Undergraduate Teacher Education
Curriculum & Instruction

An introduction to the critical thinking skills in education, an orientation of the teaching profession, and an overview of the historical, sociological, multicultural, and philosophical issues affecting schools and teachers.
The study of the foundations of elementary mathematics including numeration systems, number theory, and consumer mathematics with emphasis on problem solving and teaching strategies.
Pre-req: MTH 130 with a minimum grade of D or MTH 130H with a minimum grade of D or MTH 127 with a minimum grade of D.
The introduction of selection and evaluation techniques of computer courseware and hardware for classrooms K-12 with consideration for CAI, CMI and specific skills for K-12 students.
Study of elementary mathematics including structure of the real number system, statistics, probability, informal and transformational geometry, and basic algebraic operations with emphasis on problem solving and teaching strategies.
Pre-req: CI 101 with a minimum grade of C and (MTH 127 with a minimum grade of D or MTH 130 with a minimum grade of D).
Introduction to teaching science in elementary schools emphasizing inquiry-based science and engineering practices utilizing effective research-based teaching strategies including seminars, discussions and investigations.
Pre-req: MTH 127 with a minimum grade of D or MTH 130 with a minimum grade of D.
A course based upon an Instructional Television Series broadcast by public television. The student is responsible for viewing the series on the air and satisfying all course requirements announced by the division.
This course is an investigation of techniques and approaches to helping children learn mathematics with special emphasis on the use of manipulative materials in a laboratory setting.
Pre-req: CI 201 with a minimum grade of C and Admitted to Teacher ED with a score of 4.
Study of factors shaping curriculum and exploration and assessment of appropriate curriculum for young children in transition from pre-operational to concrete operational stages of development. Field experience included.
Pre-req: Admitted to Teacher ED with a score of 4.
A study of literary genres' characteristics and implementation within the elementary classroom, with emphasis on methods of presentation and a review of English grammar and language.
Study of modern techniques and practices in the teaching and assessment of reading and language arts: Part 1
Pre-req: CI 342 with a minimum grade of C.
This course examines strategies for learning from text, studying different types of textual material, monitoring learning, and integrating oral and written discourse.
Pre-req: Admitted to Teacher ED with a score of 4.
Critical examination and skill development using commercial, non-commercial, and computer generated media. Emphasis will be placed on its application to teaching and learning.
An introduction to materials and methods for teaching social studies in the elementary school including goals, processes, strategies, and evaluation.
Pre-req: Admitted to Teacher ED with a score of 4.
An overview of the development of early childhood education related research, pre-primary program models, elementary school organizational patterns, program planning and techniques of working with parents.
Study of procedures for creating a functional middle childhood curriculum with emphasis upon the needs of transecents.
Pre-req: Admitted to Teacher ED with a score of 4.
The study of methods appropriate for teaching in the middle childhood grades and the production and utilization of materials and resources based upon the needs of middle childhood learners.
Pre-req: Admitted to Teacher ED with a score of 4.
Study of methods appropriate for teaching in the middle childhood grades, and production and utilization of materials and resources in these grades. Middle school clinical experience is required.
Pre-req: Admitted to Teacher ED with a score of 4 and CI 401 with a minimum grade of C.

All-day teaching under supervision in cooperating schools; periodic seminars, conducted by University faculty, accompany student teaching.

Supervised student teaching (4-6 hrs). All-day teaching under supervision in cooperating schools. Periodic semiars conducted by university faculty accompany student teaching. Prerequisites: Methods and permission.

All-day kindergarten teaching under supervision in cooperating schools; periodic seminars, conducted by University faculty, accompany student teaching.
General secondary/middle school course with emphasis on instructional standards and objectives, methods, and materials of the disciplines. A clinical experience provides observation and teaching.
Pre-req: Admitted to Teacher ED with a score of 5.
This is a lecture-discussion course designed to survey current autism definitions, rates of incidence, conceptual models, and educational designs relating to autistic children, youth, and adults.
This course allows elementary education students to critically examine a variety of classroom management strategies and educational issues that impact instruction. PR: Full admission to the Teacher Education Program
Pre-req: Admitted to Teacher ED with a score of 4.
General K-6 course with emphasis on instructional standards and objectives, methods, and materials for Reading, Language Arts and Social Studies.
Pre-req: Admitted to Teacher ED with a score of 5 and CI 343 with a minimum grade of C and CI 446 with a minimum grade of C.
General K-6 course with emphasis on instructional standards and objectives, methods and materials for mathematics and science.
Pre-req: CI 201 with a minimum grade of C and Admitted to Teacher ED with a score of 4 and BSC 105 with a minimum grade of C and CI 248 with a minimum grade of C and CI 348 with a minimum grade of C.
Classroom management with emphasis on practical techniques for dealing with management problems in secondary and middle school settings.
Pre-req: Admitted to Teacher ED with a score of 4.

All-day teaching under supervision in cooperating schools; periodic seminars conducted by University faculty accompany student teaching.

All-day student teaching in cooperating middle schools; periodic seminars conducted by University faculty accompany student teaching.
Pre-req: CI 320.

Supervised student teaching (4-6 hrs). All-day teaching under supervision in cooperating schools. Periodic seminars conducted by university faculty accompany student teaching. Prerequisites: Methods and permission.

