate ethical dimensions into their decision-making. It looks at the wide variety of ethical issues faced by these managers, focusing on those related specifically in the decisions they make about their organization, personnel, and services. Specifically covered are issues regarding all allocation of scarce resources, the type and availability of care for special populations, and conflicts of interest. (PR: HCA 600)
Pre-req: HCA 600 with a minimum grade of C or HCA 600G with a minimum grade of C.
This course provides students with a legal framework to analyze health care organizations and their operations. The federal and state legal systems are reviewed and regulatory programs and their requirements discussed. Topics include: tax exemptions, antitrust laws, corporate liability, provider-patient legal issues (contracts and negligence), patient rights, facilities licensure and accreditation, and reimbursement issues. Court cases, as well as governmental agency rulings and findings, are analyzed for their applications to health care management. (PR: HCA 600)
This course presents an overview of various professional and managerial topics relevant to the health care professional. Each offering of the course focuses on a particular health profession. Emphasis is on defining the profession, understanding its historical development and evolutoin, examining professional roles, tasks, responsibilities, and accountabilities in current practice, studying the interaction with other professionals, delineating the parameters of the professional in ethical decision-making, and recognizing and responding to challenges faced in contemporary practice and in planning for the future. (PR: HCA 600)
A survey of health care provision systems throughout the world.
Pre-req: HCA 600 with a minimum grade of C.
Investigation of the use of operations managment techniques and methodologies that are useful in the health care industry.
Pre-req: HCA 600 with a minimum grade of C.
Examination of the various financial systems present within the American health care systems. Special emphasis placed upon the management of assets, cost control, and budgeting.
Pre-req: HCA 600 with a minimum grade of C.
Provides an in-depth knowledge of health care delivery systems with emphasis on the major managerial issues faced by integrated delivery systems.
Pre-req: HCA 600 with a minimum grade of C.
Investigation of the human resource function found withiin contemporary health care provision systems. Discussion of future challenges facing the function in this turbulent environment.
Pre-req: HCA 600 with a minimum grade of C.
An investigation of the role of marketing in today's health care organizations. Specific topics include market segmentation, consumer behavior, promotion, and environmental analysis.
Pre-req: HCA 600 with a minimum grade of C.
An investigation of the place technology, primarialy hard technology plays in the formulation of health care policy and strategies. Special emphais placed on the management of medical information systems.
Pre-req: HCA 600 with a minimum grade of C.
An examination of the legal, regulatory, and policy-making interactions between government, society, and health care organizations and providers.
Pre-req: HCA 600 with a minimum grade of C.
Examination of the range of health and social services that are needed to compensate for the functional disabilities of people. Review of available services and governmental policies and regulations.
Pre-req: HCA 600 with a minimum grade of C.
An investigation of how health care is provided to rural Americans. Special attention given to the health care systems that provide medical care to the peoples of Appalachia.
Pre-req: HCA 600 with a minimum grade of C.
Project-oriented experience in health care operations and organizations. Intended for those students with insufficient experience in the field.
Pre-req: HCA 600 with a minimum grade of C.
In this course, each student selects an in-depth organizational research project on a particular management problem in a health care organization. In this "hands-on" project, the student services as a consultant to the health care organization, conducting research, analyzing data, and making recommendations for the solution(s) to the management problem. Projects focus on such topics as strategic planning, productivity, quality assurance, risk management, and joint ventures. Field research projects are selected in conjunction with the program coordinator during the semester prior to course enrollment. (PR: Completion of all 600-level required HCA courses, plus permission of program director)
Pre-req: HCA 600 with a minimum grade of C.
The course is designed to allow group study of selected topics of current interest in health care management. (PR: Consent of instructor)
Pre-req: HCA 600 with a minimum grade of C.
Pre-req: HCA 600 with a minimum grade of C or HCA 600G with a minimum grade of C.
Career exploration and preparation. Emphasis on modern supervisory management techniques in various business fields.
This course introduces statistical concepts and tools that can be leveraged for business data analytics, covering hypothesis testing, regression analysis, decision-making, time series analysis, and process control.
Pre-req: MTH 121B with a minimum grade of D or MTH 123 with a minimum grade of D or MTH 120 with a minimum grade of D or MTH 130 with a minimum grade of D or MTH 130H with a minimum grade of D or MTH 121 with a minimum grade of D or MTH 121H with a minimum grade of D or MTH 127 with a minimum grade of D or MTH 132 with a minimum grade of D or MTH 203 with a minimum grade of D or MTH 190 with a minimum grade of D or MTH 131 with a minimum grade of D or MTH 140 with a minimum grade of D or MTH 229 with a minimum grade of D or MTH 229H with a minimum grade of D or MTH 140H with a minimum grade of D or (STA 150 with a minimum grade of D and STA 150L with a minimum grade of D) or (STA 150B with a minimum grade of D and STA 150L with a minimum grade of D).
The course will provide a framework for both the analytical tools and specific managerial problems, emphasizing model development and the use of tools to manage, analyze, and visualize data.
Pre-req: MTH 121B with a minimum grade of D or MTH 123 with a minimum grade of D or MTH 120 with a minimum grade of D or MTH 130 with a minimum grade of D or MTH 130H with a minimum grade of D or MTH 121 with a minimum grade of D or MTH 121H with a minimum grade of D or MTH 127 with a minimum grade of D or MTH 132 with a minimum grade of D or MTH 203 with a minimum grade of D or MTH 190 with a minimum grade of D or MTH 131 with a minimum grade of D or MTH 140 with a minimum grade of D or MTH 229 with a minimum grade of D or MTH 229H with a minimum grade of D or MTH 140H with a minimum grade of D or (STA 150 with a minimum grade of D and STA 150L with a minimum grade of D) or (STA 150B with a minimum grade of D and STA 150L with a minimum grade of D).
A comprehensive survey of the fundamental principles of management applicable to all forms of organizations. The course provides the student with a basis for thinking about complex business situations in the framework of analysis of the management process. Some case analysis of management problems used.
It covers key components of project management- project integration, scope, and time management; cost analysis, quality control, human resource considerations; risk management; procurement and contract management; and planning and scheduling.
Pre-req: MGT 218 with a minimum grade of D or STA 225 with a minimum grade of D or MTH 225 with a minimum grade of D or MGT 318 with a minimum grade of D or IST 130 with a minimum grade of D or EDF 417 with a minimum grade of D or PSY 223 with a minimum grade of D or SOC 345 with a minimum grade of D.
An introduction to the hospitality industry, emerging trends and various management functions related to it.
This course provides students with a comprehensive coverage of aviation safety and security. The course examines topics related to the latest procedures, flight technologies, challenges, and accident statistics.
An introduction to the management of health care organizations.
Pre-req: MGT 320 with a minimum grade of D.
An examination of the various private and public sector health care delivery systems currently management.
Pre-req: MGT 350 with a minimum grade of D.
Application of business principles as they apply to the management of health care products and services in today's health care environment.
Pre-req: MGT 350 with a minimum grade of D.
A managerial perspective of regional, national and international energy issues. Course provides an objective assessment into the projections, limitations, costs, and tradeoffs associated with conventional and alternative sources of energy.
Pre-req: MGT 320 with a minimum grade of D.
An introduction to renewable energy management, markets, and sustainable business solutions. Nuclear, hydro, solar, wind, geothermal, biomass and biofuel sectors will be evaluated for their economic viability and business profitability.
Pre-req: MGT 320 with a minimum grade of D.

