Department of Chemistry
This course will introduce students to basic chemical facts and concepts. Topics will include units, dimensional analysis, nomenclature, solutions, atomic structure, and stoichiometry.
Pre-req: MTH 127 with a minimum grade of C or ACT Math with a score of 21 or SAT Mathematics Before Mar. 16 with a score of 500 or SAT MATH SECTION SCORE with a score of 530 or MTH 130 with a minimum grade of C.
Introductory course for health professions students and non-science majors covering basic chemical principles with applications in organic chemistry and biochemistry.

A study of the properties of materials and their interactions with each other. Development of theories and applications of the principles of energetics, dynamics and structure. Intended primarily for science majors and preprofessional students. 3 lec.
Pre-req: (ACT Math with a score of 23 or SAT Mathematics Before Mar. 16 with a score of 540 or SAT MATH SECTION SCORE with a score of 570 or Placement Chemistry with a score of 211 or CHM 111 with a minimum grade of C) and CHM 217 (may be taken concurrently).

A continuation of chemistry 211 with emphasis on the inorganic chemistry of the representative elements and transition metals. 3 lec.
Pre-req: (CHM 211 with a minimum grade of C and (CHM 218 (may be taken concurrently) with a minimum grade of D or CHM 218H (may be taken concurrently) with a minimum grade of D).

An advanced laboratory class designed for Principles of Chemistry II students. This lab will introduce students to concepts and/or techniques important to later laboratory classes and research.
Pre-req: Admitted Honors College with a score of 1.
Independent study or undergraduate research project for outstanding students.
A course concerning the searching and use of the chemical literature, ethical issues relating to the conduct of scientific research, proposal writing, scientific presentations, and proper scientific laboaratory conduct.
Pre-req: CHM 356 with a minimum grade of C.
A one semester introduction to organic chemistry emphasizing structure, nomenclature, and reactivity. (Cannot fulfill an upper division chemistry elective.)
Pre-req: CHM 212 with a minimum grade of C.
Students attend lectures presented by internal and external speakers to learn about the nature and variety of chemical research.
Students attend lectures presented by internal and external speakers to learn about the nature and variety of chemical research.
An introduction to basic techniques of analytical chemistry and data analysis through statistical procedures. Traditional wet and contemporary instrumental methods are covered with an emphasis on experimental care and craftsmanship.
Pre-req: CHM 212 with a minimum grade of C and (CHM 218 with a minimum grade of C or CHM 218H with a minimum grade of C).
A systematic study of organic chemistry including modern structural theory, spectroscopy, and stereochemistry; application of these topics to the study of reactions and their mechanisms and applications to synthesis. 3 lec. No individual may make more than 3 attempts at CHM 355 (i.e., any combination of three W, D, F or NC grades will preclude the individual from future registration).
Pre-req: CHM 212 with a minimum grade of C.
Continuation of Chemistry 355. 3 lec.
Pre-req: CHM 355 with a minimum grade of C.
A study of quantum mechanics applied to atomic structure, chemical bonding, and spectroscopy. 3 lec.-2 lab.
Pre-req: CHM 212 with a minimum grade of C and (MTH 229 with a minimum grade of C or MTH 229H with a minimum grade of C) and (PHY 211 with a minimum grade of C or PHY 201 with a minimum grade of C).
A study of chemical thermodynamics, equilibrium, and kinetics. 3 lec.-2 lab.
Pre-req: CHM 212 with a minimum grade of C and (MTH 229 with a minimum grade of C or MTH 229H with a minimum grade of C) and (PHY 211 with a minimum grade of C or PHY 201 with a minimum grade of C).
An introduction to of experimental organic chemistry with emphasis on fundamental techniques and their application to the preparation and identification of organic compounds. 6 lab.
Pre-req: CHM 356 (may be taken concurrently).
This laboratory will introduce students to advanced concepts and techniques in organic synthesis and spectroscopy. It requires students to engage in an independent synthetic project from the chemical literature.
Pre-req: CHM 356 (may be taken concurrently) and Admitted Honors College with a score of 1.
Introduction to basic biochemical laboratory techniques including chromatography, electrophoresis, and enzyme kinetics; methods for identification and characterization of biochemical systems. 4 lab.
Pre-req: CHM 365 with a minimum grade of C.
Independent study or undergraduate research project for outstanding students.
Pre-req: Admitted Honors College with a score of 1.
Independent study or undergraduate research project for outstanding students.
Students engage in research project in collaboration with a faculty member.
This course investigates the theory and functional aspects of modern analytical instrumentation. Emphasis is placed on the components of instruments and the applicability of various techniques to specific analytical problems.
Pre-req: CHM 356 with a minimum grade of C.
Students attend lectures presented by internal and external speakers to learn about the nature and variety of chemical research.
Students attend lectures presented by internal and external speakers to learn about the nature and variety of chemical research. Students also present an oral and written presentation of their capstone experience.
This course investigates the theory and applications of mass spectrometry. It includes a laboratory component in which you will learn to run the mass spectrometers and interpret mass spectral results.
Pre-req: CHM 356 with a minimum grade of C.
Studies of the dynamics of organic reactions with emphasis on mechanisms and stereochemistry. 3 lec.
Pre-req: CHM 356 with a minimum grade of C.
A continuation of Chemistry 465 with emphasis on synthetic methods. 3 lec.
Pre-req: CHM 356 with a minimum grade of C.
An intermediate level discussion of the biochemistry of mammalian cells.
Pre-req: CHM 365 with a minimum grade of C or BSC 365 with a minimum grade of C.
A combined lecture/lab/self-motivated research course that results in a microscopy based project to be presented by each student in a public forum (may augment capstone).

Students engage in supervised chemical laboratory work in a professional setting.
Pre-req: CHM 305.

Students engage in a collaborative research project with a faculty member.
Pre-req: CHM 305.
Open only to chemistry majors of outstanding ability.