Latin (LAT)
Pre-req: LAT 101 with a minimum grade of D.
Varied readings including selections from Cicero's Orations and Vergil's Aeneid I-VI.
Pre-req: LAT 102.
Varied readings including selections from Cicero's Orations and Vergil's Aeneid I-VI.
Pre-req: LAT 203 with a minimum grade of D.
Introduction to basic skills of oral comprehension, composition and pronunciation of Latin.
Pre-req: LAT 101 with a minimum grade of D.
Introduction to basic skills of oral comprehension, composition and pronunciation of Latin.
Pre-req: LAT 101.
Introduction to basic skills of oral comprehension, composition, and pronunciation of Latin.
Pre-req: LAT 204.
Pre-req: LAT 204.
Pre-req: LAT 204.
Pre-req: LAT 204.
A close reading in Latin of the poetry of Catullus with consideration of its literary antecedents and its importance to Roman Literature.
Pre-req: LAT 204.
Close reading in Latin of selections from Ovid's erotic and epic poetry.
Pre-req: LAT 204 with a minimum grade of D.
A close reading in Latin of selected works from Sallust and Nepos.
Pre-req: LAT 204.
Study of Latin Prose Composition, the translation of English to Latin, with special reference to the style, syntax and vocabulary of Tacitus.
Close readings in Latin of selections from the elegies of Propertius and Tibullus.
Pre-req: LAT 204.
A unique look at Roman life, public and private, through a close reading in Latin of the correspondence of Cicero, Seneca the Elder, and Pliny the Younger. Younger.
Pre-req: LAT 204.
Close readings in Latin of selections from the satires of Horace and Juvenal and the epigrams of Martial.
Pre-req: LAT 204.
A close reading in Latin of selections from the works of Tacitus.
Pre-req: LAT 204.
Study of Latin Prose Composition, the translation of English into Latin, with special reference to the style, syntax and vocabulary of the 1st c BCE.
Pre-req: LAT 204.
Pre-req: LAT 204.
Pre-req: LAT 204.
Pre-req: LAT 204.
Pre-req: LAT 204.
Non-Latin majors may enroll in Latin Independent Study courses for one hour credit to meet general requirements in literature. For such students instruction and readings will be entirely in English. Consult chairman for current offerings.
Pre-req: LAT 204.
Non-Latin majors may enroll in Latin Independent Study courses for one hour credit to meet general requirements in literature. For such students instruction and readings will be entirely in English. Consult chariman for current offerings.
Pre-req: LAT 204.
Non-Latin majors may enroll in Latin Independent Study courses for one hour credit to meet general requirements in literature. For such students instruction and readings will be entirely in English. Consult chairman for current offerings.
Pre-req: LAT 204.
Non-Latin majors may enroll in Latin Independent Study courses for one hour credit to meet general requirements in literature. For such students instruction and readings will be entirely in English. Consult chairman for current offerings.
Pre-req: LAT 204.

Students prepare for their career path by developing a paper that uses professional tools and scholarship; create personal statements and a resume.