Sport Tourism Hospitality Mgt (STHM)

A study of the possible interrelationship between physical activity and various sociocultural factors.

The student will gain knowledge in sport management with multiple emphasis including professional, collegiate, and recreational sports.
This course introduces students to the nature, structure, and complexity of the sport tourism industry. Topics covered include: economic, sociocultural and environmental impacts, motivations, marketing, and development principles.
Supervised experience with classroom setting that emphasizes a variety of skills and exploration of career opportunities in Sport Management (CR: Admission to Sport Management Program).
Pre-req: STHM 250 with a minimum grade of C or ESS 250 with a minimum grade of C.
This course will deal with the fields of recreational sports and campus recreation management. It will present the foundations of both fields, the development, implementation and trends in today's programs.
This course is designed for comprehensive understanding of the esports industry.
A study of the application of marketing concepts to the sport industry (PR: MKT 340)
This course focuses on how sports managers find and manage funding sources for the sports industry through ticket and merchandise sales, venues and sports properties, and fundraising, etc.
A classroom setting with additional required clinical hours in the sport and leisure industry setting emphasizing a variety of work experiences and internship application skills in Sport Management. (PR: STHM 290 with minimum B and minimum 2.2 GPA)
Philosophical of and historical background to the development of values in contemporary society and examination of how these are manifested in the sports world.
An examination of theory, research, and application of psychological principles related to sport and exercise.
Pre-req: PSY 201 with a minimum grade of D.
This course provides students with the comprehensive application of leadership theories and practice in the sport, tourism and hospitality management field.
This course covers quantity, location, and design standards for facilitates. Includes safety, functionality, durability, and maintenance requirements in planning and design. (PR: Junior or Senior Standing)
The relationship between sport and feature motion pictures are analyzed in the historical, social and cultural contexts. (PR: Junior or senior standing)
Study of the basic principles of the legal system as they operate in the environment of American sport. (PR: Junior or senior standing)
The history of women in sport, gender equity, the opportunities for women and intercollegiate and professional sports (such as participant, coach, trainer, journalist, agent and promoter), and physiological perspectives.
This course focuses on the understanding of sport agent industry and structure.
Pre-req: STHM 250 with a minimum grade of D.
By using various tools such as sport analytics, key performance indicators (KPI), balanced scorecard, and other techniques, this course focuses on exploring, identifying and solving problems using data (PR: minimum B grade in MGT 218, JR or SR standing)
Pre-req: MGT 218 with a minimum grade of B.
A study of sales and promotion management in sport and leisure industry.
Pre-req: (STHM 380 with a minimum grade of D or ESS 380 with a minimum grade of D).

Application of all aspects involved in the Sport, Tourism and Hospitality Management to individually designed projects. Fulfills the capstone requirement for undergraduate majors (PR: SR standing in Sport Management)
Special Topics
Special Topics
Special Topics
Special Topics
Independent Study
Independent Study
Independent Study
Independent Study

Exploring the important role of the Olympic Movement in politics since the modern Olympic Movement in 1896. (PR: JR and SR standing)