Public Administration and Policy, B.A.

A major in Public Administration and Policy must fulfill the general and specific requirements for the B.A. degree and must complete 39 hours in Public Administration and Policy, including PSC 104 American Government (CT), PSC 202 State and Local Government, PSC 312 Research in Political Science, and PSC 489 Seminar in Public Service (capstone experience).

Course Requirements

 Bison image - General Education Course

 Cap graduation image - Milestone course: a key success marker for your major. See your advisor to discuss the importance of this course in your plan of study.


The Core Curriculum is designed to foster critical thinking skills and introduce students to basic domains of thinking that transcend disciplines. The Core applies to all majors. Information on specific classes in the Core can be found at

Core Curriculum
Core 1: Critical Thinking
FYS 100First Yr Sem Critical Thinking3
PSC 105 Bison image Fundamentals of Politics (CT)3
PSC 104 Bison image American Government (CT)3
Core 2
ENG 101 Bison image Beginning Composition3
ENG 201 Bison image Advanced Composition3
CMM 103 Bison image Fund Speech-Communication3
STA 150 Bison image Foundations of Statistics3
STA 150L Bison image Foundations of Statistics Lab1
Core II Physical/Natural Science4
Core II Humanities3
PSC 104 Bison image American Government (CT)3
Core II Fine Arts3
Additional University Requirements
Writing Intensive3
Writing Intensive3
Multicultural or International3
PSC 499 Bison image Capstone Experience3
Foreign Language 1013
Foreign Language 1023
Foreign Language 203 or MC, I, or GLC Course
Foreign Language 204 or MC, I, or GLC Course3
COLA Humanities3
COLA Humanities3
COLA Humanities3
PSC 105 Bison image Fundamentals of Politics (CT) (COLA Social Science)3
COLA Social Science (Not PSC)3
COLA Social Science (Not PSC)3
COLA Physical/Natural Science4
PSC 104 Bison image American Government (CT)3
PSC 202 Bison image State and Local Government3
PSC 312Research in Political Science3
PSC 489Seminar in Public Service3
PSC 432Nonprofit Management3
PSC 433Public Policy Development3
PSC 450Administrative Law3
PSC 452Public Personnel Admin3
PSC 453Public Finance Management3
PSC 454Public Organizations3
PSC 461American Cities3
ENG 314Intro to Professional Writing3
ENG 431Writing for Non-Profits3

 Bison image - General Education Course

 Cap graduation image - Milestone course: a key success marker for your major. See your advisor to discuss the importance of this course in your plan of study.


 Bison image - General Education Course

 Cap graduation image - Milestone course: a key success marker for your major. See your advisor to discuss the importance of this course in your plan of study.

Plan of Study Grid
First Year
First SemesterCredit Hours
CMM 103 Bison image Fund Speech-Communication 3
ENG 101 Bison image Beginning Composition 3
FYS 100 First Yr Sem Critical Thinking 3
PSC 104 Bison image American Government (CT) 3
Core II Fine Arts 3
UNI 100 Freshman First Class 1
 Credit Hours16
Second Semester
ENG 201 Bison image Advanced Composition 3
Core II Physical/Natural Science 4
STA 150 Bison image Foundations of Statistics 3
STA 150L Bison image Foundations of Statistics Lab 1
PSC 105 Bison image Fundamentals of Politics (CT) 3
 Credit Hours14
Second Year
First Semester
Foreign Language 101 3
PSC 312 Research in Political Science 3
COLA Social Scienec (not PSC) 3
Core II Humanities (WI) 3
COLA Physical/Natural Science 4
 Credit Hours16
Second Semester
COLA Humanities 3
Foreign Language 102 3
PSC 433 Public Policy Development 3
Free Elective 3
Free Elective 3
 Credit Hours15
Third Year
First Semester
PSC 432 Nonprofit Management 3
PSC 450 Administrative Law 3
COLA Social Science (Not PSC) 3
Foreign Language 203 or MC, I or GLC Course 3
ENG 431 Writing for Non-Profits 3
 Credit Hours15
Second Semester
Foreign Language 204 or MC, I or GLC Course 3
PSC 452 Public Personnel Admin 3
PSC 453 Public Finance Management 3
COLA Social Science (not PSC) 3
COLA Humanities 3
 Credit Hours15
Fourth Year
First Semester
PSC 454 Public Organizations 3
PSC Elective 3
PSC 489 Seminar in Public Service (Capstone Experience (WI)) 3
COLA Humanities 3
PSC 202 Bison image State and Local Government 3
 Credit Hours15
Second Semester
PSC 461 American Cities 3
PSC Elective 3
COLA 300/400-level Elective 3
COLA 300/400-level Elective 3
ENG 314 Intro to Professional Writing 3
 Credit Hours15
 Total Credit Hours121