Mechanical Engineering (ME)
Introduction to effective problem-solving techniques used in various engineering applications. Computational tools including C and MATLAB will e covered.
Pre-req: MTH 127 with a minimum grade of D or MTH 130 with a minimum grade of D or MTH 132 (may be taken concurrently) with a minimum grade of D or MTH 229 (may be taken concurrently) with a minimum grade of D or MTH 229H (may be taken concurrently) with a minimum grade of D or ACT Math with a score of 24 or SAT Mathematics Before Mar. 16 with a score of 560 or SAT MATH SECTION SCORE with a score of 570.
An introduction to manufacturing systems and strategy. A study of manufacturing processes. Measurement and quality assurance machining, welding, and casting processes. Hot and cold forming and joining processes. 1 lec and 6 lab
Pre-req: ENGR 215 with a minimum grade of D and (ENGR 102 with a minimum grade of D or CE 102 with a minimum grade of D).
This course provides basic concepts of DC and AC circuit analysis, an overview of the instrument characteristics and measurement principles, and description and evaluation of sensors commonly used with instrumentation.
Pre-req: MTH 230 with a minimum grade of D.
This course covers flight dynamics; and modeling, stability, and control aspects of aircrafts.
Pre-req: ENGR 213 with a minimum grade of D.
Gas, vapor, combined power cycles, co-generation, entropy, combustion, fuel cells, and equations of state.
Pre-req: ENGR 219 with a minimum grade of D.
This course covers flight dynamics; modeling, stability, and control aspects of aircrafts.
Pre-req: ME 305 with a minimum grade of D.
This course covers physical principles of fluid power cylinders, control valves, fluid power components: compressors, pumps, valves, cylinders, and motors, fluid power circuits, troubleshooting: hydraulic, symptoms, procedures, pneumatics.
Pre-req: ENGR 214 with a minimum grade of D and ENGR 216 with a minimum grade of D.
Experiments in fluid, heat, and thermodynamics; Experimental analysis, planning, and design; Estimation of error and uncertainty analysis; Principles and performance of measuring systems; Laboratory experience; Technical report writing.
Pre-req: (ME 360 with a minimum grade of D or ENGR 318 with a minimum grade of D) and ENGR 219 with a minimum grade of D and STA 345 with a minimum grade of D and ME 350 (may be taken concurrently) with a minimum grade of D.
This course covers economical production by understanding the capabilities of different manufacturing processes, candidate manufacturing processes for a given part, performing manufacturabiliity evaluation at the design stage, automation, IMS.
Pre-req: ME 240 with a minimum grade of D.
Mechanical design of machine elements, static and fatigue failures, shaft systems, bearings, gears, springs, screws and fasteners.
Pre-req: ENGR 216 with a minimum grade of D.
Fluid statics, fluid kinematics, Bernoulli equation, momentum analysis, dimensional analysis, internal flows, fluid machinery, power and efficiency, external flows, compressible flows, differential analysis and Navier-Stokes equation, computational fluid dynamics.
Pre-req: ENGR 214 with a minimum grade of D and MTH 231 (may be taken concurrently) with a minimum grade of D.
The determination of the motion and forces of machines and mechanisms including rotating machinery, cams and gears. Analyze position, velocity, accelerations, static loads, and dynamic loads.
Pre-req: ENGR 214 with a minimum grade of D and ENGR 216 with a minimum grade of D.
Engineering measurements and experimentations. Hands-on labs and data analyses in several major topics of the Mechanics of Materials theory and Theory of Machines.
Pre-req: ME 340 with a minimum grade of D.
Design and analysis of thermal systems including components selection and integrations.
Pre-req: ME 350 with a minimum grade of D.
Problem solving methodology in the design, analysis, and synthesis of mechanical systems. Engineering design process involving modeling, computer simulation, concepts of optimization, robustness, reliability, sustainability.
Pre-req: ME 410 (may be taken concurrently) with a minimum grade of D.
Design characteristics and operational performance of energy systems.
Pre-req: ME 310 with a minimum grade of D.
This course covers standard symbols, pumps, control valves, assemblies, actuators, filter regulator lubricator (FRL), maintenance procedures, switching, control devices, fluid power circuits including design, application, and troubleshooting.
Pre-req: ME 245 with a minimum grade of D.
Experimental laboratory mainly from within the thermo-fluids area, concerned with fluid statics, flow, heat transfer, internal combustion engines, data acquistion, analysis, including use of computers. Principles of good experimental design.
Pre-req: MTH 335 with a minimum grade of D.
This course covers CNC CAD/CAM, CNC tools, coordinate systems, CNC programming Language, CNC operation, CNC tool paths, CNC turning, G/M code reference, CNC milling work-holding, rapid prototyping, 3D printing.
Pre-req: ME 240 with a minimum grade of D.
The theories and principles of jet propulsion. Thermodynamic cycles. The mechanics and thermodynamics of combustion. Turbine engine performance characteristics. Component and cycle analysis of jet engines and turbomachinery.
Pre-req: ME 310 with a minimum grade of D.
Prepares mechanical engineering students for ME 453 Capstone Design II, professional responsibility, development of effective communication skills, and learning strategies. Students begin to work on a capstone design project.
Pre-req: ME 350 with a minimum grade of D and ME 410 with a minimum grade of D.

Students utilize the engineering design process to complete a comprehensive project that addresses a real-world problem with realistic constraints in a collaborative environment.
Pre-req: ME 452 with a minimum grade of D.
Covers material properties and behavior of pure metals and common metal alloys. Discuss various aspects of extractive, mechanical, physical metallurgy, theory and practice of identification, selection, processing, conditioning, and testing.
Pre-req: ENGR 215 with a minimum grade of D.
Covers the main structural materials used in aircraft in terms of their production, properties, performance, and applications.
Pre-req: ENGR 215 with a minimum grade of D.
Modeling of vibratory motion of single and multiple degree of freedom systems; free and forced response; modal summation method for response predictions; simulation of the vibration by using Matlab.
Pre-req: ENGR 214 with a minimum grade of D and MTH 335 with a minimum grade of D.
Dynamic analysis of mechatronic systems, sensors, transducers, and electric circuits and control.
Pre-req: ME 420 with a minimum grade of D.
Subject matter to be selectred from topics of current interest.
Subject matter to be selected from topics of current interest.
Subject matter to be selected from topics of current interest.
Subject matter to be selected from topics of current interest.
Individual study of advanced mechanical engineering areas.
Individual study of advanced mechanical engineering areas.
Individual study of advanced mechanical engineering areas.
Individual study of advanced mechanical engineering areas.