School of Art and Design
Introduction to the functions of art applications of media, elements and principles of design, artists, and aesthetics. (Required for Art Majors)

An introduction to the methods and principles of the visual arts. Students will consider the work of major artists in thematic contexts. (For non-art majors only.)

An introduction to the methods and principles of the visual arts. Students will consider the work of major artists in thematic contexts. (For non-art majors only.)
Pre-req: Admitted Honors College with a score of 1.

A survey of the history of art, emphasizing Europe, north Africa, and west Asia from the Bronze Age to the Middle Ages. This class emphasizes critical thinking skills.

A survey of the history of art from the Renaissance to the twentieth century. This class emphasizes critical thinking skills.
Introduction to graphic design principles/software in one half-semester workshop and color theory/painting in another. Students will develop visual, technical, and critical thinking skills by solving conceptual problems.
Introduction to 3D physical form/space by exploring ceramics in one half-semester workshop and sculpture in another. Students will develop visual, technical, and critical thinking skills by solving conceptual problems.
Introduction to still life/figure drawing in one half-semester workshop and experimental drawing/mixed media in another. Students will develop perceptual, technical, and creative problem solving skills.
Introduction to installation art with fibers in one half-semester workshop and printmaking processes in another. Students will develop visual, technical, and critical thinking skills by solving conceptual problems.
Introduction to digital/film photography in one half-semester workshop and 4D design principles/video-based processes in another. Students will develop visual, technical, and critical thinking skills by solving conceptual problems.
To be used for experimental courses. By permission only.
To be used for experimental courses. By permission only.
To be used for experimental courses. By permission only.
To be used for experimental courses. By permission only.
Students must present art and design work from all foundations studio courses for faculty review. Required for program advancement. Art majors only.
Pre-req: (ART 101 with a minimum grade of C or ART 112 with a minimum grade of C) and ART 214 with a minimum grade of C and ART 215 with a minimum grade of C and ART 217 with a minimum grade of C and ART 218 with a minimum grade of C and ART 219 with a minimum grade of C.
Students present artwork from foundations courses for faculty review. (Art Education 5-Adult: 218 not required). Successful completion of ART 299 is a prerequisite for advanced studio courses.
Pre-req: (ART 101 with a minimum grade of C or ART 112 with a minimum grade of C) and ART 214 with a minimum grade of C and ART 215 with a minimum grade of C and ART 217 with a minimum grade of C and ART 218 with a minimum grade of C and ART 219 with a minimum grade of C.
Experiments in the media of intaglio, lithography, serigraphy, relief collagraphs and new techniques in printmaking.
Pre-req: ART 218 with a minimum grade of C.
Traditional and experimental approaches to relief printmaking, including woodcut, linocut, wood engraving, relief etching, Japanese techniques, monoprints, and other press and handprinting relief processes.
Pre-req: ART 301 with a minimum grade of C and (ART 298 with a minimum grade of C or ART 299 with a minimum grade of C).
Introduction to surface design. Student will learn various techniques to apply color on fabric surface.
Pre-req: ART 214 with a minimum grade of C.
Search for form and personal expressing through clay. Emphasis on handbuilding techniques, decorative processes and glaze application.
Pre-req: ART 215 with a minimum grade of C.
Emphasis on modeling in clay and exploring the potential of plaster, wood and other materials relevant to the area of sculpture.
Pre-req: ART 215 with a minimum grade of C.
The student will demonstrate the ability to carry through the entire process for planning, through warping, threading, and weaving. Each will create unique art works while developing traditional technical skills.
An introduction to the materials and methods for teaching art in early childhood and elementary (PreK-6). Stages of development, integrated curriculum design, assessment, and instructional strategies are emphasized.
Practical studio skills: Typography, application of design principles in print and digital media, and introduction to the computer as a design tool. Also, the designer's relationship to clients and other professionals.
Pre-req: ART 214 with a minimum grade of C.
The student will create installation art using a variety of fibers tools, materials, and processes with focus on self-expression and the exploration of structure, space, color, form, and meaning.
Pre-req: ART 214 with a minimum grade of C.
