Engineering Geology, Emphasis

 Bison image - General Education Course

 Cap graduation image - Milestone course: a key success marker for your major. See your advisor to discuss the importance of this course in your plan of study.

The Core Curriculum is designed to foster critical thinking skills and introduce students to basic domains of thinking that transcend disciplines. The Core applies to all majors. Information on specific classes in the Core can be found at

Course Requirements

Core Curriculum
Core 1: Critical Thinking
FYS 100First Yr Sem Critical Thinking3
MTH 229 Bison image Calculus/Analytic Geom I (CT)5
Critical Thinking Course3
Core 2
ENG 101 Bison image Beginning Composition3
ENG 201 Bison image Advanced Composition3
CMM 103 Bison image  Cap graduation image Fund Speech-Communication3
MTH 229 Bison image Calculus/Analytic Geom I (CT)5
Core II Humanities3
Core II Social Science3
Core II Fine Arts3
GLY 200 Bison image  Cap graduation image
& GLY 210L Bison image
The Dynamic Earth
and Earth Materials Lab
Additional University Requirements
Writing Intensive3
Writing Intensive3
Multicultural or International3
GLY 491 Bison image Capstone Experience2-4
GLY 200 Bison image  Cap graduation image The Dynamic Earth3
GLY 210L Bison image  Cap graduation image Earth Materials Lab1
GLY 201 Bison image The Earth Through Time3
GLY 211L Bison image Earth Through Time Lab1
MTH 230 Bison image Calculus/Analytic Geom II4
CHM 211 Bison image  Cap graduation image Principles of Chemistry I3
CHM 217 Bison image Principles of Chem Lab I2
GLY 212 Cap graduation image Geologic Field Methods3
GLY 325 Cap graduation image Stratigraphy & Sediment4
GLY 314 Cap graduation image Mineralogy4
GLY 313 Cap graduation image Structural Geology4
GLY 320LGeology Lab Techniques2
GLY 330Tectonics3
or GLY 426 Geophysics
ENG 354Scientific & Tech Writing3
ENGR 111Engineering Computations3
ENGR 213Statics3
ENGR 216Mech of Deformable Bodies3
CE 322Geotechnical Engineering4
GLY 451Principles Geomorphology4
GLY 455Hydrogeology3
PHY 211 Bison image  Cap graduation image University Physics I4
PHY 202 Bison image  Cap graduation image General Physics I Laboratory1
PHY 213 Bison image University Physics II4
PHY 204 Bison image General Physics 2 Laboratory1
GLY 456 Cap graduation image Environmental Geology4
GLY 457Engineering Geology4
GLY 420Principles of Geochemistry3
GLY 455LHydrogeology Laboratory1
GLY 491 Bison image Capstone Experience2-4

Major Information

  • Students are strongly encouraged to select courses that meet two or more Core or College requirements. For example, a writing intensive literature course could satisfy the College of Science literature requirement as well as the Core II writing intensive requirement.
  • Course offerings and course attributes are subject to change each semester. Please consult each semester's schedule of courses for availability and attributes.
  • Math is based on an ACT Mathematics score of 27 or higher. Students with an ACT Mathematics score less than 27 will be placed in the appropriate mathematics and science courses.
  • The capstone experience (GLY 491 Capstone Experience) (Fall semester) is an individualized research project or internship experience requiring a written report and an oral presentation. The capstone requirement may be met alternatively by attending geology summer field camp or by completing the capstone seminar offered on demand in the spring semesters (GLY 492 Capstone Experience).

 Bison image - General Education Course

 Cap graduation image - Milestone course: a key success marker for your major. See your advisor to discuss the importance of this course in your plan of study.

Semester Plan

Programs of study offered by the Department of Geology are designed for individuals seeking a career as an earth scientist. The greatest number of geologists are employed by natural resource industries. These include metallic and nonmetallic mining companies as well as petroleum, natural gas, and coal companies. This area of specialization has its own specific curriculum and has been added to meet the increasing demand for geoscientists who are trained in the acquisition, interpretation, and use of earth materials (rock, soil, ground water) for the solution of engineering problems. The program provides geologists with specific training that will enable them to effectively interact with, and support, engineers. Its curriculum involves a heavy emphasis on math, physics, and engineering.

Plan of Study Grid
First Year
First SemesterCredit Hours
GLY 200 Bison image  Cap graduation image The Dynamic Earth 3
GLY 210L Bison image  Cap graduation image Earth Materials Lab 1
ENG 101 Bison image Beginning Composition 3
MTH 229 Bison image Calculus/Analytic Geom I (CT) 5
ENGR 111 Engineering Computations 3
UNI 100 Freshman First Class 1
 Credit Hours16
Second Semester
GLY 201 Bison image The Earth Through Time 3
GLY 211L Bison image Earth Through Time Lab 1
MTH 230 Bison image Calculus/Analytic Geom II 4
Core II Fine Arts 3
FYS 100 First Yr Sem Critical Thinking 3
 Credit Hours14
Second Year
First Semester
CHM 211 Bison image  Cap graduation image Principles of Chemistry I 3
CHM 217 Bison image Principles of Chem Lab I 2
GLY 212 Cap graduation image Geologic Field Methods 3
GLY 325 Cap graduation image Stratigraphy & Sediment 4
ENG 201 Bison image Advanced Composition 3
 Credit Hours15
Second Semester
GLY 330
or Geophysics
GLY 313 Cap graduation image Structural Geology 4
ENG 354 Scientific & Tech Writing 3
Multicultural/International 3
Writing Intensive 3
 Credit Hours16
Third Year
First Semester
GLY 314 Cap graduation image Mineralogy 4
GLY 451 Principles Geomorphology 4
Core II Social Science (CT) 3
Writing Intensive 3
 Credit Hours14
Second Semester
GLY 456 Cap graduation image Environmental Geology 4
ENGR 213 Statics 3
CMM 103 Bison image  Cap graduation image Fund Speech-Communication 3
Core II Humanities 3
GLY 420 Principles of Geochemistry 3
 Credit Hours16
Fourth Year
First Semester
ENGR 216 Mech of Deformable Bodies 3
PHY 202 Bison image  Cap graduation image General Physics I Laboratory 1
PHY 211 Bison image  Cap graduation image University Physics I 4
GLY 491 Bison image Capstone Experience 2
GLY 320L Geology Lab Techniques 2
GLY 457 Engineering Geology 4
 Credit Hours16
Second Semester
PHY 213 Bison image University Physics II 4
PHY 204 Bison image General Physics 2 Laboratory 1
GLY 455 Hydrogeology 3
GLY 455L Hydrogeology Laboratory 1
CE 322 Geotechnical Engineering 4
 Credit Hours13
 Total Credit Hours120