An examination of the manager's social and environmental responsibilities to his employees, customers, and the general public, and other external factors which management must be cognizant of in modern society.
Pre-req: MGT 320 with a minimum grade of D.
Management of operation systems including system design, implementation and control. Analysis of the system in the areas of product, process, material quality, and facilities management. Topics include breakeven analysis, inventory models, transportation models, network analysis.
Pre-req: (MGT 218 with a minimum grade of D or STA 225 with a minimum grade of D or MTH 225 with a minimum grade of D or MGT 318 with a minimum grade of D or IST 130 with a minimum grade of D or EDF 417 with a minimum grade of D or PSY 223 with a minimum grade of D or SOC 345 with a minimum grade of D).
Understanding the value, issues and trends regarding sustainability in modern, complex and global supply chains and business practices, by appreciating the concepts of sustainability, circular economy, and supply chain processes.
Pre-req: MGT 218 with a minimum grade of D or STA 225 with a minimum grade of D or MTH 225 with a minimum grade of D or MGT 318 with a minimum grade of D or IST 130 with a minimum grade of D or EDF 417 with a minimum grade of D or PSY 223 with a minimum grade of D or SOC 345 with a minimum grade of D.
An interdisciplinary examination of the nature of individuals, groups and organizations and organizations and their interactions.
Pre-req: MGT 320 with a minimum grade of D.

