
About This Catalog
The Marshall University Graduate Catalog fulfills two primary functions:
- The rules and regulations, policies and procedures of the University, its divisions and its governing body, all of which apply to all students, are contained in this document. These rules apply during the publication period of the document and are subject to change during that year upon recommendation of the various divisions and approval of the president or governing body of the University.
- The Catalog contains the specific requirements for all degrees and certificates awarded by the University. These are normally in effect for a period of ten consecutive years for undergraduate degrees and certificates and seven consecutive years for graduate degrees and certificates. Students are cautioned that programs leading to licensure may be altered by the outside licensing agency and are not subject to this provision.
Catalog of Record and Degree Requirements
The online version is the official Graduate Catalog of Marshall University. It is updated annually. The online catalog that is current for the semester or term during which you are admitted to your graduate degree program is the catalog that applies to you as your “catalog of record.” To ensure that you are meeting the requirements that apply to you, please consult the online Graduate Catalog in effect for the semester or term you are admitted to your degree program.
When Marshall University or degree program requirements are changed after you begin a course of study, with the approval of your advisor, you shall have the option of fulfilling either the old or the new requirements. If you elect to fulfill the old requirement but find that necessary resources (e.g., courses, instruction in particular skills) are no longer available, you may make reasonable substitutes with the approval of your advisor and the appropriate dean. In the event you have not completed the requirements for a graduate degree seven years after the effective date of a change in degree requirements, the new requirements shall apply unless determined otherwise by the advisor and the appropriate academic dean.
Student Responsibility
Graduate students accept responsibility to remain current and informed on all regulations, policies, and procedures of their academic program and of the University.
The provisions of this catalog do not constitute a contract, expressed or implied, between any applicant or student and Marshall University. The University reserves the right to change any of the provisions, schedules, programs, courses, rules, regulations, or fees whenever University authorities deem it expedient to do so.