Social Work

Introduction to the field of social work practice.
This course provides information on substance use and addiction from a social work ecosystems perspective emphasizing understanding of addiction and recovery, family dynamics, assessment, and intervention.
Courses designed for staff development and training needs of social work or para social work professionals or trainees, not degree applicable. Topics will vary. CR/NC grading.
Courses designed for staff development and training needs of social work or para social work professionals or trainees, not degree applicable. Topics will vary. CR/NC grading.
Courses designed for staff development and training needs of social work or para social work professionals or trainees, not degree applicable. Topics will vary. CR/NC grading.
Selected topics not covered in regular course offerings.
Selected topics not covered in regular course offerings.
Selected topics not covered in regular course offerings.
Selected topics not covered in regular course offerings.
Examination of child welfare issues, services, and interventions.
Integration of biological, psychological, social and cultural aspects of the individual's growth and development from prenatal period through adolescence including the impact the social environment has on the individual.
Pre-req: SWK 203 and (ENG 201 or ENG 102 or ENG 302 or ENG 201H) and BSC 105 and PSY 201 and SOC 200 and PSC 202 and ECN 250 and (MTH 121 or MTH 121B or MTH 122 or MTH 123 or MTH 127 or MTH 130 or MTH 130E).

Integration of biological, psychological, social and cultural aspects of the individual's growth and development from early through later adulthood including impact of social environment on the individual. Organizational theory included.
Pre-req: SWK 310 with a minimum grade of D and SWK 320 with a minimum grade of D and SWK 330 with a minimum grade of D and SWK 340 with a minimum grade of D.
Provides students with practice skills and competencies for working with family victimology across the lifespan.

The development of Social Welfare as a continuing institution. Rural poverty and other critical social issues in Appalachia.
Pre-req: SWK 203 and (ENG 201 or ENG 102 or ENG 302 or ENG 201H) and BSC 105 and PSY 201 and SOC 200 and PSC 202 and ECN 250 and (MTH 121 or MTH 121B or MTH 122 or MTH 123 or MTH 127 or MTH 130 or MTH 130E).

Policy formulation, implementation and analysis. Examination and critical analysis of social welfare policies, legislation, and administration.
Pre-req: SWK 310 with a minimum grade of D and SWK 320 with a minimum grade of D and SWK 330 with a minimum grade of D and SWK 340 with a minimum grade of D.
Introduction to Social Work Research with preparation for evaluation of generalist practice.
Pre-req: SWK 203 and (ENG 201 or ENG 102 or ENG 302 or ENG 201H) and BSC 105 and PSY 201 and SOC 200 and PSC 202 and ECN 250 and (MTH 121 or MTH 121B or MTH 122 or MTH 123 or MTH 127 or MTH 130 or MTH 130E).
Supervised field experience in a social agency or organization for minimum of 100 clock hours. Regular conferences with instructor and weekly seminars.
Pre-req: SWK 310 with a minimum grade of D and SWK 320 with a minimum grade of D and SWK 330 with a minimum grade of D and SWK 340 with a minimum grade of D.

A capstone course integrating course work and field work as preparation for beginning level of generalist Social Work practice.
Pre-req: SWK 312 with a minimum grade of D and SWK 322 with a minimum grade of D and SWK 332 with a minimum grade of D and SWK 370 and SWK 473 (may be taken concurrently) with a minimum grade of D.
Study of topics of interest not covered in regularly scheduled classes.
Study of topics of interest not covered in regularly scheduled classes.
Study of topics of interest not covered in regularly scheduled classes.
Study of topics of interest not covered in regularly scheduled classes.
Individual study of topics not offered in regularly scheduled courses. Advance permission required.
Individual study of topice not offered in regular scheduled courses. Advance permission required.
Individual study of topics not offered in regularly scheduled courses. Advance permission required.
Individual study of topics not offered in regularly scheduled courses. Advance permission required.