English (ENG)
Advanced placement in English is granted on the basis of the Educational Testing Service (ETS) Advanced Placement Test scores. See section entitled “Advanced Placement” of this catalog for details. Students with ACT verbal scores of 34 or better (770 SAT ERW) should notify the Coordinator of Composition (marshallme@marshall.edu), who will then arrange for credit in ENG 101-201 to be assigned to the students’ records. Students with ACT verbal scores of 28-33 (640 SAT ERW) should enroll in ENG 201H. Students with ACT verbal scores of 18-27 (480 SAT ERW) should enroll in ENG 101. Students who score 17 or below on the ACT verbal (or below 470 SAT ERW) must take ENG 101P. Honors College students should enroll in ENG 200H.

Introduction to academic writing with emphasis on writing as a multi-stage process, critical thinking, and fundamental research strategies and skills.
Pre-req: ACT Verbal with a score of 18 or SAT Verbal Before March 16 with a score of 450 or SAT EVIDENCE-BASED READ/WRIT with a score of 480.

Introduction to academic writing with emphasis on writing as a multi-stage process, critical thinking, and fundamental research strategies and skills. Additional attention on reading, paragraph development, and sentence-level writing skills.
This course promotes the development of English language fluency by nonnative speakers of English. It specifically targets the language skills necessary for successful oral communication within an academic context.
This course prepares nonnative speakers of English to meet the challenges of reading for academic purposes at the college level by improving their reading skills and English language proficiency.
This course for nonnative speakers of English focuses on written academic English, including grammar, mechanics, research, American English rhetorical conventions, and process writing. It further provides practice in oral communication.

This class brings together literary and non-literary texts and considers how the same theme plays through them via analysis, evaluation, and creation of said texts.

This class brings together literary and non-literary texts and considers how the same theme plays through them via analysis, evaluation and creation of said texts.
Pre-req: Admitted Honors College with a score of 1.

An advanced composition course centered on critical reading, writing, and research skills for the disciplines.
Pre-req: ENG 101 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 101P with a minimum grade of C or ENG 160 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 101B with a minimum grade of C.

An accelerated course in English composition. Completion of 201H with a C or better satisfies the University requirement in freshman composition. Students completing the course are awarded three additional hours of credit toward graduation.
Pre-req: ACT Verbal with a score of 28 or SAT Verbal Before March 16 with a score of 640 or SAT EVIDENCE-BASED READ/WRIT with a score of 640.

The study of Appalachian literature and texts that reflect cultural, political, and aesthetic experiences in the region as well as the intellectual, emotional, and spiritual experience of its inhabitants.(PR: Completion of Core II Composition Requirement)
Pre-req: ENG 201 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 201H with a minimum grade of C or ENG 200H with a minimum grade of C.
A writing course focused on the styles and forms used in the workplace. (PR: Completion of Core II Composition Requirement; Restricted to College of Business students, English majors, and English minors)
Pre-req: ENG 201 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 201H with a minimum grade of C or ENG 200H with a minimum grade of C.

Study of popular literature in cultural contexts. Selections may include horror, adventure, romance, or espionage, among other popular genres.

Study of plays from a variety of traditions and/or historical eras that have had a powerful impact on culture and the tradition of drama. PR: Completion of Core II Composition Requirement
Pre-req: ENG 201 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 201H with a minimum grade of C or ENG 200H with a minimum grade of C.

Criticism and analysis of representative selections of short nonfiction. (PR: Completion of Core II Composition Requirement)
Pre-req: ENG 201 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 201H with a minimum grade of C or ENG 200H with a minimum grade of C.

Study of different forms, conventions, and styles in fantastic literature, such as legend, fairy tale, horror story, heroic fantasy, nonsense, and romance. (PR: Completion of Core II Composition Requirement)
Pre-req: ENG 201 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 200H with a minimum grade of C or ENG 201H with a minimum grade of C.

Study of select autobiographies and memoirs from a variety of literary traditions. (PR: Completion of Core II Composition Requirement)
Pre-req: ENG 201 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 200H with a minimum grade of C or ENG 201H with a minimum grade of C.

Study of science fiction, including its background, themes, types, analyses, and appreciation. (PR: Completion of Core II Composition Requirement)
Pre-req: ENG 201 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 200H with a minimum grade of C or ENG 201H with a minimum grade of C.

Study of sports literature of different genres, including fiction, poetry, drama, and biography. (PR: Completion of Core II Composition Requirement)
Pre-req: ENG 201 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 200H with a minimum grade of C or ENG 201H with a minimum grade of C.

