Music, B.F.A.

Entrance and Program Requirements

Students desiring entry into the B.F.A. degree or the music education program or the music minor must be formally admitted to the music program. This admittance is based upon an audition in the student’s major performance area (instrument or voice) and an interview with the area faculty. Students desiring to enter the theory and composition area of emphasis should be prepared to show evidence of music theory study and/or compositions. Students should contact the music office to arrange for an audition and interview. Music majors returning after having not enrolled in applied music study for two or more consecutive semesters must re-audition before permission to continue in the major will be granted. Students should consult the music program website for specific audition requirements for their instrument.

Majors must also satisfy the following program requirements:

  1. All coursework in the music majors must be completed with a grade of C or above. A course with a grade of D or F must be repeated with at least a grade of C to count for graduation or be used as a prerequisite for another required course.
  2. All music majors are required to pass a piano proficiency examination prior to the capstone semester.
  3. A total of 120 credit hours is required for the B.F.A. degree with a music major. In addition to university and degree program requirements listed under the Bachelor of Fine Arts, candidates for the B.F.A. in music must complete 73 credit hours of study in music, divided into the core curriculum of 18 credit hours and 55 credit hours devoted to one of four areas of emphasis.
  4. Forty (40) credit hours must be earned in courses numbered 300-499.
  5. No course in the major requirements for graduation may be taken Credit/Non-Credit unless the course is so specified.
  6. Upon completion of the fourth semester of 100-level applied music study on the principal instrument, students must pass a sophomore hearing for promotion to upper-division (300-level) applied music study on the principal instrument. Students are permitted a maximum of two attempts to pass the sophomore hearing.