Medical Imaging (MI)
Seminar on new and emerging technologies in imaging sciences.
Elective clinical practicum in radiography or sonography.
This course introduces the basic principles of sonography.
Introduces student to the nature and characteristic of radiation production and the fundamentals of photon interactions with matter. Course covers principles associated with radiography, nuclear medicine and radiation oncology.
Pre-req: PHY 101 and PHY 101L and MTH 121 and MI 209.
Content is designed to provide the knowledge base necessary to perform standard imaging procedures. Clinical practice is sequential. Students will be introduced to special imaging modalities.
Pre-req: MI 210 with a minimum grade of D and MI 301 with a minimum grade of D and MI 305 with a minimum grade of D.
Seminar on new and emerging technologies in imaging sciences.
This course covers basic abdominal sonographic positioning and scanning protocols, as it relates to normal anatomy of the abdomen. Laboratory included.
The focus of this course is to educate students about the physics of sound waves and their interaction with tissue enabling the display of diagnostic imaging.
Clinical practice experiences are designed for sequential development, application, critical analysis, integration, synthesis and evaluation of concepts and theories in the performance of sonographic procedures.
This course covers anatomy, positioning and scanning protocol of the superficial structures.
This course covers basic abdominal sonographic positioning and scanning protocols, as it relates to normal anatomy, anatomical variants, physiology to include the retroperitoneum, associated abdominal vasculature identified.
The focus of this course is to educate students about the physics of sound waves and their interaction with tissue enabling the display of diagnostic imaging.
Discussion of vascular disease, duplex examinations with comparison to arteriography, as it pertains to venous and visceral vascular examinations. Laboratory included.
Clinical practice experiences are designed for sequential development, application, critical analysis, integration, synthesis and evaluation of concepts and theories in the performance of sonographic procedures.
Elective clinical practicum in radiography or sonography.
This course focuses on radiation safety including ionizing radiation dose limits for the occupational worker, patient and general public.
Review seminar for the primary ARRT certification examination.
Advanced practice course in the quality assurance (QA) and quality management (QM) process for imaging sciences.
Core theory requirement for all advanced practice students focused on discussion of communication, human diversity, health care policy, legal issues and patient information management.
Focus on advanced cardiovascular anatomy, physiology and pathophysiology including heart anatomy, coronary, systemic, pulmonary, peripheral and cerebral circulation.
Focus is on advanced patient care skills including ACLS, procedures and equipment utilized in cardiovascular and vascular/interventional imaging.
Students will arrange clinical experience in selected imaging modality to gain competency in clinical procedures required to sit for post-primary ARRT certification exams.

Capstone course. Research methods and information literacy.

Multidisciplinary approach to transcultural healthcare. Course will utilize comparative ethnography and provide a theoretical framework for organizing and interpreting information about health.
Provides instruction in management principles for radiography departmental managers including JACHO and Nuclear Regulatory Commission parameters. Students will be prepared to sit for the certification exam offered by the AHRA.
Continuation of MI 412 to provide radiographer with management principles and preparation for the AHRA certification exam in radiography management.
Introduction to medical imaging of the breast. Focus is to prepare student for advanced certification exam in Mammography.
Course content provides basic knowledge of digital storage systems, computer networking, radiology information systems (RIS), and picture archiving and communication systems (PACS).
This course covers basic obstetrical sonographic postitioning and scanning protocols, as it relates to normal anatomy of the fetus.
This course presents a study of normal anatomy and physiology of the nongravid and first trimester pelvis.
This course is designed to prepare the sonography student for their first speciality exam through the ARDMS.
Clinical practice experiences are designed for sequential development, application, critical analysis, integration, synthesis and evaluation of concepts and theories in the performance of sonographic procedures.
This course focuses on sonographic techniques in high risk pregnancies and fetal abnormalities.
This course presents a study of pathology of the nongravid and first trimester pelvis.
Clinical practice experiences are designed for sequential development, application, critical analysis, integration, synthesis and evaluation of concepts and theories in the performance of sonographic procedures.
This course covers basic adult heart sonographic positioning and scanning protocols, as it relates to normal anatomy, anatomical variants, physiology of the adult heart.
Discussion of vascular pathology and the use of plethsymography techniques in sonography.
This course is a continuation of MI 423 and covers basic adult heart sonographic positioning and scanning protocols, as it relates to anatomical variants and physiology of the adult heart.
Students will arrange clinical experience in selected imaging modality to gain competency in clinical procedures required to sit for post-primary ARRT certification exams.
Advanced practice course in trauma and surgical radiography for imaging sciences.
This course will focus on introducing forensic radiography techniques and theoretical models.
This course will focus on advanced diagnositc medical imaging in the geriatric and pediatric population including mobile radiography.
Advanced medical imaging of the breast.
Elective advanced clinical practicum in radiography or sonography.
Advanced magnetic resonance imaging equipment and procedures.
Pre-req: MI 406 with a minimum grade of D.
This course will introduce basic principles of point of care ultrasound for vascular and cardiac interventional radiography, and mammography.
This course will focus on diagnostic and interventional procedures of the cardiovascular system.
This is a review course for the ARRT primary certification examination.
This course is designed to prepare the sonography student for their second specialty exam through the ARDMS.
This course covers anatomy, positioning and scanning protocol for the breast as well as an introduction to ultrasound physics.
This course focuses on echosonography of the developing fetus.
This course focuses on sonographic techniques in pediatric echocardiography.
This course focuses on advanced sonographic techniques in pediatric echocardiography and is designed for the credentialed echocardiographer training in the area of pediatric echo.
Course designed to allow student to pursue individual research in medical imaging.
Course designed to allow student to pursue individual research in medical imaging.
Course designed to allow student to pursue individual research in medical imaging.
Course designed to allow student to pursue individual research in medical imaging.