Selected examples of poems from a variety of cultures and/or historical eras studied through close reading and analysis. (PR: Completion of Core II Composition Requirement)
Pre-req: ENG 201 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 200H with a minimum grade of C or ENG 201H with a minimum grade of C.

Introduction of the literary art form of comics through a study of its history, genres, conventions, and complexities. (PR: Completion of Core II Composition Requirement)
Pre-req: ENG 201 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 200H with a minimum grade of C or ENG 201H with a minimum grade of C.

An introduction to the basic elements of the novel, such as forms and techniques, through careful reading of selected novels and criticism concerning them. (PR: Completion of Core II Composition Requirement)
Pre-req: ENG 201 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 200H with a minimum grade of C or ENG 201H with a minimum grade of C.

Studies in English and American novels relating significantly to political themes. (PR: Completion of Core II Composition Requirement)
Pre-req: ENG 201 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 200H with a minimum grade of C or ENG 201H with a minimum grade of C.

Study of postcolonial literature and theory. Focuses on questions of class, gender, sexuality and human rights in the literature of current and former colonies in Asia, Africa, and the Americas. (PR: Completion of Core II Composition Requirement)
Pre-req: ENG 201 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 200H with a minimum grade of C or ENG 201H with a minimum grade of C.

The study of selected writers of the American South from its beginnings to the present with special attention on writers after 1920. (PR: Completion of Core II Composition Requirement)
Pre-req: ENG 201 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 200H with a minimum grade of C or ENG 201H with a minimum grade of C.

Criticism and analysis of representative short stories, primarily British and American. (PR: Completion of Core II Composition Requirement)
Pre-req: ENG 201 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 200H with a minimum grade of C or ENG 201H with a minimum grade of C.

Study of films as narratives, as cultural representations, and as aesthetic expressions. (PR: Completion of Core II Composition Requirement)
Pre-req: ENG 201 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 200H with a minimum grade of C or ENG 201H with a minimum grade of C.

Examines the literary responses to crime and sensational literature and discusses the artistic, cultural, and historical contexts of those responses. (PR: Completion of Core II Composition Requirement)
Pre-req: ENG 201 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 200H with a minimum grade of C or ENG 201H with a minimum grade of C.

Examines the literary responses to "banned literature" and discusses the artistic, cultural and historical contexts of those responses. (PR: Completion of Core II Composition Requirement)
Pre-req: ENG 201 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 200H with a minimum grade of C or ENG 201H with a minimum grade of C.

Study of African American literature in cultural contexts. Genres may include poetry, fiction, nonfiction, drama, film, and graphic narratives.
Pre-req: ENG 201 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 200H with a minimum grade of C or ENG 201H with a minimum grade of C.

Study of texts from diverse ethnic and cultural groups in social and historical context. (PR: Completion of Core II Composition Requirement)
Pre-req: ENG 201 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 200H with a minimum grade of C or ENG 201H with a minimum grade of C.

A study of women writers in cultural contexts. Surveys attitudes toward women, women writers, and their work. (PR: Completion of Core II Composition Requirement)
Pre-req: ENG 201 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 200H with a minimum grade of C or ENG 201H with a minimum grade of C.

