Computer & Info Security (CYBR)
Introduction to the various technical and administrative aspects of Computer and Information Security. Understanding key issues associated with protecting information assets, determining the protection needed and response to security incidents.
Pre-req: CS 105 or CS 110 or CS 110H.
Introduction to information security policies, sociological and psychological issues in policy implementation in general. Discuss the lifecycle of policy creation, enactment in different domains of security and policy structure.
Pre-req: CS 105 with a minimum grade of D or CS 110 with a minimum grade of D or CS 110H with a minimum grade of D.
This course covers the basic aspects of modern crytography, including block ciphers, pseudorandom functions, symmetric encryption, Hash functions, message authentication, number theoretic primitives, public-key encryption, digital signatures and zero knowledge proofs.
Pre-req: CS 210 and (STA 225 or STA 345).
Concepts and issues in physical and cyber security; technical vulnerabilities found in operating systems, database servers, Web servers, Internet, and local area networks; developing defensive and offensive security measures.
Pre-req: CS 320 with a minimum grade of D.
Introduction of System Administration and related topics, including trouble-shooting system and network problems, hardware and software configuration and installation, basic scripting, and security aspects of Internet hosts.
Pre-req: CS 320 with a minimum grade of D.
Comprehensive analysis on the utilization and augmentation of cyber security technologies to harden cyber infrastructure and its interconnected cyber-physical systems against various attacks.
Pre-req: CS 320 with a minimum grade of D.
Foundation technical and analytical skills to implement comprehensive computer security that encompass designing secure systems, information security, protecting information assets, managing computer security, risk mitigation strategies, and incident response.
Pre-req: CYBR 350.
Advanced course on the functions and purposes of the latest development in cyber security techniques and tools used to create, secure, protect and remediate cyber-infrastructures from various cyber threats.
Pre-req: CYBR 330 with a minimum grade of D or CS 330 with a minimum grade of D.
An in-depth and hands-on involvement in a real-world project under direct professional supervision. The project my be on-campus or off-campus.
Study of an advanced topic not normally covered in other courses.
Study of an advanced topic not normally covered in other courses.
Study of an advanced topic not normally covered in other courses.
Study of an advanced topic not normally covered in other courses.
Study of an advanced topic not normally covered in other courses.
Study of an advanced topic not normally covered in other courses.
Independent study for selected juniors and seniors under supervision of faculty; may be repeated only once.
Independent study for selected juniors and seniors under supervision of faculty; may be repeated only once.
Independent study for selected juniors and seniors under supervision of faculty; may be repeated only once.
Independent study for selected juniors and seniors under supervision of faculty; may be repeated only once.

Application of technical and profesional skills in solving a real-world problem in a team environment. Discuss professional code of conduct, societal issues, and transition from student to industry professional.
Pre-req: CYBR 330.