Curr Inst Special Ed (CISP)
This is the first of 4 courses in American Sign Language. This course emphasizes the learning of basic survival conversational signing skills, including use of all ASL grammatical structures.
This is the second of 4 courses in American Sign Language. This course emphasizes the learning of intermediate conversational signing skills, including use of all ASL grammatical structures.
Pre-req: CISP 101 with a minimum grade of D.
This is the fourth of 4 courses in American Sign Language. This course emphasizes the learning of complex conversational signing skills, including use of all ASL grammatical structures.
Pre-req: CISP 101 with a minimum grade of D and CISP 102 with a minimum grade of D and CISP 203 with a minimum grade of D.
An introduction to the study of children who deviate from the average in mental, physical, and emotional characteristics, including a study of the characteristics of such children and the adaptation of educational procedures to their abilities and disabilities.
Pre-req: CISP 420 (may be taken concurrently) with a minimum grade of C.
Examination of procedures needed for implementation of the Resource Room model for mildly handicapped children. The course includes a review of the Mainstreaming movement, interpersonal relations, and skills necessary for maintaining the resource room.
Pre-req: CISP 320 (may be taken concurrently) with a minimum grade of C.
Behavioral characteristics of children with exceptional development, dynamics of family- community interaction, and attitudes towards exceptional conditions. Implications for amelioration and educational planning.
Research-based strategies for providing differentiated instruction to students with diverse learning, social, and behavioral needs who are being educated in inclusive settings.
Pre-req: CISP 421 with a minimum grade of C.
This course is designed to survey current issues in education and the treatment of students with autism spectrum disorder (ASD).
Emphasis will be given to enhancing the success of diverse learners through intervention strategies, family involvement and interdisciplinary service delivery.
Pre-req: Admitted to Teacher ED with a score of 4 and CISP 421 with a minimum grade of C or (CISP 320 with a minimum grade of C and CISP 420 with a minimum grade of C).
Introduction to the characteristics and needs of young children with developmental disabilities addressing the physical, neurological, health , and environmental problems that impact atypical growth and development (PR: CISP 320, CR: Field Experience)
Pre-req: Admitted to Teacher ED with a score of 4 and CISP 420 with a minimum grade of C.
Characteristics and needs of individuals with intellectual disabilites. Current research, etiologic factors and the impact of intellectual disabilities on education are emphasized. Includes a field experience. (PR: CISP 320)
Pre-req: Admitted to Teacher ED with a score of 4 and CISP 420.
Pre-req: Admitted to Teacher ED with a score of 4 and CISP 420.
Pre-req: Admitted to Teacher ED with a score of 4 and CISP 420.

Curriculum development and methodology used to teach young children with special needs. Integration, program development, management, material and equipment adaptation are emphasized.
Pre-req: CISP 428 with a minimum grade of D.
Principles and information designed to give the student an understanding of the needs and rights of families of exceptional children and techniques to involve families successfully in their children’s education.
Supervised participation and directed teaching activities in a preschool special education program.
Pre-req: CISP 445 with a minimum grade of C.