An examination of the dynamics of change within organizations. The course will examine the cause of resistance to change and purposeful methodologies for implementing change including behavioral, technological, and structural in attempt to describe a holistic approach.
Pre-req: MGT 320 with a minimum grade of D.
Analyze the role of Human Resource Managers within strategic decision making. Topics include: selection, training, assessment, compensation and employee relations. Current topics also covered.
Pre-req: MGT 320 with a minimum grade of D.
A study of labor-management relations in union and non-union settings. Topics include: conflict resolution techniques, negotiation strategy, partitipative management, and labor theory. Labor laws and history are reviewed.
Pre-req: MGT 320 with a minimum grade of D.
The theory and practice of negotiation in organizational settings including negotiation strategies and their impact on the outcomes achieved. Students will build negotiation skills through experintial exercises and cases.
Pre-req: MGT 320 with a minimum grade of D.
Leadership styles, principles, models, and practical applications including: motivation and communication, teamwork, use of power, development of trust, effective group facilitation, negotiation and persuasion, effective change, and ethics.
Pre-req: MGT 320 with a minimum grade of D.
Students will gain insights into primary and secondary dimensions of diversity, and be able to describe pertinent ethical, legal, media and marketing issues. They will improve organizations' management of diversity
Pre-req: MGT 320 with a minimum grade of D.

Focuses on the economic, political, legal, technological, and cultural issues faced by international managers. Topics include developing cultural awareness, implementing global strategy, and competing with ethical integrity.
Pre-req: MGT 320 with a minimum grade of D.
Focuses on environmental sustainability and the practices involved in managing a green business, including: eco-advantage strategies, supply chains, preventing the failure of eco-initiatives and sustained competitive advantage.
Pre-req: MGT 320 with a minimum grade of D.

An integrative discussion course on current problems and future policies and strategies as they are related to facilities planning and utilization, staffing and organization and providing quality health care to community.
Pre-req: MGT 350 with a minimum grade of D.

Comprehensive coverage of all facets of the management of energy sources, production, risks, and markets. Provides managerial tools necessary to increase production capabilities and maneuver within the transforming energy sectors.
Pre-req: MGT 320 with a minimum grade of D.

This course culminates the student's entire learning experience in the Aviation Management major. It involves case discussions, readings, and simulations. Students will complete a comprehensive, semester-long project.
Pre-req: AVSC 231 with a minimum grade of D and AVSC 315 with a minimum grade of D and AVSC 410 with a minimum grade of D and MGT 348 with a minimum grade of D.

