Educational Foundations (EDF)
Introduction to basic knowledge and responsibilities needed to be an effective educator, including issues related to school/community and importance of developing a positive/inclusive culture.
A pre-residency clinical experience in an elementary, secondary and/or middle school. An opportunity to work with faculty, staff, and students in a teaching/learning environment.
A study of the psychological principles for learning and teaching based on children's emotional, social, cognitive, and physical development.

A basic course in the study of children's emotional, social, mental, and physical development.
A public school Clinical Experience in an elementary school. An opportunity to work with faculty, staff, and students in a teaching/learning environment.
A public school Clinical Experience in an elementary public school. An opportunity to work with faculty, staff, and students in a teaching/learning environment.
A public school Clinical Experience in an elementary public school. An opportunity to work with faculty, staff, and students in a teaching/learning environment.
A study of the psychological principles which are the foundation for learning and teaching.
Pre-req: Admitted to Teacher ED with a score of 4.
A survey of the historical, philosophical and sociological foundations of American education with emphasis upon current educational problems and issues.
Pre-req: EDF 319.
A foundation course in descriptive and inferential statistics as applied in education and the social sciences.
History, philosophy and elementary statistical methods for testing, measuring and evaluating pupil behavior are studied.
Pre-req: Admitted to Teacher ED with a score of 4 and EDF 201 with a minimum grade of C.
Study of social, historical and philosophical foundations of U.S. schooling.
Pre-req: Admitted to Teacher ED with a score of 4.