An introduction to digital literary studies, including the use of digital tools for textual analysis, the study of electronic literature, and the creation of digital texts.
Pre-req: ENG 201 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 201H with a minimum grade of C or ENG 200H with a minimum grade of C.
Writing courses to meet needs of special groups. Cannot be substituted for English 101-102 or English 201H.
Writing courses to meet needs of special groups. Cannot be substituted for English 101-102 or English 201H.
Writing courses to meet needs of special groups. Cannot be substituted for English 101-102 or English 201H.
Writing courses to meet needs of special groups. Cannot be substituted for English 101-102 or English 201 H.
An introductory course on the basic elements and types of professional writing, such as technical writing, non-profit writing, business writing, digital writing, scientific writing, and document design.
Pre-req: ENG 201 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 201H with a minimum grade of C or ENG 200H with a minimum grade of C.
An intensive study of film form (mise-en-scene, cinematography, editing, and sound) and international film history. (PR: Completion of Core II Composition Requirement)
Pre-req: ENG 201 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 200H with a minimum grade of C or ENG 201H with a minimum grade of C.
An introduction to critical reading of texts from a range of genres and media. Develops explication, critical reading, and research skills. Taken within the first 9 hours of coursework in major. (PR: Completion of Core II composition requirement and declaration of either English major or English 5-Adult major; or permission of chair)
Pre-req: ENG 201 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 200H with a minimum grade of C or ENG 201H with a minimum grade of C.
Acquaints students with types and styles of written reports required in science, government, industry, and medicine. Practical applications adapted to needs of the individual student. (PR: Completion of Core II Composition Requirement)
Pre-req: ENG 201 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 200H with a minimum grade of C or ENG 201H with a minimum grade of C.
An examination of the principles and methods of a range of major critical theories, emphasizing how their application affects textual interpretation.
Pre-req: ENG 350 with a minimum grade of C.
Development of techniques and strategies for writing poetry in a variety of styles and forms.
Pre-req: ENG 360 with a minimum grade of C.
Development of techniques and strategies for writing fiction in a variety of styles and forms.
Pre-req: ENG 360 with a minimum grade of C.
Development of techniques and strategies for writing creative nonfiction in a variety of styles and forms.
Pre-req: ENG 360 with a minimum grade of C.
Study of rhetorical invention and models of the composing process, with intensive practice in writing.
Pre-req: ENG 350 with a minimum grade of C and Admitted to Teacher ED with a score of 4.
The phonology, spelling, grammar, syntax, and vocabulary of previous language periods as background to Modern English.
Pre-req: ENG 350.
Development of writing skills and strategies with an emphasis on digital texts and genres. (PR: Completion of Core II composition requirement)
Pre-req: ENG 201 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 201H with a minimum grade of C or ENG 200H with a minimum grade of C.
Biographical and critical study, including Milton's English poetry and prose, and his literary and intellectual milieu. (PR: any 200-level or 300-level ENG course EXCEPT 200, 204, 205, 314, or 354; or permission of chair)
Pre-req: ENG 203 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 206 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 207 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 209 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 210 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 211 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 212 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 213 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 214 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 215 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 220 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 221 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 225 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 231 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 232 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 235 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 236 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 240 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 241 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 242 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 263 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 344 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 350 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 360 with a minimum grade of C.
Intensive study of Shakespeare's comedies, tragicomedies, and late romances. Also includes the Sonnets and Venus and Adonis. (PR: Any 200-level or 300-level ENG course EXCEPT 200, 204, 205, 314, or 354; or permission of chair)
Pre-req: ENG 203 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 206 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 207 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 209 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 210 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 211 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 212 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 213 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 214 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 215 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 220 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 221 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 225 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 231 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 232 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 235 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 236 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 240 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 241 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 242 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 263 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 344 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 350 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 360 with a minimum grade of C.
The poetry of Chaucer, chiefly the Canterbury Tales, in the light of medieval tradition and critical analysis. (PR: any 200-level or 300-level ENG course EXCEPT 200, 204, 205, 314, or 354; or permission of chair)
Pre-req: ENG 203 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 206 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 207 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 209 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 210 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 211 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 212 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 213 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 214 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 215 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 220 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 221 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 225 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 231 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 232 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 235 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 236 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 240 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 241 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 242 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 263 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 344 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 350 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 360 with a minimum grade of C.
Intensive study of Shakespeare's histories and tragedies. (PR: any 200-level or 300-level ENG course EXCEPT 200, 204, 205, 314, or 354; or permission of chair)
Pre-req: ENG 203 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 206 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 207 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 209 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 210 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 211 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 212 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 213 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 214 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 215 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 220 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 221 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 225 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 231 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 232 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 235 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 236 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 240 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 241 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 242 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 263 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 344 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 350 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 360 with a minimum grade of C.
Austen, Scott, the Brontes, Gaskell, Dickens, Hardy, Schreiner, and others.
Pre-req: ENG 203 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 206 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 207 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 209 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 210 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 211 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 212 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 213 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 214 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 215 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 220 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 221 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 225 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 231 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 232 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 235 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 236 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 240 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 241 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 242 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 263 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 344 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 350 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 360 with a minimum grade of C.
Tennyson, Browning, Arnold, and others.(PR: any 200-level or 300-level ENG course EXCEPT 200, 204, 205, 314, or 354; or permission of chair)
Pre-req: ENG 203 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 206 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 207 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 209 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 210 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 211 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 212 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 213 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 214 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 215 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 220 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 221 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 225 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 231 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 232 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 235 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 236 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 240 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 241 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 242 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 263 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 344 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 350 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 360 with a minimum grade of C.
Essays, speeches, treatises, and other works from Britain's Victorian age. Includes such authors as Arnold, Carlyle, Darwin, Huxley, Eliot, Martineau, Mill, Newman, and others.(PR: any 200-level or 300-level ENG course EXCEPT 200, 204, 205, 314, or 354; or permission of chair)
