Electrical Engineering (EE)
Number systems, digital components and systems, Boolen switching algebra; the analysis and design of combinational and sequential circuits; introduction to computer architecture.
Pre-req: MTH 220 with a minimum grade of D.
This course introduces students to the fundamental principles of programming for solving engineering programs. It familiarizes students with the process of translating real-life engineering problems to computation problems.
Pre-req: CS 110.
Provide a study of Data Structure, operating systems' concepts, HW designed methods and relationship between hardware and software.
Pre-req: EE 210 with a minimum grade of D.
This course provdies in depth coverage of all aspects electromagnetics, with a focus on field and wave generation and propagation. The course will focus on more practical aspects of E-M theory.
Pre-req: EE 202 with a minimum grade of D and MTH 335 with a minimum grade of D.
This class introduces students to concepts of probability and random variables necessary for study of signals and systems involving uncertainty; applications to elementary problems in detection, signal processing and communication.
Pre-req: MTH 335.
This course will introduce the students to the fundamental concepts of probabiliity theory applied to engineering problems, including elementary set operations, sample spaces and probability laws, conditional probability and independence.
Pre-req: EE 320 with a minimum grade of D.
This course is a study of the factors influencing the design of hardware and software elements of computer systems. Topics include: instruction set design; cache and virtual memory organizations.
Pre-req: EE 211 with a minimum grade of D.
Introduction to basic physical properties of solid materials; some solid state physics employed, but major emphasis is on engineering applications based on semiconducting, magnetic, dielectric and superconducting phenomena.
Pre-req: EE 202 with a minimum grade of D.
Application of state variable and frequency domain techniques to modeling, analysis and synthesis of single input, single output linear control systems.
Pre-req: EE 202 with a minimum grade of D.
Fundamentals of energy-handling electric circuits, analysis of power electric circuits, elements of linear and rotating electric machinery, induction, and DC machinery.
Pre-req: EE 310 with a minimum grade of D.
Introduction to the fundamental concepts of computer communication networks. Topics include the OSI reference model, the physical data link, network, and transport layers, TCP/IP, LANs, ALOHA, routing and flow controls.
Pre-req: EE 310 with a minimum grade of D and EE 320 (may be taken concurrently) with a minimum grade of D.
Hardware and software for real-time microprocessor-based digital systems. Basic concepts of on-chip components related to digital system functionality. Introduction to 32-bit machines with treatment of 16- and 8- bit machines.
Pre-req: EE 204 with a minimum grade of D and EE 340 with a minimum grade of D.
This course will cover topics in the field of RF/microwave engineering, such as transmission lines, waveguides, impedance matching, microwave resonators, RF filters, RF amplifiers and an introduction to antenna design.
Pre-req: EE 375 with a minimum grade of D.
Application of design process and project engineering as practiced in industry; team approach to the design process; development of a project proposal; proposed project implemented in EE 420.
This course covers the analysis and design of digital integrated circuits using CMOS technology. The course emphasizes design of circuit layout, and HSPICE and IRSIM for simulations, lab included.
Pre-req: ENGR 204.
Introduction to the design process and project engineering as practiced in industry; student teams apply the design process by developing a project from proposal; proposed project implemented in EE 420.
This course provides fundamental of hardware design methodologies and modeling. It covers the essentials of HDL, embedded C and hardware-embedded systems using VHDL language, Lab included.
Pre-req: EE 380 with a minimum grade of D.
This course covers the transformation, manipulation of signals. It introduces the concepts of discrete-time, discrete frequency domains, representations and analyses of systems, and filter designs, lab is included.
Pre-req: EE 350.

Application of the design process and project engineering as practiced in industry; team approach to the design process; completion of project based on proposal from EE 410 or EE 412.
Pre-req: EE 410 with a minimum grade of D or EE 412 with a minimum grade of D.
The course emphasizes power engineering area that includes power generation, transmission, and distribution.
Pre-req: EE 370 with a minimum grade of D.
Feedback systems in which a digital computer is used to implement the control law; Z-transform and time domain methods serve as a basis for control systems design.
Pre-req: EE 360.
Fundamental Radio Frequency (RF) and microwave circuit analysis; return loss, insertion loss; transmission lines, lumped elements, impedence matching; theory, analysis and design of basic RF and microwave passive circuits.
Pre-req: EE 320.
This course provides an introduction to the principles of real-time digital signal processing and hands-on development of real-time signal processing algorithms.
Pre-req: EE 320.
Principles of power electronics. Including understanding of power semiconductor devices, passive components, basic switching circuits, AC/DC, DC/DC, DC/AC converters and their applications.
Pre-req: (ENGR 202 with a minimum grade of D or EE 202 with a minimum grade of D) and EE 310 with a minimum grade of D.
Special Topics
Special Topics
Special Topics
Special Topics
Independent Study
Independent Study
Independent Study
Independent Study