Multicultural education with an emphasis on methods and materials for teaching students from diverse cultural backgrounds.
Residency I is a 250-hour clinical teaching in an approved elementary/secondary school setting with an opportunity to put theory in classroom practice.
Pre-req: Admitted to Teacher ED with a score of 5.
Residency I is a 250-hour clinical teaching in an approved elementary/secondary school setting with an opportunity to put theory in classroom practice.
Pre-req: Admitted to Teacher ED with a score of 5.
Residency I is a 250-hour clinical teaching in an approved elementary/secondary school setting with an opportunity to put theory in classroom practice.
Pre-req: Admitted to Teacher ED with a score of 5.
Curriculum Instruction Special Education
This is the first of 4 courses in American Sign Language. This course emphasizes the learning of basic survival conversational signing skills, including use of all ASL grammatical structures.
This is the second of 4 courses in American Sign Language. This course emphasizes the learning of intermediate conversational signing skills, including use of all ASL grammatical structures.
Pre-req: CISP 101 with a minimum grade of D.
This is the fourth of 4 courses in American Sign Language. This course emphasizes the learning of complex conversational signing skills, including use of all ASL grammatical structures.
Pre-req: CISP 101 with a minimum grade of D and CISP 102 with a minimum grade of D and CISP 203 with a minimum grade of D.
An introduction to the study of children who deviate from the average in mental, physical, and emotional characteristics, including a study of the characteristics of such children and the adaptation of educational procedures to their abilities and disabilities.
Pre-req: CISP 420 (may be taken concurrently) with a minimum grade of C.
Examination of procedures needed for implementation of the Resource Room model for mildly handicapped children. The course includes a review of the Mainstreaming movement, interpersonal relations, and skills necessary for maintaining the resource room.
Pre-req: CISP 320 (may be taken concurrently) with a minimum grade of C.
Behavioral characteristics of children with exceptional development, dynamics of family- community interaction, and attitudes towards exceptional conditions. Implications for amelioration and educational planning.
Research-based strategies for providing differentiated instruction to students with diverse learning, social, and behavioral needs who are being educated in inclusive settings.
Pre-req: CISP 421 with a minimum grade of C.
This course is designed to survey current issues in education and the treatment of students with autism spectrum disorder (ASD).
Emphasis will be given to enhancing the success of diverse learners through intervention strategies, family involvement and interdisciplinary service delivery.
Pre-req: Admitted to Teacher ED with a score of 4 and CISP 421 with a minimum grade of C or (CISP 320 with a minimum grade of C and CISP 420 with a minimum grade of C).
Introduction to the characteristics and needs of young children with developmental disabilities addressing the physical, neurological, health , and environmental problems that impact atypical growth and development (PR: CISP 320, CR: Field Experience)
Pre-req: Admitted to Teacher ED with a score of 4 and CISP 420 with a minimum grade of C.
Characteristics and needs of individuals with intellectual disabilites. Current research, etiologic factors and the impact of intellectual disabilities on education are emphasized. Includes a field experience. (PR: CISP 320)
Pre-req: Admitted to Teacher ED with a score of 4 and CISP 420.
Pre-req: Admitted to Teacher ED with a score of 4 and CISP 420.
Pre-req: Admitted to Teacher ED with a score of 4 and CISP 420.

Curriculum development and methodology used to teach young children with special needs. Integration, program development, management, material and equipment adaptation are emphasized.
Pre-req: CISP 428 with a minimum grade of D.
Principles and information designed to give the student an understanding of the needs and rights of families of exceptional children and techniques to involve families successfully in their children’s education.
Supervised participation and directed teaching activities in a preschool special education program.
Pre-req: CISP 445 with a minimum grade of C.
Educational Foundations
Introduction to basic knowledge and responsibilities needed to be an effective educator, including issues related to school/community and importance of developing a positive/inclusive culture.
A pre-residency clinical experience in an elementary, secondary and/or middle school. An opportunity to work with faculty, staff, and students in a teaching/learning environment.
A study of the psychological principles for learning and teaching based on children's emotional, social, cognitive, and physical development.

A basic course in the study of children's emotional, social, mental, and physical development.
A public school Clinical Experience in an elementary school. An opportunity to work with faculty, staff, and students in a teaching/learning environment.
A public school Clinical Experience in an elementary public school. An opportunity to work with faculty, staff, and students in a teaching/learning environment.
A public school Clinical Experience in an elementary public school. An opportunity to work with faculty, staff, and students in a teaching/learning environment.
A study of the psychological principles which are the foundation for learning and teaching.
Pre-req: Admitted to Teacher ED with a score of 4.
A survey of the historical, philosophical and sociological foundations of American education with emphasis upon current educational problems and issues.
Pre-req: EDF 319.
A foundation course in descriptive and inferential statistics as applied in education and the social sciences.
History, philosophy and elementary statistical methods for testing, measuring and evaluating pupil behavior are studied.
Pre-req: Admitted to Teacher ED with a score of 4 and EDF 201 with a minimum grade of C.
Study of social, historical and philosophical foundations of U.S. schooling.
Pre-req: Admitted to Teacher ED with a score of 4.
Areas of Emphasis
- Art Education PreK-Adult, B.A.
- Biological Science Education 9-Adult, B.A.
- Chemistry Education 9-Adult, B.A.
- Elementary Education, K-6 Comprehensive
- English Education 5-9, B.A. (Second Specialization only)
- English Education 5-Adult, B.A.
- General Science Education 5-9, B.A. (Second Specialization only)
- General Science Education 5-Adult, B.A.
- Mathematics Education 5-9, B.A. (Second Specialization only)
- Mathematics Education 5-Adult, B.A.
- Music Education PreK-Adult, B.A.
- Physics Education 9-Adult Comprehensive, B.A.
- Social Studies Education 5-9, B.A. (Second Specialization only)
- Social Studies Education 5-Adult, B.A.
- Special Education Multi-Categorical 5-Adult, B.A. (Second Specialization only)
- Special Education Multi-Categorical K-6, B.A. (Second Specialization only)
- Wellness Education PreK-Adult, B.A.