Pre-req: ENG 203 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 206 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 207 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 209 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 210 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 211 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 212 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 213 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 214 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 215 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 220 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 221 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 225 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 231 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 232 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 235 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 236 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 240 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 241 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 242 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 263 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 344 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 350 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 360 with a minimum grade of C.
Study of literature that explores addiction as a primary theme. Genres may include memoir and autobiography, fiction, poetry, graphic narratives, video, and digital-born texts. (PR: any 200-level or 300-level ENG course EXCEPT 200, 204, 205, 314, or 354; or permission of chair)
Pre-req: ENG 203 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 206 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 207 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 209 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 210 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 211 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 212 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 213 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 214 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 215 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 220 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 221 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 225 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 231 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 232 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 235 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 236 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 240 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 241 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 242 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 263 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 344 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 350 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 360 with a minimum grade of C.
The intensive study of the pedagogy of literature and literary critical theory and its classroom applications.
Pre-req: ENG 350 with a minimum grade of C and Admitted to Teacher ED with a score of 4 and (ENG 410 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 412 with a minimum grade of C).
Study of American literature of the Puritan, Colonial, and Federal periods, including such authors as Jonathan Edwards, Edward Taylor, Benjamin Franklin, Phillis Wheatley, Anne Bradstreet, Washington Irving, and James Fenimore Cooper. (PR: any 200-level or 300-level ENG course EXCEPT 200, 204, 205, 314, or 354; or permission of chair)
Pre-req: ENG 203 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 206 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 207 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 209 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 210 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 211 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 212 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 213 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 214 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 215 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 220 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 221 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 225 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 231 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 232 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 235 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 236 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 240 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 241 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 242 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 263 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 344 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 350 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 360 with a minimum grade of C.
American literature of the Romantic period, including such authors as Emerson, Douglass, Poe, Melville, Hawthorne, Whitman, Dickinson, and lesser figures of the period. (PR: any 200-level or 300-level ENG course EXCEPT 200, 204, 205, 314, or 354; or permission of chair)
Pre-req: ENG 203 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 206 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 207 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 209 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 210 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 211 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 212 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 213 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 214 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 215 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 220 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 221 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 225 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 231 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 232 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 235 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 236 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 240 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 241 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 242 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 263 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 344 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 350 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 360 with a minimum grade of C.
American literature of the Realistic and Naturalistic periods, including such authors as Howells, Crane, Twain, James, Chopin, Dreiser, Chesnutt,and Wharton. (PR: any 200-level or 300-level ENG course EXCEPT 200, 204, 205, 314, or 354; or permission of chair)
Pre-req: ENG 203 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 206 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 207 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 209 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 210 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 211 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 212 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 213 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 214 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 215 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 220 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 221 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 225 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 231 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 232 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 235 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 236 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 240 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 241 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 242 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 263 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 344 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 350 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 360 with a minimum grade of C.
American literature after 1914, including such authors as Faulkner, Hemingway, Cather, Carver, Vonnegut, Morrison, and others. (PR: any 200-level or 300-level ENG course EXCEPT 200, 204, 205, 314, or 354; or permission of chair)
Pre-req: ENG 203 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 206 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 207 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 209 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 210 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 211 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 212 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 213 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 214 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 215 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 220 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 221 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 225 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 231 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 232 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 235 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 236 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 240 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 241 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 242 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 263 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 344 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 350 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 360 with a minimum grade of C.
Appalachian Literature and Theory conducts an in-depth study of aspects of Appalachian culture and literature through the lens of select literary and social theories such as multiculturalism, feminism, or post-colonialism.
Pre-req: ENG 203 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 206 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 207 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 209 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 210 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 211 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 212 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 213 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 214 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 215 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 220 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 221 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 225 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 231 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 232 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 235 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 236 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 240 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 241 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 242 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 263 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 344 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 350 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 360 with a minimum grade of C.
Intensive study focused on author(s) or genre. Topics will vary. May be repeated up to 6 hrs. with permission of chair.
Pre-req: ENG 203 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 206 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 207 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 209 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 210 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 211 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 212 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 213 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 214 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 215 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 220 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 221 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 225 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 231 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 232 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 235 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 236 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 240 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 241 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 242 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 263 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 344 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 350 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 360 with a minimum grade of C.

