College of Engineering and Computer Sciences
Admission Requirements
CECS minimum admission requirements for students in addition to Marshall general requirements at the freshman level are:
- All engineering programs, including the B.S in Biomedical Engineering, B.S in Civil Engineering, B.S in Electrical and Computer Engineering, B.S in Engineering, and B.S in Mechanical Engineering: a composite ACT of 21 with a math ACT of 24 are required (composite SAT of 1060 with a math SAT of 570)
- B.S in Computer science: a composite ACT of 21 with a math ACT of 24 are required (composite SAT of 1060 with a math SAT of 570)
- B.S in Computer and Information Technology: a composite ACT of 21 with a math ACT of 21 are required (composite SAT of 1060 with a math SAT of 530)
- B.S. in Occupational Safety and Health: a composite ACT of 17 with a math ACT of 17 are required (composite SAT of 820 with a math SAT of 440)
- Pre-Engineering and Pre-Computer Science: a composite ACT of 19 with a math ACT of 19-23 are required (composite SAT of 990 with a math SAT of 510-560)
- CECS Undecided Majors: Marshall general requirements
Academic Policies
The college requires all freshmen and pre-computer science, pre-engineering, engineering transfer, and CECS Undecided students to see their advisors before they register each semester.
Degree Evaluation
It is important to consult Degree Works, which can be found in the myMU portal, about degree progress. Degree Works is used to verify progress toward degree and degree completion status. All courses completed and all courses needed for the degree are listed. If there are questions about Degree Works, please consult your advisor.
Determining Your Catalog
You must meet the catalog requirements in effect at the time you declare your major. You then have ten years in which to complete your program. If you do not meet graduation requirements in this ten-year period, then you must meet the curriculum requirements of the catalog in effect at the date of graduation. If you decide to change your major within CECS or to transfer to another college at Marshall, you are governed by the catalog in effect at the time of change.
Academic Probation and Suspension
Please consult the university’s policy on academic probation or suspension.
Degree Requirements
Undecided Major
Students are welcome to select undecided as a major; however, students in CECS begin taking classes in the major field of study their freshman year. Students who have selected undecided as a major with 45 or more earned CH of coursework must declare a major (and meet that major's admission requirements) to register for the next semester of courses. The necessary forms are available in the CECS Dean’s office.
Students who do not meet the requirements for Pre-Engineering or Pre-Computer Science may enroll as undecided in CECS. An undecided student in this scenario is eligible for admission into either Pre-Engineering or Pre-Computer Science once they meet the following criteria:
- Earned 12 CH of college-level coursework
- Maintenance of Good Standing
- Eligibility to enroll in either MTH 127 College Algebra-Expanded or MTH 130 College Algebra.
Students transferring into CECS with 45 or more earned CH of coursework who do not meet the admission requirements for Pre-Engineering or Pre-Computer Science may be admitted into their desired program on a case-by-case basis at the discretion of the program's department chair. This pertains to transfer students within Marshall or from another institution.
Core Curriculum
Students in CECS are responsible for meeting the Core Curriculum of Marshall University. Please consult the Core Curriculum section of the catalog, as well as the specific degree requirements, for details. Students in CECS are to consult with their advisors for guidance in how to meet these baccalaureate curricular initiatives.
An introduction of scales, plan reading, engineering graphics and computer aided designing. Itroduction to the operation of modern 2D and 3D CAD software. 2 lec (PR: MTH 132; pre-engineering or engineering major)
Pre-req: MTH 127 with a minimum grade of D or MTH 130 with a minimum grade of D or MTH 132 (may be taken concurrently) with a minimum grade of D or MTH 229 (may be taken concurrently) with a minimum grade of D or MTH 229H (may be taken concurrently) with a minimum grade of D or ACT Math with a score of 24 or SAT Mathematics Before Mar. 16 with a score of 560 or SAT MATH SECTION SCORE with a score of 570.
Weekly seminars presented by practicing engineers to help students gain a better understanding of various engineering fields and the attributes required to be a successful engineer.
Introduction to the engineering profession and engineering disciplines; introduction to the engineering design process and team projects.
Introduction to effective problem-solving techniques using various engineering applications with an emphasis on accuracy. Various tools will be covered including calculators, spreadsheets, and a computational environment such as MATLAB.
Pre-req: ACT Math with a score of 24 or SAT Mathematics Before Mar. 16 with a score of 560 or SAT MATH SECTION SCORE with a score of 570 or MTH 127 with a minimum grade of D or MTH 130 with a minimum grade of D or MTH 132 (may be taken concurrently) with a minimum grade of D or MTH 229 (may be taken concurrently) with a minimum grade of D or MTH 229H (may be taken concurrently) with a minimum grade of D.
Definition of fundamental concepts and components, including operational amplifiers. Steady-state ac and dc analysis using the basic laws of circuits. Principles of electrical measurements. Single-phase ac power. Computer applications.
Pre-req: MTH 229 with a minimum grade of D or MTH 229H with a minimum grade of D.
Strength of materials; shear and moment diagrams; stresses in shafts, beams and columns; combined stresses; deflections. 4 lec.
Pre-req: ENGR 213 with a minimum grade of D.
To prepare students for both the job search and a career in the field of engineering. Includes professional communication, networking, interviews, technology, ethics, and licensure.
Pre-req: ENGR 102 with a minimum grade of D or CE 102 with a minimum grade of D or CS 110 with a minimum grade of D or CS 110H with a minimum grade of D.
Fundamental concepts of energy analysis and thermodynamic principles. Computer applications. 3-lec.
Pre-req: PHY 211 with a minimum grade of D.
Economic analysis of engineering proposals; time value of money; evaluation and selection of projects; replacement and retention decisions; uncertainty and risk; inflation; cost estimation; depreciation; and benefit cost analysis.
Pre-req: MTH 229 with a minimum grade of D or MTH 229H with a minimum grade of D.
Fluid properities, hydrostatic forces, stability of floating bodies, equations of fluid acceleration and motion (continuity, momentum, energy, Euler's Bernoulli's), dynamic similitude, internal flow, and computer solutions in ideal fluids. 3-lec. (PR: ENGR 214; CR: ENGR 319)
Pre-req: ENGR 214 with a minimum grade of D.
This course is designed to provide the undergraduate engineering student with an opportunity to participate in engineering projects, research
Mathematical methods for analyzing and solving a range of engineering problems, including linear algebra, vector and multivariate calculus, complex variables calculus, and Fourier analysis.
Pre-req: MTH 335 with a minimum grade of D.
A supervised experience in which the student works for a company to gain practical experience in a students major.
Pre-req: ENGR 217 with a minimum grade of D.
This course covers project management fundamentals including project definition, project selection, project planning, estimating, scheduling, resource allocation and project control. An emphasis will be placed on building effective project teams.
Pre-req: ENGR 222 with a minimum grade of D.

Students utilize the engineering design process to complete a comprehensive engineering project that addresses a real-world problem with realistic constraints in a collaborative environment.
Pre-req: ENGR 451 with a minimum grade of D.