Sign combinations and visual structure, in relation to meaning of visual messages. Assignments include posters, advertising, information design, and corporate identity. Introduction to materials and procedures in the design process.
Pre-req: ART 214 with a minimum grade of C or (JMC 241 with a minimum grade of D and MKT 341 with a minimum grade of D).
Introduction to black and white photography through basic techniques of camera controls, lighting, traditional wet lab, and digital imaging.
Pre-req: ART 219 with a minimum grade of C.
Applies the use of type and images to design for advertising, editorial, for instructional purposed. Involvement with extended design and layout problems.
Pre-req: ART 314 with a minimum grade of C and (ART 298 with a minimum grade of C or ART 299 with a minimum grade of C).
Conceptual and technical development of illustrations for editorial and advertising purposes.
Pre-req: ART 217 with a minimum grade of C.
This course will focus on art and design considerations in creating web sites. Current software will be used to create graphics, video and audio for web page and website design.
Pre-req: ART 214 with a minimum grade of C.
The fundamental methods of wood furniture design and construction, including joinery techniques, will be taught. Domestic and exotic woods will be used.
Pre-req: ART 215 with a minimum grade of C.
Experience with screen-printing stencil processes. The advanced student may also explore photographic stencilmaking and printing and a variety of surfaces.
Pre-req: ART 301 with a minimum grade of C and (ART 298 with a minimum grade of C or ART 299 with a minimum grade of C).
Students explore experimental media through historical contexts, practices, and processes from the analog experiments of early 20th-century avant-garde cinema through contemporary digital practices in new media art.
Pre-req: AM 298 with a minimum grade of C or (ART 298 with a minimum grade of C and ART 299 with a minimum grade of C).
Photographic composition, color, and creative pictorial vision along with camera controls are explored through making 35mm slides.
Pre-req: ART 315 with a minimum grade of C or JMC 360 with a minimum grade of D.
ART 324 is a continuation of material presented in ART 315. Students will explore black and white photography through a variety of cameras and techniques.
Pre-req: ART 315 with a minimum grade of C and (ART 298 with a minimum grade of C or ART 299 with a minimum grade of C).
This hands-on introductory filmmaking course focuses on the fundamentals of cinematic storytelling through theory and practical techniques to develop a variety of short films.
Pre-req: ART 219 with a minimum grade of C.
Students work together to create short-form films learning advanced concepts of filmmaking. Working in various crew roles, students complete a short film project for public screening.
Pre-req: AM 298 with a minimum grade of C.
Students learn traditional and digital 2D animation through projects that explore conceptual development and formal principles, tools, and techniques.
Pre-req: (AM 298 with a minimum grade of C or AM 299 with a minimum grade of C) or (ART 298 with a minimum grade of C or ART 299 with a minimum grade of C).
Emphasizes alternative ways of creating sculpture. We will investigate and create artworks guiding by historical examples of ephemeral art, performance, interventions, language, sound, social practice, and land art.
Pre-req: ART 215 with a minimum grade of C.
Emphasis will be on the tools, materials and processes of additive and subtractive sculpture. Both traditional techniques and digital technologies will be explored using materials like plastic, wood, and foam.
Pre-req: ART 215 with a minimum grade of C.
Philosophy, media and methods for teaching art (emphasis for elementary level); includes laboratory experiences.
An introduction to the methods for teaching art at the secondary level (7-12). Authentic instruction and classroom assessment strategies are emphasized.
Pre-req: ART 113 with a minimum grade of C or ART 310 with a minimum grade of C.
Basic throwing skills, surface enrichment and glaze application emphasized. Design analysis and production of functional form stressed.
Pre-req: ART 215 with a minimum grade of C.
Pre-req: ART 353 with a minimum grade of C.
Continues development for the intermediate level painter with emphasis on techniques and form, including varied supports, grounds, mediums such as encaustics, synthetic reins, egg tempera, acrylics and oils.
Pre-req: ART 214 with a minimum grade of C or ART 217 with a minimum grade of C.
Projects in painting, drawing and mixed media.
Advanced processes of piece and flexible mold making will be studied and practiced for the purpose of casting complex forms and limited edition sculpture.
Pre-req: ART 305 with a minimum grade of C or ART 307 with a minimum grade of C or ART 343 with a minimum grade of C.
Current views and practice: contemporary issues in art, safe practices in the studio, career opportunities, technology and art, and professional skills for artists.
