German (GER)
Pronunciation, conversation, reading, and composition with an emphasis on aural/oral development.
Pronunciation, conversation, reading, and composition with an emphasis on aural/oral development.
Pre-req: GER 101 with a minimum grade of C.
Continuation on the intermediate level of the basic language skills: pronunciation, conversation, reading and composition with an emphasis on aural/oral development. (PR: GER 203 or 4 units of high school German)
Pre-req: GER 203 with a minimum grade of C.

Study of selected topics relating to culture and life in the German speaking countries. Lectures, readings, and discussions in English, No prerequisite.
Study of idioms, grammatical structure, and syntax through conversation and composition.
Pre-req: GER 204.
Study of idioms, grammatical structure, and syntax through conversation and composition.
Pre-req: GER 204.
Taught in English this course will focus on many of the Brothers Grimm's collection of 279 fairy tales, augmented by additional readings and film showings.
Pre-req: GER 204.
Pre-req: GER 204.
Pre-req: GER 204.