Communication Disorders (CD)
Introduction to the field of Communication Disorders for majors. Discussion of various communication disorders, as well as the roles and responsibilities of the speech-language pathologist.Minimum Grade of C required for progression.
Theories of language acquisition; sequential patterns in the acquisition of prelinguistic communication, speech and language in relationship to general child development. (Minimum Grade of C or permission required for progression.)
Pre-req: CD 101 (may be taken concurrently) with a minimum grade of C.
Introduction to articulatory phonetics; study of the International Phonetic Alphabet and practice in broad transcription of normal and disordered speech; discussion of social dialects. (Minimum Grade of C or permission required for progression.)
Pre-req: CD 101 (may be taken concurrently) with a minimum grade of C.
Introduction to developmental speech disorders; etiologies and symptoms; principles of assessment and treatment.(Minimum Grade C, PR: 200 level courses; Admission to program or permission of advisor.)
Introduction to theoretical bases of developmental language disorders; etiologies and symptoms; principles of assessment and treatment.(Minimum Grade C, PR: 200 level courses; Admission to program or permission of advisor.)
Introduction to acquired disorders; etiologies and symptoms; principles of assessment and treatment. Emphasis on communication and swallowing disorders resulting from CVA, traumatic brain injury, the dementias and other neurological disorders.(Minimum Grade C, PR: 200 level courses; Admission to program or permission of advisor.)
Experience with preschool age children; planning and implementing speech and language stimulation activities.(Minimum Grade C, PR: 200 level courses; Admission to program or permission of advisor.)
Course designed to expose undergraduate students to research in the field of CD through participation in a Community of Research Practice and individual study under the guidance of a mentor. May be repeated for credit, not to exceed a total of 12 credit hours. (Minimum Grade C, Admission to program and permission of advisor.)

Investigation into contemporary understandings of literacy using current communication and information technologies and resources. (Minimum Grade C, Admission to program or permission of advisor.)
Introduction to voice and fluency disorders; etiologies and symptoms; principles of assessment and treatment.(Minimum Grade C, Admission to program or permission of advisor.)
Examination of assessment procedures for differential diagnosis of various communication disorders; a study of symptom complexes; interpretation of diagnostic data.(Minimum Grade C, Admission to program or permission of advisor.)
Examination of therapeutic procedures relative to speech and language disorders. Investigation into the clinician's role in case management as well as behavior management techniques. (Minimum Grade C, Admission to program or permission of advisor.)
Introduction to hearing disorders; examination of the auditory system, psychophysical processes and preferred practice procedures for assessment. Includes laboratory. (Minimum Grade C, Admission to program or permission of advisor.)
Introduction to basic signs and finger spelling. Overview of different sign systems.(Minimum Grade C, Admission to program or permission of advisor.)
Examination of various intervention strategies appropriate for individuals with hearing impairments, techniques for assessing degree of handicap. (Minimum Grade C, Admission to program or permission of advisor.)
Guided and independent observation and analysis of the clinical process.(Minimum Grade C, Admission to program or permission of advisor.)
Supervised clinical practice with school-aged children; addresses clinical clock hour requirements set forth by American Speech Language and Hearing Association SLPA program. (Minimum Grade C, Admission to program or permission of advisor.)
Pre-req: CD 471 with a minimum grade of C and CD 471L with a minimum grade of C.
A lab focused on special considerations related to providing speech language pathology assistant services in the public school setting. (Minimum Grade C, Admission to program or permission of advisor.)
Pre-req: CD 471 with a minimum grade of C and CD 471L with a minimum grade of C and CD 472 (may be taken concurrently) with a minimum grade of C.