The integrative capstone course concerning theory and practice of top managements plans to attain outcomes consistent wit the organization's mission and goals including strategy formulation, implementation and control.
Pre-req: MGT 320 with a minimum grade of D and MKT 340 with a minimum grade of D and LE 207 with a minimum grade of D and (MGT 218 with a minimum grade of D or MGT 318 with a minimum grade of D or MTH 225 with a minimum grade of D or STA 225 with a minimum grade of D or IST 130 with a minimum grade of D or EDF 417 with a minimum grade of D or PSY 223 with a minimum grade of D or SOC 345 with a minimum grade of D) and FIN 323 with a minimum grade of D and ENG 204 with a minimum grade of D and ACC 215 with a minimum grade of D and ACC 216 with a minimum grade of D and (CMM 207 with a minimum grade of D or CMM 103 with a minimum grade of D or CMM 104H with a minimum grade of D) and (ECN 250 with a minimum grade of D or ECN 200 with a minimum grade of D) and ECN 253 with a minimum grade of D and MIS 200 with a minimum grade of D and MIS 290 with a minimum grade of D.
Managing small enterprises, as opposed to large corporations. In cooperation with the Small Business Administration. Students work as trainee management consultants with small businesses in the area.
Pre-req: MGT 320 with a minimum grade of D.
Field experience in management of Health Care Organizations.
Students will learn the general and specific information relevant to conducting export business from the United States to different parts of the world.
Study of an advanced topic not normally covered in other courses. Management majors only, with permission of department chairman.
A supervised internship in which the student works for a business firm/agency to gain practical experience in the student's major. The program of work and study will be defined in advance and the student performance will be evaluated.
Provides competency in some of the basic quantitative skills necessary for analytical work in business administration. Required of all candidates who have had little or no undergraduate background in mathematics.
Students will learn the general and specific information relevant to conducting import/export business to/from the United States to different parts of the world.
The use of quantitative methods for managerial decision making. A review of basic calculus and statistics as required in business. Other topics indlude decision analysis, linear programming and queuing. (PR: Full MBA Admission or Permission of MBA Director)
Pre-req: MGT 500 with a minimum grade of C.
MGT 611 concerns the theory and practice of a military officer's management plans to attain outcomes consistent with the organization's mission and goals including strategy formulation, implementation and control.
MGT 612 concerns the theory and practice of a military officer's strategic human resource management plans to attain outcomes consistent with the organization's mission and goals including strategy formulation, implementation and control.
MGT 613 concerns the theory and practice of a military officer's quantitative and analytical management plans to attain outcomes consistent with the organization's mission and goals including strategy formulation, implementation and control.
Provides a comprehensive introduction to technology and innovation management. Considers issues relating to international markets, innovation, and rapidly changing technology. Also covers effective organizational and managerial approaches to technology.
The study of policies, methods, and techniques utilized in personnel management and human relations. Specific attention is given to problems of recruitment, selection. compensation, motivation, communications, training , service and benefit programs, performance evaluation, safety, discipline, business ethics, and community relations. (PR: MGT 320 or MKT 511; and GSM admission or permission of GSM academic advisor)
Pre-req: MKT 511 with a minimum grade of C.
An analysis and application of personal and organizational skills associated with the effective management of both public and private sector organizations. Skills to be developed or refined include time management,decision making, delegation, stress management, oral and written communication, team-building and others. Applied exercises, case studies, simulation, role play, films, and other learning methods are emphasized. (PR: MGT 672)
Pre-req: MGT 672 with a minimum grade of C or MGT 503G with a minimum grade of C.
PR: Permission of the division head and full M.B.A. admission or permission of GSM academic advisor.
Pre-req: MGT 503 with a minimum grade of C or MGT 503G with a minimum grade of C.
PR: Permission of the division head and full M.B.A. admission or permission of GSM academic advisor.
Pre-req: MGT 501 with a minimum grade of C or MGT 501G with a minimum grade of C.
Independent study of a specific nature under the
Pre-req: MGT 672 with a minimum grade of C or MGT 503G with a minimum grade of C.
Project-oriented experience in business operations and organizations intended for those students with insufficient experience in the field. (PR: Full Admission and permission of program director)
Basic ideas and concepts for the effective management of an organization. Major topics include motivation, communication and decision-making processes, group dynamics, leadership study, conflict management, work and organizational design, and organization development. Emphasis on the organizational behavior and theory.
Principles and procedures of the personnel system in the firm; selected areas of recruitment and selection; training and development; performance appraisal and evaluation; general communications system; role of government in manpower administration.
Pre-req: MGT 672 with a minimum grade of C or MGT 503G with a minimum grade of C.
The study of operations management methods used in production, manufacturing, services and other business operations. Includes project management, capacity planning and transportation problems. (PR: MGT 601 and Full MBA Admission or Permission of MBA Director)
Pre-req: MGT 601 with a minimum grade of C.
Comprehensive coverage of the development of the field of industrial relations. The impact of organized labor and federal social legislation of management decision. Alternative directions for future developments are studied.
Pre-req: MGT 672 with a minimum grade of C or MGT 503G with a minimum grade of C.
Analysis of organizational systems and subsystems incorporating, traditional, behavioral, and situational approaches to organizational and work unit design. Emphasizes environmental interface and interdependencies as function of internal systems phenomena.
Pre-req: MGT 672 with a minimum grade of C or MGT 503G with a minimum grade of C.
This course is a study of efforts to optimize actions of manufacturers, suppliers, distributors, retailers, and other selected modes in their endeavors to serve the ultimate customers.
The management of small business emphasizes how they are started and financed, how they produce and market their products and services and how they manage their human resources.
An examination of the Manager's social, ethical, and environmental responsibilities, not only to their domestic constituents, but also in the increasingly competitive international arena.
Pre-req: MGT 672 with a minimum grade of C.
Capstone graduate business course for Master of Science students (HRM & HCA). Emphasis on policy and strategy issues in a service and/or public setting instead of within a "for-profit" environment.
The study and application of top management's plan to attain outcomes consistent with the organization's mission and goals, including; strategy formulation, implementation and control. (PR: Permission of GSM academic advisor)