Readings in contemporary literature from the non-Anglo-European world. Texts will be taken from Asian, African, South American, Australian, and other authors. (PR: any 200-level or 300-level ENG course EXCEPT 200, 204, 205, 314, or 354; or permission of chair)
Pre-req: ENG 203 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 206 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 207 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 209 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 210 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 211 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 212 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 213 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 214 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 215 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 220 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 221 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 225 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 231 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 232 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 235 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 236 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 240 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 241 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 242 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 263 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 344 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 350 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 360 with a minimum grade of C.

Intensive exploration of multicultural identities in texts. Topics may vary. May be repeated up to 6 hrs. with permission of chair. (PR: any 200-level or 300-level ENG course EXCEPT 200, 204, 205, 314, or 354; or permission of chair)
Pre-req: ENG 203 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 206 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 207 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 209 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 210 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 211 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 212 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 213 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 214 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 215 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 220 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 221 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 225 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 231 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 232 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 235 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 236 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 240 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 241 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 242 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 263 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 344 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 350 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 360 with a minimum grade of C.

Examines literature written for adolescents and young adults, with a focus on coming of age and the formation of identity. (PR: any 200-level or 300-level ENG course EXCEPT 200, 204, 205, 314, or 354; or permission of chair)
Pre-req: ENG 203 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 206 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 207 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 209 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 210 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 211 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 212 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 213 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 214 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 215 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 220 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 221 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 225 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 231 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 232 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 235 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 236 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 240 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 241 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 242 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 263 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 344 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 350 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 360 with a minimum grade of C.
This foundational course will explore the goals and strategies specific to writing for non-profit organizations. Students will read, analyze, and practice the real world writing tasks that non-profits require. (Completion of Core II Composition Requirement)
Pre-req: ENG 201 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 201H with a minimum grade of C or ENG 200H with a minimum grade of C.
Examines literature of the present, its influences, and the increasing diversification of cultural/textual production, including cinema, video, comix/manga, videogames, and blogs. (PR: any 200-level or 300-level ENG course EXCEPT 200, 204, 205, 314, or 354; or permission of chair)
Pre-req: ENG 203 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 206 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 207 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 209 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 210 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 211 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 212 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 213 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 214 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 215 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 220 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 221 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 225 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 231 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 232 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 235 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 236 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 240 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 241 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 242 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 263 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 344 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 350 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 360 with a minimum grade of C.
Principal poetry since the Victorian period. (PR: any 200-level or 300-level ENG course EXCEPT 200, 204, 205, 314, or 354; or permission of chair)
Pre-req: ENG 203 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 206 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 207 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 209 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 210 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 211 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 212 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 213 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 214 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 215 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 220 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 221 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 225 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 231 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 232 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 235 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 236 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 240 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 241 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 242 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 263 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 344 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 350 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 360 with a minimum grade of C.
Principal poetry since 1900. (PR: any 200-level or 300-level ENG course EXCEPT 200, 204, 205, 314, or 354; or permission of chair)
Pre-req: ENG 203 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 206 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 207 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 209 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 210 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 211 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 212 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 213 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 214 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 215 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 220 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 221 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 225 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 231 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 232 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 235 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 236 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 240 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 241 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 242 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 263 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 344 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 350 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 360 with a minimum grade of C.
Examines literary modernism and the artistic, cultural, and historical contexts of that movement. (PR: any 200-level or 300-level ENG course EXCEPT 200, 204, 205, 314, or 354; or permission of chair)
Pre-req: ENG 203 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 206 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 207 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 209 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 210 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 211 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 212 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 213 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 214 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 215 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 220 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 221 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 225 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 231 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 232 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 235 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 236 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 240 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 241 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 242 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 263 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 344 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 350 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 360 with a minimum grade of C.
Old English elegiac and heroic poetry; Middle English lyrics and romances; the Ricardian poets and Malory. (PR: any 200-level or 300-level ENG course EXCEPT 200, 204, 205, 314, or 354; or permission of chair)
Pre-req: ENG 203 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 206 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 207 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 209 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 210 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 211 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 212 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 213 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 214 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 215 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 220 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 221 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 225 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 231 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 232 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 235 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 236 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 240 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 241 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 242 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 263 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 344 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 350 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 360 with a minimum grade of C.
Study of the major questions and theories relevant to professional writing.
Pre-req: ENG 314 with a minimum grade of C.
Exploration of evolving portrayals of gender roles and sexualities throughout film history and across film genres.
Pre-req: (ENG 350 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 344 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 232 with a minimum grade of C or WS 101 with a minimum grade of C) and (ENG 201 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 201H with a minimum grade of C or ENG 200H with a minimum grade of C).
Study of writing for film, including practice in methods to discover, organize, and draft screenplays for film production, with an emphasis on workshop methods for revision.
Pre-req: ENG 201 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 200H with a minimum grade of C or ENG 201H with a minimum grade of C and (ENG 344 or ENG 360 or ART 219 or THE 201).
Emphasis on Blake, Wordsworth, Coleridge, Byron, Shelley, and Keats. (PR: any 200-level or 300-level ENG course EXCEPT 200, 204, 205, 314, or 354; or permission of chair)
Pre-req: ENG 203 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 206 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 207 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 209 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 210 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 211 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 212 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 213 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 214 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 215 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 220 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 221 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 225 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 231 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 232 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 235 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 236 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 240 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 241 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 242 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 263 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 344 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 350 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 360 with a minimum grade of C.
Major works (excluding English), with emphasis on Homer, the Greek Drama, Virgil, Dante, and Cervantes.(PR: any 200-level or 300-level ENG course EXCEPT 200, 204, 205, 314, or 354; or permission of chair)
Pre-req: ENG 203 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 206 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 207 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 209 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 210 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 211 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 212 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 213 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 214 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 215 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 220 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 221 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 225 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 231 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 232 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 235 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 236 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 240 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 241 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 242 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 263 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 344 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 350 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 360 with a minimum grade of C.
Major works (excluding English and American), with emphasis on Racine, Moliere, Goethe, and principal continental fiction. (PR: any 200-level or 300-level ENG course EXCEPT 200, 204, 205, 314, or 354; or permission of chair)
Pre-req: ENG 203 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 206 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 207 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 209 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 210 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 211 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 212 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 213 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 214 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 215 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 220 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 221 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 225 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 231 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 232 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 235 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 236 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 240 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 241 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 242 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 263 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 344 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 350 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 360 with a minimum grade of C.
Intensive study of specific theorists, theoretical schools, or history of literary theory, including application to texts. Topics will vary. May be repeated up to 6 hrs. with permission of chair.
Pre-req: ENG 355 with a minimum grade of C.
Introduces students to the study of teaching writing in a classroom setting and in one-to-one tutoring.
Pre-req: ENG 350.

