Early Childhood Education (ECE)
An introduction to the basic requirements and regulations for health and safety in early childhood programs serving children from birth to age eight.

A critical analysis of the historical, philosophical, political, social, and theoretical foundations of early childhood programs with specific attention to current programs serving children prior to school entry. 3 CR.
Application of technology in the teaching and administration of early childhood education programs.
This course examines parenting from a socio-cultural and developmental perspective using a systems model.
Relationships in the family during its life cycle, with some consideration of family life in other cultures.
Care and guidance of young children through five years in relation to their physical, emotional, mental and social development. Observation and participation in nursery school required.
Provide pre-service teachers with an overview of the emergent nature of the development of language and literacy in the young child in a context that is developmentally and culturally appropriate.
Pre-req: ECE 303 with a minimum grade of C.
Realistic and practical guidance in providing learning experiences for children from diverse cultural backgrounds based upon authentic assessment practices.
Pre-req: ECE 303 with a minimum grade of C.
Strategies for integrating math, science and technology in early childhood curriculum with focus on inquiry approaches.
Pre-req: ECE 303 with a minimum grade of C.
Exploration of the multiple ways children and adults express their thoughts and represent their environment and experiences.
Pre-req: ECE 303 with a minimum grade of C.
Creation of developmentally supportive environments for infants and toddlers in group settings with emphasis on establishing nurturing relationships.
Pre-req: ECE 303 with a minimum grade of D.
Practice in planning and leading an infant/toddler group with emphasis on environments and relationships that provide supportive nurturance and education for the babies and their parents.
Pre-req: ECE 420 (may be taken concurrently) with a minimum grade of C and Admitted to Teacher ED with a score of 4.
Historical and contemporary curriculum and methods for preschool children with emphasis on current best practices.
Pre-req: ECE 303 with a minimum grade of D.
Techniques of guidance of young children with emphasis on adult-child interaction. Participation in laboratory preschool required.
Pre-req: Admitted to Teacher ED with a score of 4 and ECE 303 with a minimum grade of C.
Instruction and practice in the development of day centers for three and four year old children and administration of programs in these centers. Laboratory participation required.
Pre-req: ECE 303 with a minimum grade of D.

Application of ECE content knowledge in the management of early childhood programs: senior level capstone. Premission required.
Permission of the coordinator. Requires 2.5 GPA, limit of 6 hours to be used in professional education as a specialization.
Permission of the coordinator. Requires 2.5 GPA, limit of 6 hours to be used in professional education as a specialization.
Permission of the coordinator. Requires 2.5 GPA, limit of 6 hours to be used in professional education as a specialization.
Permission of the coordinator. Requires 2.5 GPA, limit of 6 hours to be used in professional education as a specialization.