Entrepreneurship (ENT)
An interdisciplinary experiential course that guides students entrepreneurs on discovering a problem they are passionate about solving and applying design thinking principles to solve it for one person.
Pre-req: Admitted Honors College with a score of 1.
Introduction to creativity theory, including exposure to basic frameworks, concepts, and obstacles to creativity. Through practical application, the relationships between creativity, innovation and entrepreneurship are explored.
A study of the functions, techniques and problems of management of the small business enterprise as opposed to the large-scale corporate situation. The day section, in cooperation with the U.S. Small Business Administration, provides students with field experience as management consultants to an area small business.
Special topics in entrepreneurship.
Survey of inbound digital marketing strategies that are cost effective for small firms and start-ups. Strategies include search engine optimization and content marketing.
Identification and evaluation of business opportunities; Systematic analysis and design of critical start-up business components.
Pre-req: ENT 220 with a minimum grade of D and ENT 360 with a minimum grade of D.
An experiential learning course, students will complete a portion of this course as an apprentice at a new or small business followed by experience starting an online business.
Pre-req: ENT 360 with a minimum grade of D.
Refered by a faculty member, students will engage with entrepreneurs to discuss issues relevant to new ventures including partnerships, working with family, debt, ethical dilemmas, and customer issues.
Pre-req: ENT 360 with a minimum grade of D.
Introduces students to social entrepreneurship, social venture models, and funding options including philanthropy, government funding, and income generating, self-sustaining business models.
Pre-req: MGT 360 with a minimum grade of D or ENT 360 with a minimum grade of D.
Application of entrepreneurial mindset, behavior, and capability to the development of new opportunities within an existing organization.
Pre-req: ENT 220 with a minimum grade of D and ENT 360 with a minimum grade of D.

Lean startup and strategic thinking from both causation and effectuation viewpoints utilizing interdisciplinary skills to develop an original business concept, model, and plan. Capstone course.
Pre-req: ENT 350 with a minimum grade of D.
Working with advisor and mentors, students start their own ventures, develop prototypes (or service simulation), conduct market test, pivot on their original plans, and pitch ideas to local entrepreneur community.
Pre-req: ENT 467 with a minimum grade of D.
Supervised field experience in a social enterprise for a minimum of 200 clock hours. Regular conferences with instructor and weekly progress reports.
Pre-req: ENG 471.
Supervised field experience in a new or existing venture for a minimum of 200 clock hours. Regular conferences with instructor and weekly progress reports.
Pre-req: ENT 467 with a minimum grade of D.
Study of an advanced topic not normally covered in other courses.
A supervised environment working for a business firm/agency to gain practical experience by completing defined projects or tasks.