Physical Science (PS)

A survey of the past, present, and future of the Universe, from our solar system, to the nearby stars, our Milky Way galaxy and far beyond.

The course covers the basic principles and concepts of the universe including energy, and its various forms. Force, motion, electricity, magnetism, the wave theory of light and sound and astronomy are also studied.
Pre-req: MTH 121 or MTH 123 or MTH 127 or MTH 130 or MTH 130E or MTH 229 or MTH 229H or MTH 203 or MTH 121B or MTH 130H.

Selected experiments relating to measurement, force, work, energy, astronomy, light and electricity.

The course covers the basic principles and concepts of chemistry, geology, and metorology. The crust of the earth, minerals, rocks, chemical reactions are studied.
Pre-req: MTH 121 or MTH 121H or MTH 123 or MTH 123E or MTH 127 or MTH 130 or MTH 130H or MTH 130E or MTH 140 or MTH 203 or MTH 220 or MTH 225 or MTH 229 or MTH 229H or MTH 121B.

Selected experiments relating to chemistry, geology, and meteorology.

An investigation of the prospects for the existence of life elsewhere in our solar system, galaxy, and the wider Universe. Includes an integrated 2 hour lab.
A conceptual study of the Earth's relation to the other members of the solar system and its place in the Universe. (Part of a 3 course sequence for K-9 education majors).
An introduction to the history and nature of science emphasizing the logic of scientific reasoning and progress with social and historical influences. Includes lab. (PR: 12 hrs of Science)
A study of the stars, planets, and galaxies, planetary motion, cosmology, cosmography. Designed to assist teachers and others to develop an interest in astronomy.
Pre-req: PS 109 or PHY 201 or PHY 211 and PS 400L (may be taken concurrently).
A computational and observational laboratory. Fundamental observations in astronomy and their interpretation through physical laws. Quantitative discussion of orbital motion, time, telescopes, solar system, stars, and galaxies.
A study of the physical systems for collecting remotely sensed data. Statistical/spatial analysis and modeling using image processing/geographic information/spatial analysis computer software systems with earth resource applications. (PR: PHY 203 and PHY 204)
A study of image processing/geographic information and spatial analysis hardware/software systems, concurrent and parallel image processing modeling scenarios utilizing geobiophysical data for computer simulation modeling and practicum.
Pre-req: PS 410.
Problem solving, geobiophysical modeling, and proposal development techniques in the physical sciences.
Pre-req: PS 411 or PHY 411.