Political Science, B.S.

Core Curriculum
Core 1: Critical Thinking
FYS 100First Yr Sem Critical Thinking3
PSC 104 Bison image American Government (CT)3
PSC 105 Bison image Fundamentals of Politics (CT)3
Core 2
ENG 101 Bison image Beginning Composition3
ENG 201 Bison image Advanced Composition3
CMM 103 Bison image Fund Speech-Communication3
STA 150 Bison image Foundations of Statistics3
STA 150L Bison image Foundations of Statistics Lab1
Core II Physical and Natural Science4
Core II Humanities3
Politics, Media, and Culture
Core II Fine Arts3
Additional University Requirements
Writing Intensive3
Writing Intensive3
Multicultural or International3
PSC 499 Bison image Capstone Experience3
COLA Literature3
COLA Literature3
COLA Humanities3
PSC 105 Bison image Fundamentals of Politics (CT) (COLA Social Science)3
COLA Social Science (Not PSC)3
COLA Social Science (Not PSC)3
COLA Physical and Natural Science4
PSC COLA International3
COLA Multicultural
PSC 104 Bison image American Government (CT)3
PSC 105 Bison image Fundamentals of Politics (CT)3
PSC 201 Bison image Politics, Media, and Culture3
PSC 202 Bison image State and Local Government3
PSC 302Models of Public Policy3
PSC 312Research in Political Science3
PSC 499 Bison image Capstone Experience3
Required 15 credit hour emphasis. Each Emphasis is designed to focus on particular interests and career pathways. 15
American Politics Emphasis
Delve into the intricate workings of political systems across the United States, from federal to local levels. This focus area offers a deep understanding of the American political landscape, electoral systems, and policy-making processes. Prepare for careers in government, political advocacy, or public service, with insights that span the broad spectrum of American governance.
Constitutional Democracy Emphasis
(Pre-Law): Focus on the principles of constitutional law and democratic governance, examining the structure, functions, and limitations of government as defined by the Constitution. This pathway prepares students for law school and careers in legal practice, public policy, or civil service, providing a robust foundation in the legal frameworks that guide and constrain political and governmental action.
International Relations and Comparative Politics Emphasis
Explore the complexities of international affairs, diplomacy, and global systems, preparing for careers in foreign service, international organizations, or global NGOs.
Political Theory Emphasis
Engage with the fundamental ideas and philosophical underpinnings that have shaped political thought from ancient times to the present. This specialization explores key theories of governance, justice, rights, and democracy, fostering critical thinking and analytical skills. Ideal for those aiming for academia, law, or policy-making, it equips students with a profound understanding of the concepts that underlie political systems and societal norms.
Public Administration and Policy Emphasis
Explore policy-making, public administration, governance, and the art of political analysis through quantitative methods and data science, positioning yourself for roles in research institutions, political consulting firms, or campaign analytics.
Political Science electives9
Free Elective3
Free Elective3
Free Elective3
Free Elective3
Free Elective3
Free Elective3

The Political Science curriculum has two objectives: first, to provide a basic understanding of the functioning of government in preparation for democratic citizenship and second, to give a specialized foundation to those planning to enter law school, government service (foreign service, public administration), teaching, research, politics, or business.

Plan of Study Grid
First Year
First SemesterCredit Hours
CMM 103 Bison image Fund Speech-Communication 3
ENG 101 Bison image Beginning Composition 3
FYS 100 First Yr Sem Critical Thinking 3
PSC 104 Bison image American Government (CT) 3
Core II Fine Arts 3
UNI 100 Freshman First Class 1
 Credit Hours16
Second Semester
ENG 201 Bison image Advanced Composition 3
Core II Physical and Natural Science 4
STA 150 Bison image Foundations of Statistics 3
STA 150L Bison image Foundations of Statistics Lab 1
PSC 105 Bison image Fundamentals of Politics (CT) 3
 Credit Hours14
Second Year
First Semester
PSC 202 Bison image State and Local Government 3
PSC 312 Research in Political Science 3
COLA Social Science (Not PSC) 3
Core II Humanities (WI) 3
Politics, Media, and Culture
COLA Physical and Natural Science 4
 Credit Hours16
Second Semester
PSC 302 Models of Public Policy 3
Multicultural or International 3
PSC Emphasis 3
Free Elective 3
Free Elective 3
 Credit Hours15
Third Year
First Semester
COLA Multicultural 3
COLA International 3
PSC Emphasis 3
PSC Elective 3
Free Elective 3
 Credit Hours15
Second Semester
COLA Social Science (not PSC) 3
PSC Emphasis 3
PSC Emphasis 3
PSC Emphasis 3
Free Elective 3
 Credit Hours15
Fourth Year
First Semester
PSC 499 Bison image Capstone Experience (WI) 3
COLA Literature 3
PSC Elective 3
Free Elective 3
Free Elective 3
 Credit Hours15
Second Semester
PSC Elective 3
COLA Literature 3
COLA Humanities 3
Free Elective 3
Free Elective 2
 Credit Hours14
 Total Credit Hours120