Filmmaking, B.F.A.

The Core Curriculum is designed to foster critical thinking skills and introduce students to basic domains of thinking that transcend disciplines. The Core applies to all majors. Information on specific classes in the Core can be found at

Core Curriculum
Core 1: Critical Thinking
FYS 100First Yr Sem Critical Thinking3
MTH 121 Bison image Concepts and Applications (CT)3
Critical Thinking3
Core 2
ENG 101 Bison image  Cap graduation image Beginning Composition3
ENG 201 Bison image Advanced Composition3
CMM 103 Bison image  Cap graduation image Fund Speech-Communication3
MTH 121 Bison image Concepts and Applications (CT)3
Core II Physical/Natural Science4
Core II Humanities3
Core II Social Science3
Core II Fine Arts3
Additional University Requirements
Writing Intensive6
Major Requirements
ART 101Visual Culture and Research3
ART 214Foundations: Grid/Chroma3
ART 219Foundations: Frame/Time3
MUS 219Digital Recording Techniques2/3
or JMC 231 Intro to Audio Production
ART 325Image Visualization: Digital3
ART 327Filmmaking I3
AM 298Sophomore Review1
ART 202 Bison image History of Art II (CT)3
ART 425History of Photography3
or ART 389 20th Century Art
ENG 344Introduction to Film Studies3
300/400 Art History Elective3
ART 390Professional Practice3
or ENT 250 Intro to Entrepreneurship
AM 498Senior Pre-Capstone3
AM 499 Bison image Senior Capstone Project3
ART 490Apprenticeship1-3
ART 328Filmmaking II3
ART 329Cinematic Non-Fiction3
ART 321Experimental Media Arts3
ART 3302D Animation3
ART 423Photographic Lighting3
ART 433Film Production Fundamentals3
ART 434Video Art3
ART 453Motion Design I3
ART 454Motion Design II3
ENG 445Screenwriting3
THE 222Acting I: Foundations3
Non-art elective or minor13
Suggested Minors: JMC, THE, ENT, BUS, Film Studies, Digital Humanities, etc.
  • Students enrolled in the Bachelor of Fine Arts in Filmmaking program must complete all work in the major with a minimum grade of C. A student who receives a D or F in an art course counted toward graduation must repeat it and earn at least a C before graduation or before using that course as a prerequisite for another required course.
  • Forty (40) credit hours must be earned in courses numbered 300-499.
  • No course in the major requirements for graduation may be taken Credit/Non-Credit unless the course is so specified.
  • A successful screening of the student's Capstone Film is required for graduation. B.F.A. Filmmaking students register for AM 499, Senior Capstone Project to complete this requirement.

 Bison image - General Education Course

 Cap graduation image - Milestone course: a key success marker for your major. See your advisor to discuss the importance of this course in your plan of study.

Plan of Study Grid
First Year
First SemesterCredit Hours
ART 101 Visual Culture and Research 3
ART 214 Foundations: Grid/Chroma 3
ART 219 Foundations: Frame/Time 3
ENG 101 Bison image Beginning Composition 3
FYS 100 First Yr Sem Critical Thinking 3
UNI 100 Freshman First Class 1
 Credit Hours16
Second Semester
MUS 219
Digital Recording Techniques
or Intro to Audio Production
ART 325 Image Visualization: Digital 3
ART 327 Filmmaking I 3
MTH 121 Bison image Concepts and Applications (CT) 3
CMM 103 Bison image Fund Speech-Communication 3
Minor Non-Art Elective 1
 Credit Hours15
Second Year
First Semester
AM 298 Sophomore Review 1
ART 202 Bison image History of Art II (CT) 3
ART 328 Filmmaking II 3
ART 423 Photographic Lighting 3
ENG 201 Bison image Advanced Composition 3
Core II Fine Arts 3
 Credit Hours16
Second Semester
THE 222 Acting I: Foundations 3
ART 329 Cinematic Non-Fiction 3
ART 425
History of Photography
or 20th Century Art
Core II Social Science 3
ENG 344 Introduction to Film Studies 3
 Credit Hours15
Third Year
First Semester
ART 321 Experimental Media Arts 3
ART 390
Professional Practice
or Intro to Entrepreneurship
ART 453 Motion Design I 3
Core II Humanities 3
Minor Non-Art Elective 3
 Credit Hours15
Second Semester
ART 433 Film Production Fundamentals 3
ART 454 Motion Design II 3
Core II Physical/Natural Science 4
Minor Non-Art Elective 3
Core I Critical Thinking 3
 Credit Hours16
Fourth Year
First Semester
AM 498 Senior Pre-Capstone 3
ART 330 2D Animation 3
ART 490 Apprenticeship 1
ENG 445 Screenwriting 3
Minor Non-Art Elective 2
Writing Intensive 3
 Credit Hours15
Second Semester
AM 499 Bison image Senior Capstone Project 3
Art History 300/400 3
ART 434 Video Art 3
Minor Non-Art Elective 3
 Credit Hours12
 Total Credit Hours120