Pre-req: ART 298 with a minimum grade of C or ART 299 with a minimum grade of C.
Traces the sources and evolution of Catholic doctrine and images of the Virgin Mary.
Practice in drawing from the posed human figure.
Pre-req: ART 217 with a minimum grade of C.
An introduction to the unique arts of so-called precivilized peoples with a two-fold emphasis: First, the European pre-historic; second, the non-European primitive.
Pre-req: ART 202 with a minimum grade of C.
History of the visual arts of ancient Egypt in the context of social and religious influences.
Pre-req: ART 201 with a minimum grade of C.
Explores the art and architecture of ancient Rome in light of social and religious influences.
Pre-req: ART 201 with a minimum grade of C.
Drawing problems designed and executed by the individual student, in a variety of media, to develop unique imagery and increased technical skill.
Pre-req: ART 217 with a minimum grade of C.
Explore various textile materials using ancient and contemporary processes and their applications in the development of 21st century crafts and products.
Textile design for possible commercial production, emphasizing the creation of numerous fabric samples and limited amounts of yardage.
Students will use graphics software to produce original designs emphasizing the strength of these programs to quickly manipulate color palette, scale, and pattern to develop functional textiles for industrial use.
Advanced course for students who have completely mastered the basics of photography. Covers basic studio setup, creative use of the studio situation in portraits, still life and photo illustration.
Pre-req: ART 325 with a minimum grade of C and (ART 298 with a minimum grade of C or ART 299 with a minimum grade of C or AM 299 with a minimum grade of C).
Selected survey of the history of photography investigating the prehistory and invention of photography, portraiture, landscape, social documentary, aesthetic, and experimental practice, post-modernism, and the digital age.
Pre-req: ART 201 with a minimum grade of C and ART 202 with a minimum grade of C.
Explores traditional photographic processes that were prevalent during the 19th century combines with contemporary practices using digital techniques. Emphasis on creative development and technical proficiency.
Pre-req: ART 219 with a minimum grade of C.
Explores the art and architecture of the European Middle Ages in light of social and religious influences.
Pre-req: ART 201 with a minimum grade of C.
Explores the art and architecture of the Byzantine Empire and neighboring medieval Islamic societies in light of social and religious influences.
Pre-req: ART 201 with a minimum grade of C.
Illusion explores the history and application of various illusionist effects to assist in the understanding of why artists incorporate illusion in their work and how these concepts convey relevant meaning.
Pre-req: (ART 298 with a minimum grade of C or ART 299 with a minimum grade of C) and (ART 301 with a minimum grade of C or ART 303 with a minimum grade of C or ART 305 with a minimum grade of C or ART 307 with a minimum grade of C or ART 312 with a minimum grade of C or ART 325 with a minimum grade of C or ART 343 with a minimum grade of C or ART 350 with a minimum grade of C or ART 353 with a minimum grade of C).
In this advanced workshop, students will work as small production teams with community organizations to create real-world client short film projects.
Pre-req: AM 298 with a minimum grade of C.
This course explores video as an artistic medium, examining its historical roots in the 1960s and its contemporary positioning within contemporary 4D digital media.
Pre-req: AM 298 with a minimum grade of C or (ART 298 with a minimum grade of C and ART 299 with a minimum grade of C).
Directed study in which student select subject from any area of commercial design with the goal of developing specific area of expertise. Emphasis on original design and research.
Pre-req: ART 316 with a minimum grade of C.
Emphasis will be on creating sculptures that deal directly with unique spaces and particular locations. We will focus on how history, culture, and geography inspire site-specific sculptures.
Pre-req: ART 215 with a minimum grade of C.
Combinations of found, fabricated and mixed materials will be assembled into original sculpture compositions.
Pre-req: ART 215 with a minimum grade of C.
The preparation and processing of fibers for papermaking including experiences in sheet forming,
Pre-req: ART 301 with a minimum grade of C.
Continuation of Art 343. The student will master basic wheel and decorative processes developing a personal style in their work.
Pre-req: ART 343 with a minimum grade of C and (ART 298 with a minimum grade of C or ART 299 with a minimum grade of C).
Exploration of a variety of ceramic building and firing processes such as hand building, wheel and slip casting.
Pre-req: (ART 305 with a minimum grade of C or ART 343 with a minimum grade of C) and (ART 298 with a minimum grade of C or ART 299 with a minimum grade of C).