Theories of writing and reading development with a focus on cultural, linguistic, and rhetorical influences on literacy acquisition. (Completion of Core II Composition Requirement)
Pre-req: ENG 201 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 201H with a minimum grade of C or ENG 200H with a minimum grade of C.
Study of the structures of English grammar, including how these structures relate to punctuation, language acquisition, dialect variation, and the history of English. (Completion of Core II Composition Requirement)
Pre-req: ENG 201 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 200H with a minimum grade of C or ENG 201H with a minimum grade of C.
Sociolinguistics is the study of the effects of language in society, relevant to discourse practices, language attitudes variations, shifts, and changes. (Completion of Core II Composition Requirement)
Pre-req: ENG 201 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 200H with a minimum grade of C or ENG 201H with a minimum grade of C.
Pre-req: ENG 350.
Pre-req: ENG 350.
Pre-req: ENG 350.
Pre-req: ENG 350.
Pre-req: ENG 350.
Pre-req: ENG 350.
Pre-req: ENG 350.
Pre-req: ENG 350.
A supervised internship. The student works for a local firm/agency to gain practical experience in the major. Arranged by student and department. Supervised by firm.
A practical and intensive class in exploring the varieties of creative expression; exercises on the creating of verse in different forms and styles.
Pre-req: ENG 377 with a minimum grade of C.
Offers students a forum for presentation, discussion, and refinement of their work, either short stories or novels.
Pre-req: ENG 378 with a minimum grade of C.
A writing workshop where students develop and refine their original creative nonfiction (memoir, biography, essays, travel/leisure writing, etc.), employing techniques typically reserved for fiction (dialogue, narrative, poetic language, etc.).
Pre-req: ENG 379 with a minimum grade of C.

An intensive examination of topics relevant to advanced English studies. Provides capstone experience through substantial scholarly, creative, and/or pedagogical composition and presentation. (PR: ENG 350, ENG 355, and 12 hours of 400-level English coursework at C or better; or permission of chair)
Pre-req: ENG 350 with a minimum grade of C and (ENG 355 with a minimum grade of C or ENG 439 with a minimum grade of C).