Adult and Continuing Education (ACE)
Designed to provide the new teacher guidance and supervision in implementing strategies in instructional planning, student engagement, and classroom management. Incorporates reflection and basic assessment strategies for students and instruction.
This course assists the CTC instructor in analyzing, classifying, and describing occupations, analysis procedures for determining CTC education curriculum, course content, technical skills, and knowledge.
Analysis of procedures for determining appropriate CTE curriculum content, program goals and objectives. Involvement of advisory committees for CTE. Explore factors, principles, and techniques om developing a CTE course.
Establishment of the teacher role, liability and accountability in providing a safe learning/working environment for CTE students. Study of best-practice approaches to accident prevention. Introduction to laws and regulatory agencies.
This course prepares the CTE instructor to develop oral, written and performance evaluation instruments. The CTE instructor will develop and use progress monitoring strategies, feedback tools, and determine grading procedures.
Methods and techniques for evaluating and selecting work stations, student selection, placement and follow-up. The WVDE Experiential Learning Guide is used for placement of students in structured work-based experiences.
Introduction to computer-related terminology, internet concepts and types of software to be used by the CTE teacher. Assignments/Activities provide CTE teachers with assistance on using computer/software to enhance classroom productivity.
Historical influences in the development of Career and Technical education in America and Europe; motivating influences and the implications of philosophy in modern Career and Technical education.
Course is designed to help the teacher of a career technical or health education program to organize and develop a student organization that is co-curricular to their particular program area.
A teacher and program approach to analyzing procedures for identifying CTE curriculum, support, instructional planning, student assessment in teaching students with special learning challenges and needs in career preparation programs.
An occupational specialization updating experience for the in-service, career technical teacher. In-service teacher will gain new knowledge and skill in an occupational specialization through back-to-industry experience.
Seminars or workshops designed for specific occupational specializations updating. Special topics designed to provide the in-service, CTE teacher with new knowledge and skill required of workers in business and industry.
Special seminars or workshops designed for specific instruction strategies and teaching techniques updating. Special topics shall be designed that are required of teachers in the classroom/lab/clinical/co-op setting.
Seminars, workshops, or other educational opportunities/events designed for increasing capacity and skill level for the CTE educator. Special topics will recognize best-practices in the classroom, school, and extended learning community.
Addresses shop/lab/classroom and individual/group instruction using multiple best practice strategies. The four modules in teaching in CTE is emphasized. Physical, social and academic factors relating to shop/lab/classroom techniques are addressed.
Student design and complete an interdisciplinary project as evidence of mastery of instructional planning and strategies, student assessment and classroom management skills in an individualized classroom or laboratory learning environment.