Practical and empirical investigation of ceramic materials, techniques and approaches to their use in clay and glazes.
Pre-req: (ART 305 with a minimum grade of C or ART 343 with a minimum grade of C) and (ART 298 with a minimum grade of C or ART 299 with a minimum grade of C).
Exploring the potentialities of fabric as an art experience in two and three dimensional art form.
Introductory topics in time-based media. Topics may include motion design, animation, video compositing, sound design, interactive design, data visualization, digital storytelling, or related subjects.
Pre-req: ART 298 with a minimum grade of C or ART 299 with a minimum grade of C or AM 299 with a minimum grade of C.
Advanced topics in time-based media. Topics may include motion design, animation, video compositing, sound design, interactive design, data visualization, digital storytelling, or related subjects. (PR: ART 453)
Pre-req: ART 453 with a minimum grade of C.
A survey of the evolution of art education and philosophy, and a study of problems related to art education on the elementary and high school level.
Pre-req: ART 340 with a minimum grade of C.
Development of individualized form using intaglio techniques and incorporation multiple colors, plates, assemblages, collagraphs, photo-etching, and mixed media.
Pre-req: ART 301 with a minimum grade of C and (ART 298 with a minimum grade of C or ART 299 with a minimum grade of C).
History of print and object design from the beginning of the nineteenth through the twentieth century will be studied in terms of art history, technology, politics, economics, and consumer behavior.
Pre-req: ART 201 with a minimum grade of C and ART 202 with a minimum grade of C.
Exploring considerations for curriculum development in art education; developing individualized curriculum for specific situations on grade levels K-6 or 7-12.
Pre-req: (ART 113 with a minimum grade of C or ART 310 with a minimum grade of C) and ART 340 with a minimum grade of C.
This course focuses on instructional standards and methods for teaching art at the secondary level with an emphasis on middle grades. A clinical experience provides observation and teaching.
Pre-req: ART 340 with a minimum grade of C and ART 460 with a minimum grade of C.
To be used for learning activities that involve the application of previously learned processes, theories, systems or techniques.
To be used for learning activities that involve the application of previously learned processes, theories, systems or techniques.
To be used for learning activities that involve the application of previously learned processes, theories, systems or techniques.
To be used to complete studio specialization and may be repeated. By permission only.
To be used to complete studio specialization and may be repeated. By permission only.
To be used to complete studio specialization and may be repeated. By permission only.
To be used to complete studio specialization and may be repeated. By permission only.
To be used to complete studio specialization and may be repeated. By permission only.
To be used for experimental courses. By permission only.
To be used for experimental courses. By permission only.
To be used for experimental courses. By permission only.
To be used for experimental courses. By permission only.
To be reserved for tutorials, directed and independent readings, directed and independent research, problem reports, and other activities designed to fit the needs of individual students within the major.
To be reserved for tutorials, directed and independent readings, directed and independent research, problem reports, and other activities designed to fit the needs of individual students with the major.
To be reserved for tutorials, directed and independent readings, directed and independent research, problem reports, and other activities designed to fit the needs of individual students within the major.
To be reserved for tutorials, directed and independent readings, directed and independent research, problem reports, and other activities designed to fit the needs of individual students within the major.

Pre-req: ART 316 with a minimum grade of C or AM 299 with a minimum grade of C.
Student is placed in a supervised work situation, offering the opportunity to perform professional work. This will include 60 work hours per each registered credit hour.
Pre-req: ART 316 with a minimum grade of C.
Students will research, plan and develop a substantial body of independently conceived artworks in consultation with studio art faculty.

Students refine their creative visual productions and a supporting statement that culminate in a public exhibition.
Pre-req: ART 390 with a minimum grade of C.

Students document and exhibit their production from courses completed during their senior year in their area (s) of concentration. The exhibition should result from their academic as well as studio study.
Pre-req: ART 298 with a minimum grade of C or ART 299 with a minimum grade of C.