Public Health (PH)
Course introduces students to the concepts and models of public health.
This course provides an introduction to epidemiology for undergraduate students.
Develop basic literacy regarding social concepts and processes that influence health status and public health interventions. Understand interaction of biologic, behavioral, social and environmental factors influencing health status of population.
Examination of infectious diseases from a public health perspective, including strategies for prevention, treatment, control and eradication.
Pre-req: PH 105.
This course will provide the foundations for a study into the new relevant community health issues facing area residents and also worth an international perspective.

This course provides students the opportunity to study healthcare systems in developed and developing countries and compare these systems to the US healthcare systems.
With permission of program director.
With permission of program director.
With permission of program director.
With permission of program director.
Major environmental health problems, including water quality, wastewater occupational health, trace elements in the environment, municipal and hazardous waste, food protection, vector control, and air quality are discussed.
This course develops conceptual and methodological skills for design and implementation of Public Health policy. This philosophy of scientific inquiry and systems approaches to problem solving are covered.
This course provides an overview of how information and knowledge are acquired and applied to public health problems. The philosophy of scientific inquiry and systems approaches to problem solving are covered.
Introduction to policy development, establishment and implementation with a focus on critical health issues. Students will develop skills in addressing current problems in health policy.
The course focuses on theories and applications of qualitative research methods.
Pre-req: MTH 225.
This course takes a life cycle approach to understand the health issues, needs, policies, and program implications for women and children with a global perspective.
Pre-req: PH 270.
In this course, students will be introduced to health policy and the process by which it is developed. Various approaches to the health policy are defined and their rationale considered.
This course provides in depth study of timely topics in health policy. High impact health reform issues will be examined, culminating in student formulation of a policy proposal.

All students are expected to master a set of competencies during the course of their studies. The competencies that have been selected by the faculty of the College of Health Professions are derived from the Ten Essential Public Health Services.
The course focuses on theoretical aspects of quantitative research methods in public health and health care.
This course focuses on applications and techniques of quantitative research methods.
With permission of program director.
With permission of program director.
With permission of program director.
With permission of program director.
With permission of program director.
With permission of program director.
With permission of program director.
With permission of program director.

This is 320 hours total on-the-job experiences. The duration of the internship is planned to allow the variety of experiences that will provide the most benefits to the students.