Computer Information Tech (CIT)
Comprehensive coverage of spreadsheets and databases. Includes techniques to collect, manage, and analyze data; solve problems; and effectively communicate results for scientific research. Includes macro development and introduction to scripting.
Concepts of software development and maintenance using C++, including syntax of the language, loops, functions, pointers, decision structures, and file processing. Proper program design using object-oriented programming techniques are emphasized.
The course introduces students to modern data gathering methods, laboratory instrumentation, and programming. Focuses range from transportation development, forensics, to environmental issues.
Students will learn techniques for creating advanced documents and programs for the Web using HTML, DHTML, XML, JavaScript, and PHP scripting. Students will also learn how to install and maintain a Web server.
This course introduces the student to the common hardware and technology that pervades business and society as a whole. Topics include pc's, networks, software, the internet, cellular phones, etc.
Covers the essentials for developing robust and secure applications using C#, Windows forms, and the .NET framework. Also covers ADO.NET, writing secure .NET applications and web services.
Pre-req: IST 236 or CIT 236 or CS 120.
Designed to teach students intermediate C++ programming through an applied approach with examples and applications. The course extends topics covered in prerequisite courses. Prior programming knowledge in any language required.
Pre-req: CIT 163 with a minimum grade of D or CS 120 with a minimum grade of D.
Independent study for selected freshmen and sophomores under supervision of faculty; may be repeated only once.
At least 30 contact hours in a public service/volunteer experience with a group, organization or agency that offers a service to the general public. Advisor permission required.
The second semester of a two course sequence on Web programming. This course focuses on server-side programming and databases. Topics covered include PHP, mySQL, web services, and security.
Pre-req: CIT 263 with a minimum grade of D.
Introduction to the industrial process of software systems development. The course covers project management and planning risk management issues; software quality and configuration issues; and processes, methods, and development tools.
Pre-req: CIT 236 or IST 236 or CS 120.
Second course in a two course sequence. Covers the system development life cycle: requirement analysis and specifications; design methods; system implementation and integration; testing; and reuse issues. Team project participation.
Pre-req: CIT 332 with a minimum grade of D or IST 332 with a minimum grade of D.
Covers computer software industry, history and the role of a creative game development team. Students will participate in the game development process, including art, animation, programming, music, sound and writing.
Pre-req: CIT 236 or IST 236 or CS 120.
This course provides students with knowledge of network terminology, structures, topologies, protocols, and inter-faces involving Local Area and Wide Area networks.
Pre-req: CIT 163 with a minimum grade of D or IST 163 with a minimum grade of D or CS 110 with a minimum grade of D.
To understand the logical and physical design of data stored and retrieved from a relational database. Exposure to distributed databases, database administration and structured query language will also be done.
This course examines electronic commerce. Group decision making and collaborative applications through the Internet. Develop applications that retrieve and store information in distributed databases.
Pre-req: CIT 365 with a minimum grade of D or IST 365 with a minimum grade of D and CIT 313 with a minimum grade of D.
Students will learn to develop iOS applications using HTML5/PhoneGap, Objective-C, and Swift, using Apple and third-party SDKs. Also covers basic concepts for designing intuitive and usable user-interfaces.
Pre-req: CIT 265.
Students will learn to develop Android applications using Java and the Android SDK. Course covers user interfaces, audio integration, SQLite databases, location services, sensors, and custom graphics.
Pre-req: CIT 265 with a minimum grade of D.
Includes topics in XHTML, JavaScript Data Object Model, dynamic application of CSS rules to page elements, browser's support for XML, object-oriented PHP programming, server side graphics generation, web services.
Pre-req: CIT 365 with a minimum grade of D and CIT 313 with a minimum grade of D.
Fundamental concepts dealing with the display of graphic information on semi-interactive storage tube displays. The course includes techniques for hidden line display, hidden line removal, and two- and three-dimensional transformation.
Pre-req: CIT 236 with a minimum grade of D or IST 236 with a minimum grade of D or CS 120 with a minimum grade of D.
Covers state of the art techniques for computer game design and development with an emphasis on the 3D graphics and interaction through practical, example driven approaches of game development.
Pre-req: CIT 340 with a minimum grade of D or IST 360 with a minimum grade of D.
Advanced concepts of game development with a focus on artificial intelligence. AI techniques covered including A* path finding algorithm, rule-based reasoning, reinforcement learning, neural networks, genetic algorithm, knowledge representation.
Pre-req: CIT 441 with a minimum grade of D or IST 439 with a minimum grade of D.
Covers 3D modeling to create environments and character animation. Explores 3D forms within sculpture, architecture, animation and games. Includes development of simplifications, abstractions and hyper-realities for gaming.
Course applies fundamentals of game development to educational games or simulations within a virtual world. Explores virtual worlds, basic scripting/modeling techniques and role-playing simulations to teach any concept.
Pre-req: CIT 441 with a minimum grade of D.
Students will work in teams to develop games for mobile devices. Emphasis on mobile development tools, techniques, cross platform development, and standard practices, using open-source software.
Pre-req: CIT 340 with a minimum grade of D.
This course teaches students database programming available to relational database systems. Students will work with fourth generation languages to analyze, design and develop, and execute programs in a database environment.
Pre-req: CIT 365 or IST 365.

Capstone course in CIT. A professionally supervised internship within the student's area of emphasis in the Computer and Information Technology major. Must be pre-approved before registering.
Independent study for selected juniors and seniors under supervision of faculty; may be repeated only once.

Capstone course in CIT. Students will plan, implement, and present a solution to a real-world problem within their emphasis demonstrating their technical and professional skills. Must be pre-approved before registering.