French (FRN)
Pronunciation, conversation, reading, and composition with emphasis on aural/oral development.
Pronunciation, conversation, reading, and composition with emphasis on aural/oral development.
Pre-req: FRN 101 with a minimum grade of C.
Continuation on the intermediate level of the basic language skills: pronunciation, conversation, reading, and composition with emphasis on aural/oral development.
Pre-req: FRN 102 with a minimum grade of C or FRN 112 with a minimum grade of C.
Development of practical conversational skills, reading for comprehension, and directed composition.
Pre-req: FRN 203 with a minimum grade of C.

Selected topics relating to culture and life in the Frenchspeaking countries. Lectures, readings, and discussions in English.
Pre-req: FRN 204.
Pre-req: FRN 204.
Pre-req: FRN 204.
Pre-req: FRN 204.
This course deals with major works of French literature and requires no prior background in French literature history. The course will be conducted in English.
Study of idioms, grammatical structure, and syntax with emphasis on free composition, use of language laboratory, and formal study of the art of translation from English to French.
Pre-req: FRN 204.
A study of important literary movements, representative authors and their works from the Middle Ages to present.
Pre-req: FRN 204.
Pre-req: FRN 204.
Study of representative plays by the classical dramatists Corneille, Moliere, and Racine. This course is conducted entirely in French.
Pre-req: FRN 305 or FRN 306 or FRN 315 or FRN 316 or FRN 317 or FRN 318 or FRN 323 or FRN 324 or FRN 335 or FRN 336.
Study of representative works by the philosophes, Montesquieu, Rousseau, Voltaire, and Diderot. The course will be conducted in French. (PR: FRN 204)
Pre-req: FRN 305 or FRN 306 or FRN 315 or FRN 316 or FRN 317 or FRN 318 or FRN 323 or FRN 324 or FRN 335 or FRN 336.
A study of major novels chosen to illustrate the romantic, realistic, and naturalistic literary movements. The course is conducted in French.
Pre-req: FRN 305 or FRN 306 or FRN 315 or FRN 316 or FRN 317 or FRN 318 or FRN 323 or FRN 324 or FRN 335 or FRN 336.

A study of representative 20th Century French novels by Proust, Malraux, Sartre, Camus, Robbe-Grillet. The course will be taught in French.
Pre-req: FRN 305 or FRN 306 or FRN 315 or FRN 316 or FRN 317 or FRN 318 or FRN 323 or FRN 324 or FRN 335 or FRN 336.
Course on selected films by French directors of the New Wave and the Post New-Wave period.
An analysis of the important works that mark the evolution of French Prose writers from the Middle Ages through the 18th Century. Readings and discussions are in French.
Pre-req: FRN 204.
A study of literary works illustrating the development of poetry and theater in France from the Middle Ages through the 18th Century.
Pre-req: FRN 317 and FRN 318.
A course for advanced students sufficiently prepared to do constructive work in phases of the language or literature of interest to them.
Pre-req: FRN 305 or FRN 306 or FRN 315 or FRN 316 or FRN 317 or FRN 318 or FRN 323 or FRN 324 or FRN 335 or FRN 336.